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SIW Module: “Respiratory system” Theme: “Respiration at hot climate”

PLAN:IntroductionThe main partConclusionList of references

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1SIW Module: “Respiratory system” Theme: “Respiration at hot climate”

SIW Module: “Respiratory system” Theme: “Respiration at hot climate”

Слайд 2PLAN:
The main part
List of references

PLAN:IntroductionThe main partConclusionList of references

Слайд 3Introduction
Respiration- is a physiological process required for normal energy metabolism

(metabolism and energy) living organisms and help maintain homeostasis (constant

internal environment), receiving from the environment the oxygen (O2) and transferring into the environment in gaseous state some of the metabolic products of the organism (CO2, H2O, and others).
IntroductionRespiration- is a physiological process required for normal energy metabolism (metabolism and energy) living organisms and help

In conditions of high ambient temperatures (at

least summer) is home to about half of the population.

In addition, a significant portion of the population is forced to face the action of high temperatures due to their professional need, migration and living conditions.
RESPIRATION AT HIGH TEMPERATURESIn conditions of high ambient temperatures (at least summer) is home to about half

Слайд 5During thermal stress, a compensatory increase in respiratory rate and

tidal volume

increase MOD and alveolar ventilation, and the considerable hyperventilation contributes to the washout of CO2, which in turn, moves the blood pH to the alkaline side. In this regard, hypocapnia and respiratory alkalosis are the permanent signs of overheating in the human body.
Under conditions of prolonged overheating of the body, the change of pulmonary respiration in humans is reduced to a minimum, because it does not have the mechanism of thermal shortness of breath, so sharply distinct from most mammals and birds. The main load in this case assumes the cardiovascular system, blood, and tissue metabolism.
During thermal stress, a compensatory increase in respiratory rate and tidal volume

Слайд 6The basic human reaction to heat the redistribution of blood

between "core" and "shell" of the body due to the

expansion of peripheral blood vessels, predominantly of the skin and vasoconstriction of the splanchnic area (liver, gastrointestinal tract), kidney and skeletal muscle.
The basic human reaction to heat the redistribution of blood between

Слайд 7The result of this reaction improves the heat transfer and

a simultaneous decrease in O2 delivery to the internal organs

with a high level of metabolic processes and short-term reduces the rate of consumption of O2. In the future, the development of circulatory hypoxia of organs and tissues starts a cascade of processes, leading to an increased consumption of O2
The result of this reaction improves the heat transfer and a simultaneous decrease in O2 delivery to

Слайд 8The scheme of sequential development of the process of increasing

consumption of O2 during an acute heat exposure

The scheme of sequential development of the process of increasing consumption of O2 during an acute heat

Слайд 9Short-term adaptation
Short-term adaptation to high ambient temperature is naturally accompanied

by a comprehensive change in the functioning of the respiratory,

cardiovascular system and blood system.
Changes in the functioning of the respiratory system affect the processes of diffusion and transport of gases under thermal influence.
• Diffusion capacity of the lungs by the action of heat for the most part is normal or slightly reduced due to the reduction of blood flow in the lungs.
• The oxygen capacity of hemoglobin and the transport of respiratory gases by the blood remain within normal limits.
• The permeability of the capillaries of peripheral tissues when exposed to heat increases, and a significant expansion and a halfnecrobia they provide increased rate of consumption of O2 tissue "sheath" of heat.• In the core (mainly in the liver, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys) O2 consumption decreases due to reduced blood flow.
Short-term adaptationShort-term adaptation to high ambient temperature is naturally accompanied by a comprehensive change in the functioning

Слайд 10Conclusion
Acclimatization in a hot climate may be accompanied by loss

of appetite, disorder of the intestine, sleep disorders, reduced resistance

to infectious diseases. Marked functional deviations caused by the violation of water-salt exchange. Reduced muscle tone, increased sweating, decreased urination, increase in breathing, pulse, etc.
ConclusionAcclimatization in a hot climate may be accompanied by loss of appetite, disorder of the intestine, sleep

Слайд 11List of references:

List of references:http://vmede.org/sait/?page=9&id=Gigiena_ecologiya_grigoreva_2008&menu=Gigiena_ecologiya_grigoreva_2008http://naukarus.com/mehanizm-teploperenosa-v-razlichnyh-oblastyah-tela-chelovekahttp://mrmarker.ru/p/page.php?id=5079https://ru.wikipedia.org/

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