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Sioux Tribe Presentation made by 11th and 9th grade students Of Newcomb Central

ёSioux TribePresentation made by11’s and 9’s grade studentsOf Newcomb Central School Valov Timofey and Pol Gil2018

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Sioux Tribe
Presentation made by
11th and 9th grade students
Of Newcomb Central

Valov Timofey and Pol Gil Pla

Sioux TribePresentation made by11th and 9th grade studentsOf Newcomb Central School Valov Timofey and Pol Gil Pla2018

Слайд 2ё
Sioux Tribe
Presentation made by
11’s and 9’s grade students
Of Newcomb Central

Valov Timofey and Pol Gil

ёSioux TribePresentation made by11’s and 9’s grade studentsOf Newcomb Central School Valov Timofey and Pol Gil2018

Слайд 3Where they live and history

Where they live and history

Слайд 4Where they live and history

Where they live and history

Слайд 5● bison
● turkey
● roots
● wild vegetables and fruits
● berries



● bison● turkey● roots● wild vegetables and fruits ● berriesSioux food

Слайд 6Sioux food
● bison
● turkey
● roots
● wild vegetables and fruits


Tepees, made from wood and bison skin
Sioux houses

Sioux food● bison● turkey● roots● wild vegetables and fruits ● berriesTepees, made from wood and bison skinSioux

Слайд 7Sioux houses
Tepees, made from wood and bison skin

Sioux housesTepees, made from wood and bison skin

Слайд 8Sioux clothes
● Originally bison and deer skin

● Lines, geometry, drawings

Long hair

Sioux clothes● Originally bison and deer skin● Lines, geometry, drawings● Long hair

Слайд 9Sioux clothes
● Originally bison and deer skin

● Lines, geometry, drawings

Long hair

Sioux clothes● Originally bison and deer skin● Lines, geometry, drawings● Long hair

Слайд 11Sioux story

Sioux story

Слайд 12Sioux today

Sioux today

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