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Religion as a culture

CULTURE + RELIGIONCulture is a term with many layers. It can be applied to the customs, traditions, and expressions of the people within a particular geography, and at the same time

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Слайд 1Religion as a culture
Made by: Ibirkhanov A.N.

Religion as a cultureMade by: Ibirkhanov A.N.

Culture is a term with many layers. It

can be applied to the customs, traditions, and expressions of

the people within a particular geography, and at the same time it can apply to the customs and expressions of people across all geographies, but centered around a certain activity, or a certain kind of music or art. Even age-groups can define a culture.
CULTURE + RELIGIONCulture is a term with many layers. It can be applied to the customs, traditions,

Слайд 3Religion is sometimes a central element of culture. In many

indigenous populations for example, culture is essentially an expression of

religious beliefs.
Religion is sometimes a central element of culture. In many indigenous populations for example, culture is essentially

Слайд 4Difference between Culture and Religion

Difference between Culture and Religion

Слайд 5Main Difference
The main difference between culture and religion is that

culture is based on the shared values of human being,

its tend to be manmade while religion is wholly associated with the God, The Creator and most of the religion in the world claims their religion come from God side.
Main DifferenceThe main difference between culture and religion is that culture is based on the shared values

Слайд 6Culture is the shared values of knowledge, belief, thoughts, customs,

ideas, habits, and many other relevant things that are common

between the members of a specific society.

Religion means the organised collection of beliefs, myths, and world views that related humanity with each other to an order of existence. Many religions have their own narratives, and symbols that explain the meaning, and origin of life or universe in their own way.



Culture is the shared values of knowledge, belief, thoughts, customs, ideas, habits, and many other relevant things

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