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Antidepressants Psychostimulants Nootropics Analeptics

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Drugs of this group are used for the treatment

of mental illness:
Neurotic and pseudoneurotic disoders, associated with stress, nervousness,

fear, anxiety.
PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGSDrugs of this group are used for the treatment of mental illness:Psychoses,Neurotic and pseudoneurotic disoders, associated

Слайд 2Antidepressants Psychostimulants Nootropics Analeptics

Antidepressants Psychostimulants  Nootropics  Analeptics

Слайд 3 Depression (from lat. deprimo - "push", "suppress") is a mental

disorder characterized by a “depressive triad”:
Decrease in moods, inability to

experience joy;
Thinking disorders, negative judgments;
Motor retardation
There are disturbances of a somatic nature (insomnia, loss of appetite, constipation, palpitations, loss of libido, impotence) also.
Depression (from lat. deprimo -

Слайд 5Therapeutic agents are divided into two groups:
Thymoleptics , possessing

a pronounced ability to re-elevate depressed mood e.g., the tricyclic

Thymeretics, having a predominant activating effect on psychomotor drive, e g., monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
Therapeutic agents are divided into two groups: Thymoleptics , possessing a pronounced ability to re-elevate depressed mood

Слайд 6Classification
A.Drugs blocking neuronal uptake of monoamines
Drugs possessing nonselective action, blocking

neuronal uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine: Imipramine; Amitriptyline
2. Drugs possessive

selective action
Blocking neuronal uptake of serotonin: Fluoxetine
Blocking neuronal uptake of norapinephrine: Maprotiline
ClassificationA.Drugs blocking neuronal uptake of monoaminesDrugs possessing nonselective action, blocking neuronal uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine: 	Imipramine;

Слайд 7B. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO)
Nonselective action (MAO-A and MAO-B inhibitors):

Selective action (MAO-A inhibitors): Moclobemide, Pirlindol (Pirazidol)

B. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO)Nonselective action (MAO-A and MAO-B inhibitors): NialamideSelective action (MAO-A inhibitors): Moclobemide, Pirlindol (Pirazidol)

Слайд 9Tricyclic antidepressants or antidepressants of nonselective action block neuronal reuptake

of serotonin and norepinephrine.
Imipramine has marked antidepressant properties, a

weak psychostimulating and sedative effects. I. blocks the presynaptic α₂-AR, serotonin (5-HT) and histamine receptors.
It blocks peripheral M-ChR, α1-AR, H1-R; it has papaverin-like effect.
Tricyclic antidepressants or antidepressants of nonselective action block neuronal reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine. Imipramine has marked

Слайд 11I. is metabolized in the liver and its metabolite (desmethylimipramine

or desipramine) is used in clinical practice as an antidepressant.

The therapeutic effect of I. sets in after 2-3 weeks.
Amitriptyline has marked sedative effect. It is connected with blockade of M-ChR and H1-R. It develops in 1-2 days.
I. is metabolized in the liver and its metabolite (desmethylimipramine or desipramine) is used in clinical practice

Слайд 12The stimulating effect is associated with the accumulation of norepinephrine

in the synapses of the reticular formation of the brain

stem. It develops 5-7 days.
Symptoms: decreased inhibition, increased reaction rate, the recovery of facial expressions.
Antidepressants have analgesic, hypothermic, antiemetic effects also.
The stimulating effect is associated with the accumulation of norepinephrine in the synapses of the reticular formation

Слайд 13Side effects of tricyclic antidepressants: tachycardia, hypotension, mydriasis, increased intraocular

pressure, impaired accommodation, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty in urination, allergic

reactions, jaundice, leukopenia.
They are contraindicated in glaucoma and hypertrophy of prostate gland.
They are not be combined with non-selective MAO inhibitors due to the risk of toxic effects. The interval between administration of 2 groups should not be less than 1.5-2 weeks.
Side effects of tricyclic antidepressants: tachycardia, hypotension, mydriasis, increased intraocular pressure, impaired accommodation, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty

Слайд 14Fluoxetine has high antidepressant activity. The effect develops gradually (1-4

It has no sedative, anticholinergic and adrenergic action. Fluoxetine

causes loss of appetite and weight reduction.
Its main adverse effects include appetite disorders (anorexia), nausea, nervousness, headache, sleeplessness, skin rashes, “serotonin syndrome” (in a case of accumulation of excessive of serotonin): psychomotor agitation, tremor, chills, hyperthermia, collapse, diarrhea.
Fluoxetine has high antidepressant activity. The effect develops gradually (1-4 weeks). It has no sedative, anticholinergic and

Слайд 15Maprotiline has antidepressant and sedative effect. It selectively blocks neuronal

uptake of norepinephrine.

Maprotiline has antidepressant and sedative effect. It selectively blocks neuronal uptake of norepinephrine.

Слайд 16MAO is a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the oxidative deamination

of biogenic amines (Adr, NA, DA, 5-HT). Two isoenzyme forms

of MAO have been identified.
MAO-A preferentially deaminates 5-HT and NA, and is inhibited by moclobemide.
MAO-B preferentially deaminates phenylethylamine and is inhibited by selegiline.
Dopamine is degraded equally by both isoenzymes.
Their distribution also differs. Peripheral adrenergic nerve endings, intestinal mucosa and human placenta contain predominantly MAO-A, while MAO-B predominates in certain areas (mainly serotonergic) of brain and in platelets.
MAO is a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the oxidative deamination of biogenic amines (Adr, NA, DA, 5-HT).

Слайд 17The active metabolites of nonselective MAO inhibitors inactivate the enzyme

irreversibly. The drugs themselves stay in the body for relatively

short periods, but their effects last for 2–3 weeks after discontinuation.
Return of MAO activity depends on synthesis of fresh enzyme; tissue monoamine levels remain elevated long after the drug has been largely eliminated.
The active metabolites of nonselective MAO inhibitors inactivate the enzyme irreversibly. The drugs themselves stay in the

Слайд 18These drugs inhibit a number of other enzymes and interact

with many food constituents and drugs (tricyclic antidepressants, Levodopa) .

reaction. Certain varieties of cheese, beer, wines, pickled meat and fish, contain large quantities of tyramine, dopa, etc. In MAO inhibited patients these indirectly acting sympathomimetic amines escape degradation in the intestinal wall and liver → reaching into systemic circulation they displace and release large amounts of NA from transmitter loaded adrenergic nerve endings → hypertensive crisis, cerebrovascular accidents.
These drugs inhibit a number of other enzymes and interact with many food constituents and drugs (tricyclic

Слайд 19Moclobemide is a reversible and selective MAO-A inhibitor with short

duration of action; full MAO activity is restored within 1–2

days of stopping the drug. Assignment does not require a special diet.
Adverse effects are nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, rarely excitement and liver damage.
Moclobemide is a reversible and selective MAO-A inhibitor with short duration of action; full MAO activity is

Слайд 20Pirazidolum is a tricyclic compound, a derivative of indole.

effect of pirazidolum can occur together with sedative (on the

background of anxiety, nervousness) or stimulating (on the background of depression) effects, depending on the patient’ condition.
The mechanism of its antidepressant effect is linked to the reversible inhibition of MAO-A and neuronal uptake of norepinephrine.
The drug is well tolerated.
Pirazidolum is a tricyclic compound, a derivative of indole. Antidepressant effect of pirazidolum can occur together with

Слайд 21Indication for use of Antidepressants:
Depression with motor excitation, aggressiveness, delirium;

with lethargy, apathy;
Chronic somatic diseases with depressive component (diabetes

mellitus, neurodermatitis, cancer, heart failure, myocardial infarction);
Chronic pain symptoms accompanied by depression: migraine, cardialgia, back pain, pain in cancer;
Indication for use of Antidepressants:Depression with motor excitation, aggressiveness, delirium;D. with lethargy, apathy; Chronic somatic diseases with

Слайд 22Psychostimulants-drugs that increase physical and mental performance, restoring functional activity

in fatigue, apathy, psychomotor retardation in hypochondria.
Phenylalkylamine derivative- Amphetamine (Phenamine)

Sydnonimin derivative - Mesocarb
Methylxanthine derivative - Caffeine
Adamantane derivatives - Bromantan

Psychostimulants-drugs that increase physical and mental performance, restoring functional activity in fatigue, apathy, psychomotor retardation in hypochondria.Phenylalkylamine

Слайд 23They have an exciting effect on the cerebral cortex, reticular

formation, thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system.
They increase the release of dopamine,

serotonin, norepinephrine, reduce neuronal uptake of mediators, block MAO. They indirectly stimulate adrenergic receptors.
They decrease fatigue, drowsiness, need for sleep, improve vision, hearing, smell, touch. They cause the desire to work, ↑ initiative, physical and mental performance, memory, improve mood.
They have an exciting effect on the cerebral cortex, reticular formation, thalamus, hypothalamus, limbic system.They increase the

Слайд 24Amphetamine acts quickly and strongly after 30-60 minutes.
It affects

the food center located in hypothalamus and inhibits hunger.

stimulates the respiratory center (as an analeptic).
It affects the peripheral innervations.
Adverse effects: hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia, nausea, chill, giddiness, excitation, anxiety, sleeplessness, euphoria, drug dependence and tolerance. Thus, it is not used now in medical practice.

Amphetamine acts quickly and strongly after 30-60 minutes. It affects the food center located in hypothalamus and

Слайд 25Mesocarb does not work in the area of dopaminergic synapses.

It acts gently after 2-3 days.
It does not cause anorexigenic

It weakly increases blood pressure.
Does not cause euphoria.
It is used for asthenia, depression, narcolepsy, enuresis, neuroses, after encephalitis, meningitis, abstinence. It is used together with Bromantan.
Side effects: excitation, anxiety, sleeplessness, slight rise in arterial pressure.
Mesocarb does not work in the area of dopaminergic synapses. It acts gently after 2-3 days.It does

Слайд 26There are 2 main groups of methylxanthines. Caffeine is 3-methylxanthine,

but theophylline and aminophylline are 2-methylxanthine.
Mechanism of action of

Blockade of adenosine receptors
Blockade of phosphodiesterase, which leads to the accumulation of cAMP
Increased output of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, acetylcholine)
There are 2 main groups of methylxanthines. Caffeine is 3-methylxanthine, but theophylline and aminophylline are 2-methylxanthine. Mechanism

Слайд 27Adenosine is intermediate metabolite produced from cAMP under the influence

of enzyme PDE (phosphodiesterase).
Adenosine is endogenous ligand (neuromediator) of A1

and A2 receptors localized in the CNS and on periphery.
Adenosine is inhibitory neuromediator of the CNS. The activation of adenosine receptors causes inhibition, sleepiness, a sense of tiredness.

Adenosine is intermediate metabolite produced from cAMP under the influence of enzyme PDE (phosphodiesterase).Adenosine is endogenous ligand

Слайд 29Caffeine is alkaloid contained in tea leaves, beans of coffee,

cacao, cola.

Caffeine is alkaloid contained in tea leaves, beans of coffee, cacao, cola.

Слайд 30It produces the following central effects, - psychotropic and non-psychotropic

Psychotropic effect - psychostimulant effect (direct stimulating action on

brain cortex): it increases mood, temporarily relieves tiredness and sleepiness, stimulates cognitive activity, increases mental and physical efficiency, motor activity and shortens reaction time.
Non-psychotropic ones (analeptic (life-enhancing) effect) –stimulates vagus, respiratory and vasomotor center of medulla oblongata and activates respiration and cardiovascular system.
It produces the following central effects, - psychotropic and non-psychotropic ones: Psychotropic effect - psychostimulant effect (direct

Слайд 31Caffeine has both central and peripheral
action. These effects can be

1.Action on the heart
Direct - stimulant due to direct

action on
adenosine receptors of myocardium (increase in
rate and contractility)
Central - inhibitory (action on vagus center).
2.Action on vascular tone and BP
Direct myotropic spasmolytic action on
smooth muscles of blood vessels (inhibition of
PDE and increase in cAMP) - dilation of
Central action (activation of vasomotor
center) - narrowing of vessels

Caffeine has both central and peripheralaction. These effects can be opposite.1.Action on the heart Direct - stimulant

Слайд 32Final Caffeine action on vessels is determined by their initial

state and depends on their localization.
Coronary blood vessels, renal

artery, skeletal muscle blood vessels are mainly dilated.
Cerebral blood vessels are narrowed more frequently. So Caffeine is effective in migraine.
Commonly Caffeine does not change or little increase normal BP.
It increases BP at hypotension.
High of doses can stimulate release of adrenalin from adrenals and increase BP.

Final Caffeine action on vessels is determined by their initial state and depends on their localization. Coronary

Слайд 33Cafeine has bronchodilatory action (direct myotropic spasmolytic).
Dimethylxanthines (aminophylline, teophylline, theobromine)

have mainly peripheral action.
Caffeine increases diuresis because it dilates renal

arteries and increases filtration
Caffeine stimulates secretion of pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid.
Caffeine stimulates glycogenolysis and lipolysis.
Cafeine has bronchodilatory action (direct myotropic spasmolytic).Dimethylxanthines (aminophylline, teophylline, theobromine) have mainly peripheral action.Caffeine increases diuresis because

Слайд 35Indications: C. is used to stimulate cognitive activity, in fatigue,

migraine, headaches (together with non-narcotic analgesics) and hypotension.
The side effects:

tolerance, psychological dependence (theism), nausea, vomiting, anxiety, excitation, sleeplessness, paradoxical sleepiness, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias.
Indications: C. is used to stimulate cognitive activity, in fatigue, migraine, headaches (together with non-narcotic analgesics) and

Слайд 36Nootropic drugs (Greek noos – mind, thinking, tropos – direction,

relativity) - cognition enhancers.
They are able to activate higher

psychic functions of brain (memory, learning, mental activity).
They influence on metabolism in brain (neurometabolic stimulants).

Nootropic drugs (Greek noos – mind, thinking, tropos – direction, relativity) - cognition enhancers. They are able

Слайд 37Derivatives of pyrrolidone (a cyclic derivative of GABA) - Piracetam,

GABA derivatives – Phenibut
Derivatives of aminoacetic acid - Glycine

analog of the fragment ACTH – Semax
Preparation of plant origin - Ginkgo biloba leaf extract (Bilobil, Tanakan)
Derivatives of pyrrolidone (a cyclic derivative of GABA) - Piracetam, PhenotropilGABA derivatives – Phenibut Derivatives of aminoacetic

Слайд 38Nootropic effect:
Improving learning and memory-in the pathology of vascular, traumatic,

infectious, toxic genesis and aging.
Strengthening of brain functions after loss

- recovery and stabilization of mental functions (amnesia, speech loss after stroke)
Facilitation of interhemispheric and intrahemispheric communication.
Increasing the tone of the cerebral cortex.
Nootropic effect:Improving learning and memory-in the pathology of vascular, traumatic, infectious, toxic genesis and aging.Strengthening of brain

Слайд 39Stimulating effect: Piracetam, Phenotropil, Piriditol
Sedative-tranquilizing effect: Phenibut, Glycine
Anti-asthenic (Phenibut, Phenotropil)

angioprotective (Bilobil, Tanakan)
Adaptogenic and anti-psychotic

Stimulating effect: Piracetam, Phenotropil, PiriditolSedative-tranquilizing effect: Phenibut, GlycineAnticonvulsantSomnolentAnti-asthenic (Phenibut, Phenotropil)VasovegetativeAntiplatelet, angioprotective (Bilobil, Tanakan)Adaptogenic and anti-psychotic

Слайд 40The main mechanisms of nootropic drug action
Stimulate energetic and

plastic processes;
Increase activity of enzymes of respiratory chain and tricarboxylic

acid cycle (Krebs cycle);
Increase uptake and consumption of glucose by brain cells;
Increase ATP synthesis;
Increase the resistance of brain cells to adverse factors, including hypoxia
Improve blood supply of brain;
Increase synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids and membrane phospholipids;
Stabilize damaged cell membranes, reduce the formation of free radicals.

The main mechanisms of nootropic drug action Stimulate energetic and plastic processes;Increase activity of enzymes of respiratory

Слайд 41Indications for the use
Mental disorders of children: developmental delay, cerebral

palsy, birth trauma;
Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, post-stroke states, encephalopathy;
Brain injury;

dementia, depression, asthenia;
Neurotic conditions, severe stress with fatigue, violation of social adaptation;
Coma (vascular, traumatic or toxic etiology).
Indications for the useMental disorders of children: developmental delay, cerebral palsy, birth trauma;Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, post-stroke

Слайд 42They are used for long courses. They are injected and

administered orally. Effect develops slowly.
They are well tolerated but can


They are used for long courses. They are injected and administered orally. Effect develops slowly.They are well

Слайд 43ANALEPTICS (Respiratory stimulants)
Direct acting drugs: Caffeine, Bemegrid
Direct and reflex action

(through carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors): Doxapram, Camphor, Nikethamide (25%

solution of nicotinic acid diethylamide)
Reflex action (through carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors): Cytisine, Lobeline

ANALEPTICS (Respiratory stimulants)ClassificationDirect acting drugs: Caffeine, BemegridDirect and reflex action (through carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors): Doxapram,

Слайд 44Effects
Excitation of the respiratory center - ↑ frequency and depth

of breathing
Excitation of vasomotor center - ↑ vascular tone, elevation

of blood pressure;
Stimulation of the cerebral cortex (only in high doses) - awakening and convulsive effect;
Cardiac stimulating effect (Caffeine, Camphor);
Locally irritating effect (Camphor).
The most powerful respiratory analeptic – Bemegrid
EffectsExcitation of the respiratory center - ↑ frequency and depth of breathingExcitation of vasomotor center - ↑

Слайд 46Indications for the use
Overdose of sleeping pills and anesthetics (only

direct analeptics are effective);
Collapse of the Central Genesis;
Acute heart failure

(Caffeine, Camphor);
The easing breathing in infectious diseases and during convalescence, in shock, asphyxia (severe breathing disorders);
Asphyxia of newborns;
Locally as an irritant (Camphor).
Indications for the useOverdose of sleeping pills and anesthetics (only direct analeptics are effective);Collapse of the Central

Слайд 47Camphor has a local action - irritation of the skin

and mucous membranes (distracting, trophic effect). It is used with

bedsores, myalgia, arthritis.
In addition, camphor has expectorant, deodorizing, and antimicrobial (anti-pneumococcal) effect.
Side effects of analeptics: nausea and vomiting; convulsion; restlessness, dizziness, insomnia; infiltrates (oleomas), pain at the injection site; allergic reaction.
Camphor has a local action - irritation of the skin and mucous membranes (distracting, trophic effect). It

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