Разделы презентаций

Schwa is the name for the most common sound in English. It is a weak,

'a', as in about, agree [əˈbaʊt]'e', as in taken, [ˈteɪkən]'i', as in pencil [ˈpɛnsəl]'o', as in memory [ˈmɛməri]'u', as in supply [səˈplaɪ]Еarlier, teacher, cooker, soldier, writer – оканчиваются на [ə].

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Schwa is the name for the most common sound in

It is a weak, unstressed sound and it occurs

in many words.
It often sounds in grammar words such as articles and prepositions.

The phonemic symbol for this sound is [ə].
Schwa is the name for the most common sound in English. It is a weak, unstressed sound

Слайд 2'a', as in about, agree [əˈbaʊt]
'e', as in taken, [ˈteɪkən]

as in pencil [ˈpɛnsəl]
'o', as in memory [ˈmɛməri]
'u', as in

supply [səˈplaɪ]
Еarlier, teacher, cooker, soldier, writer – оканчиваются на [ə].

'a', as in about, agree [əˈbaʊt]'e', as in taken, [ˈteɪkən]'i', as in pencil [ˈpɛnsəl]'o', as in memory

Слайд 4There was a call for you
[ðəwəz ə kɔ:l fə


There was a call for you [ðəwəz ə kɔ:l fə jə]

Слайд 51. I like a cup of tea in the morning.

laɪk ə kʌp əv tiː ɪn ðə ˈmɔːnɪŋ]

1. I like a cup of tea in the morning.[aɪ laɪk ə kʌp əv tiː ɪn ðə

Слайд 62. Could you get me a packet of biscuits?
[kʊd juː

get miː ə ˈpækɪt əv ˈbɪskɪts]

2. Could you get me a packet of biscuits?[kʊd juː get miː ə ˈpækɪt əv ˈbɪskɪts]  

Слайд 73. I had an apple for lunch today.
[aɪ hæd ən

ˈæpl fə lʌnʧ təˈdeɪ]

3. I had an apple for lunch today.[aɪ hæd ən ˈæpl fə lʌnʧ təˈdeɪ]

Слайд 8Will you tell me your name?
I will tell you my

I will not tell you my name.

Will you tell me your name?I will tell you my name.I will not tell you my name.

Слайд 9FUTURE SIMPLE will + V


Слайд 10Маркеры времени Future Simple

soon (скоро)
later (позже)
tomorrow (завтра)
tonight (вечером)
next week (на

следующей неделе)
next year (на будущий год)
in a month (через месяц)

three days (через три дня)
in 2020 (в 2020 году)
Маркеры времени Future Simplesoon (скоро)later (позже)tomorrow (завтра)tonight (вечером)next week (на следующей неделе)next year (на будущий год)in a

Слайд 13Foxes eat hens.
(for things that are always true)


Foxes eat hens. (for things that are always true)FUTURE  SIMPLEPAST  SIMPLEPRESENT  SIMPLE

Слайд 15I will take my History exam next Monday.

I will take my History exam next Monday.

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