Разделы презентаций

School film festival Russian Angels

My name is Mariia and her name is Angelina. We can help you to organize your ownEVENT

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1School film festival


School film festivalRussian Angels

Слайд 2My name is Mariia
and her name is Angelina.

We can help you
to organize your own

My name is Mariia and her name is Angelina.  We can help you to organize your

Referee and staff + celebrity 905.000 ₽
Invitations (2 weeks before the

event) 4.250 ₽
Venue (3 month before the event) 200.000 ₽
Awards 17.250 ₽

expenses (decorations, advertising) 800.000 ₽
BUDGETReferee and staff + celebrity 905.000 ₽Invitations  (2 weeks before the event) 4.250 ₽Venue  (3

Слайд 4Celebrity
Is one of the Most famous Russian showman that’s

why his services are really expensive (800,000₽). He will be

the host of our festival.

Dmitri Nagiev

Celebrity    Is one of the Most famous Russian showman that’s why his services are

Слайд 5To do list
Find sponsors (2 week) Send out requests for prize

nominations (8 month) deadline (5 weeks after requests sent out) Print invitations

(3 weeks) Book venue (3 month before the event) Produce and print programmes (4 weeks) Send out Programmes (9 weeks before the event) Contact TV chains about filming awards (as soon as the date is known) Decorate venue (1 week) Advertise event on TV (6 month before the event)
To do listFind sponsors (2 week) Send out requests for prize nominations (8 month) deadline (5 weeks

Слайд 6Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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