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Siarhei Mikhalok

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Слайд 1Siarhei Mikhalok

Siarhei Mikhalok

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Слайд 3Вiography Siarhei Mikhalok
Siarhei Mikhalok
Belarusian singer, poet and songwriter, founder, leader

and main ideologist of the Belarusian team "Liapis Trubetskoy". In

September 2014 - the leader of the musical group «Brutto». He was born on 19 January 1972 in the city of Dresden. Mikhalok graduated from the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts.
Вiography Siarhei MikhalokSiarhei MikhalokBelarusian singer, poet and songwriter, founder, leader and main ideologist of the Belarusian team

Слайд 4The group was formed in September 1989 and gave its

first concert at the festival "Colera ters" in Minsk. The

leader from the start became a student of the Belarusian Institute of Culture Sergey Mikhalok.

The group "Liapis Trubetskoy" was formed in September 1989 and gave its first concert at the festival "Colera ters" in Minsk. The leader from the start became a student of the Belarusian Institute of Culture Sergey Mikhalok. Belarusian punk rock band, named after the hero of the comic novel by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov "The Twelve Chairs“. In March 2011, a group of "Liapis Trubetskoy" included in the "black list" of creative collectives of Belarus protest December 19, 2010. March 17, 2014, Sergei Mikhalok announced the dissolution of the group, and 31 August Group ceased operations and was divided into two teams: «Brutto» and «Trubetskoy».

The group was formed in September 1989 and gave its first concert at the festival

Слайд 5Thank you for your time.

Thank you for your time.

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