Разделы презентаций

Р reparing for an interview

Job vacancy

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Рreparing for an interview
Bogdanova Aleksandra

Рreparing for an interviewBogdanova Aleksandra

Слайд 2Job vacancy

Job vacancy

Слайд 3CV
Bogdanova Alexandra
Bogdanova_aleksandra@mail.com, 832323242232
Russia, Moscow

Professional teacher

of drawing and technical drawing, with experience in schools, clubs

and children's summer camps. Master of arts and crafts of a wide profile.

Pedagogical College № 16 (September 2010 - July 2014)
Moscow City Pedagogical University (September 2014-July 2017)
Moscow Pedagogical State University (September 2018 - present)
Courses on manufacturing "cloisonne enamel" in Georgia (July 2010)

Children summer camp "Lukomorye"
- June 2016
Leader, responsible for creative work.
Children's Art Gallery "Izopark"
- September 2017 - present time
Teacher leading junior groups (4-6 years old)

• I took additional courses from a jeweler from Georgia, working with the technique of "cloisonne enamel".
• Knowledge of graphic programs: Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, AutoCAD, SAI

CVBogdanova Alexandra Bogdanova_aleksandra@mail.com, 832323242232 Russia, Moscow PERSONAL PROFILE Professional teacher of drawing and technical drawing, with experience

Слайд 4cover letter

cover letter

Слайд 5To make a prtfolio

To make a prtfolio

Слайд 6Job Interview Tips
Five positive tips for the interview.


To follow dress code
Be polite, confident and

Use the information obtained from the vacancy announcement
Do not be distracted by extraneous things.

Five negative tips job interview:

Do not be intrusive
Behave rudely
Behave unsure and not professional
Come to a deadline, be late for an interview
Do not turn off the phone, get distracted by it

Job Interview Tips Five positive tips for the interview. Be punctual To follow dress code Be polite,

Слайд 7Questions for job interview
Tell us about your achievements in the

previous place.
What exactly did you do at your previous

What is your last major project?
Why should we hire you? What makes you different from other candidates?
Why did you choose this specialty?
How do you spend your free time?
Do you have bad habits?
What problems do you most often have to solve in your work?
What are your strengths?
Why do you want to work with us?

Questions for job interviewTell us about your achievements in the previous place. What exactly did you do

Слайд 8Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!

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