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s evastopol state university

1. Introduction 2. Football today 3. Greats clubs 4. Stadium 5. football in sevastopol 6. beach soccer 7. futsal 8. children football CONTENTS

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Слайд 1sevastopol state university
subjekt: English
student Пофк/м-1-3
Zasuha Sergey

sevastopol state universitysubjekt: Englishstudent Пофк/м-1-3Zasuha Sergey

Слайд 21. Introduction 2. Football today 3. Greats clubs 4. Stadium 5. football in sevastopol 6.

beach soccer 7. futsal 8. children football

1. Introduction 2. Football today 3. Greats clubs 4. Stadium 5. football in sevastopol 6. beach soccer

Слайд 3Football is a most popular game in our world. They

start playing football at the age of 7. Every city

in the world has football training Each country has its own football championship. The most powerful football countries are Germany, Brazil, Spain, Argentina, Italy.
Football is a most popular game in our world. They start playing football at the age of

Слайд 4 Today, football is in distress due to a pandemic. In

Europe, all countries have banned fans from attending football matches.

In Russia, 10 percent of fans are allowed into the stands. Many football clubs have reduced the salaries of their players so as not to go bankrupt
Today, football is in distress due to a pandemic. In Europe, all countries have banned fans

Слайд 5The most powerful football club in Europe Real Madrid. Real

Madrid won the European tournament 13 times. In Spain, Real

Madrid is fighting against its eternal rival Barcelona. These two clubs are the richest clubs in the world.
The most powerful football club in Europe Real Madrid. Real Madrid won the European tournament 13 times.

Слайд 6 Here is the stadium in the city of Krasnodar. One

of the most beautiful stadiums in our country. His attendance

is 35 thousand people.
Here is the stadium in the city of Krasnodar. One of the most beautiful stadiums in

Слайд 7The largest stadium in the world of Maracana. Its attendance

is 105 thousand people. It is located in Brazil

The largest stadium in the world of Maracana. Its attendance is 105 thousand people. It is located

Слайд 8Football in Sevastopol is going through hard times. Due to

European sanctions, Crimean teams cannot play the championship of Russia.

Therefore, in Crimea they created their own Crimean tournament, but its level is very weak.
Football in Sevastopol is going through hard times. Due to European sanctions, Crimean teams cannot play the

Слайд 9Beach soccer is also common in the world. There are

other rules of the game in this sport, but the

meaning remains the same.
Beach soccer is also common in the world. There are other rules of the game in this

Слайд 10Futsal is very connected with regular football because tournaments in

children's football are often played on small football fields.

Futsal is very connected with regular football because tournaments in children's football are often played on small

Слайд 11 All developed countries invest a lot of money in children's

football. Because football has become not only a sport but

also a very big business.
All developed countries invest a lot of money in children's football. Because football has become not

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