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SIW “The role of serological tumor markers in the diagnosis and control of

PlanIntroductionTumors markersDiagnostics of recurrence diseaseClassification of tumor markersApplication of test resultsConclusionList of references

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Слайд 1SIW “The role of serological tumor markers in the diagnosis and

control of tumor processes”

SIW “The role of serological tumor markers in the diagnosis and control of tumor processes”

Слайд 2Plan
Tumors markers
Diagnostics of recurrence disease
Classification of tumor markers
Application of test

List of references

PlanIntroductionTumors markersDiagnostics of recurrence diseaseClassification of tumor markersApplication of test resultsConclusionList of references

Слайд 3Introduction
Tumor markers are a kind of beacons. With their help,

doctors determine the extent and further development of the disease,

the level of remission, and the method of treatment. To date, there are about one hundred known tumor markers in the world, but in practice there are only several species.
IntroductionTumor markers are a kind of beacons. With their help, doctors determine the extent and further development

Слайд 4Tumor markers
are substances that have a complex chemical structure.

They are found in large quantities in the diagnosis of

cancer in Israel in the human body with cancer. Screening for tumor markers is strongly recommended for those patients who are at increased risk of developing the disease. This cancer diagnosis is able to detect cancer in the early stages.
Tumor markers are substances that have a complex chemical structure. They are found in large quantities in

Слайд 5Diagnostics of recurrence disease
Cancers are capable of metastasis and relapse

(recurrence). Determining the rate of decrease or increase in a

tumor marker makes it possible to find out exactly whether there is a process of metastasis in the body and evaluate the course of treatment. For an oncologist, the dynamics of change in the number of tumor markers is of more interest than detection. Israeli doctors determine the formation of metastases even six months before their manifestation. If, after the operation and the course of treatment, the reduction in the number of tumor markers has not decreased, then this means only one thing - the chosen treatment regimen is ineffective, and the oncologist can correct it in time, which has a great role in the treatment of cancer.
Diagnostics of recurrence diseaseCancers are capable of metastasis and relapse (recurrence). Determining the rate of decrease or

Слайд 6Classification of tumor markers
immunological - tumor-associated antigens or antibodies to

hormones - (hCG, adrenocorticotropic hormone);
enzymes - phosphatases, lactate dehydrogenases, etc

metabolic products - creatine, hydroxyproline, polyamines, free DNA;
blood plasma proteins - ferritin, ceruloplasmin, β2-microglobulin;
protein products of tumor breakdown.
Classification of tumor markersimmunological - tumor-associated antigens or antibodies to them;hormones - (hCG, adrenocorticotropic hormone);enzymes - phosphatases,

Слайд 7Laboratory diagnosis of tumors is based on the use of

sensitive tumor-specific (tumor-associated) tumor markers in order to diagnose and

monitor the course of the disease. These tumor markers include a large group of factors found in malignant and associated with malignant growth of cells. They are macromolecules, mainly proteins with a carbohydrate or lipid component.

From compounds produced by normal cells, they differ either qualitatively (tumor-specific) or quantitatively (associated with a tumor, but also present in normal cells). They form inside or on the surface of tumor cells, or as a result of induction they form in other cells. Some of the tumor markers are secreted into the blood, so that their concentration can be determined using enzyme immunoassay.
Laboratory diagnosis of tumors is based on the use of sensitive tumor-specific (tumor-associated) tumor markers in order

Слайд 8Application of test results
monitoring the course of the disease and

the effectiveness of the treatment, radio, chemotherapy and hormone therapy,

surgical treatment, the appointment, if necessary, of a different therapy regimen, obtaining prognostic information.
in combination with other diagnostic methods, early differential diagnosis of a tumor
With regular monitoring of the level of tumor markers, informative for a tumor of a specific location, metastases can be detected 4-6 months before their clinical detection.

Application of test resultsmonitoring the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment, radio, chemotherapy

Слайд 9According to WHO, recommended sampling intervals for analysis are:
Once a

month during the first year after treatment
1 time in 2

months during the second year after treatment,
Once every 3 months during the third year of observation.
According to WHO, recommended sampling intervals for analysis are:Once a month during the first year after treatment1

Слайд 10Types of cancer and their oncomarkers
Tumor marker ovarian tumor
Nearly 70%

of patients with ovarian cancer at the time of diagnosis

are stage III or IV, since the clinical picture of the disease has been obliterated.
oncofetal antigens (alpha-fetoprotein and chorionic gonadotropin) and
tumor-associated antigens (CA125, CA19-9).
In addition, it was shown that macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) is detected in almost 70% of patients with ovarian cancer.

Cancer of cervical cancer

In recent decades, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of uterine cancer (CC). The cervix is ​​covered with stratified squamous epithelium which originates from the urogenital sinus. 90% of cervical malignant diseases are squamous cervical cancer. In squamous cervical cancer, squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCA) is one of the most informative markers used to monitor the course of the disease, evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, prognosis, and preclinical detection of recurrence.

A relapse-free survival period also correlates with SCCA levels. A high level of SCCA before the start of treatment is an indicator of a poor prognosis, a factor influencing the decision to conduct adjuvant therapy. Specific tissue polypeptide (Tissue Polypeptide Specific antigen, TPS) and cancer embryonic antigen (CEA) are also characterized by relatively high sensitivity for cervical cancer, and their combined use may have advantages in patients with early stages of the tumor process.

Types of cancer and their oncomarkersTumor marker ovarian tumorNearly 70% of patients with ovarian cancer at the

Слайд 11Breast cancer tumor marker
The risk of its development increases, especially

in old age. It is extremely difficult to establish micrometastases

in the lymph nodes and distant organs using conventional clinical methods, and therefore it becomes important to identify tumor markers for the diagnosis of breast cancer in the initial stages, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and early detection of recurrence and metastasis.
These are CA15-3 - a marker with rather high specificity for breast cancer and a group of oncofetal antigens - carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA), ferritin, β2-microglobulin.
Oncofetal antigens are not specific for tumor cells, but their definition can be used to assess the prognosis and early diagnosis of distant metastases. In some patients, an increase in the concentration of any marker in the blood was found within 1-10 months. before clinical detection of recurrence or metastasis. Combined determination of the level of CEA and TPA in the blood of patients with breast cancer increases the accuracy of assessing the effectiveness of treatment and prognosis. Determination of serum ferritin level in breast cancer can be used to diagnose metastases - the concentration of protein in the blood is significantly increased in the presence of breast cancer metastases, especially in the liver.
The proteolytic enzymes urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and its type 1 inhibitor (PAI-1) play an important role in the process of tumor invasion and metastasis. The prognostic value of these two enzymes was studied. It turned out that in patients with operable breast cancer without metastases to the axillary lymph nodes, uPA is an independent prognostic factor characterizing recurrence-free survival. The uPA and PAI-1 parameters can be used to select patients who need adjuvant chemotherapy. The period of relapse-free survival in patients with low uPA and PAI-1 levels is longer than in patients with high uPA and / or PAI-1 levels.
Breast cancer tumor markerThe risk of its development increases, especially in old age. It is extremely difficult

Слайд 12Prostate cancer tumor marker
Prostate cancer (prostate cancer) is currently ranked

1 - 2 in the structure of morbidity and 2

- 3 in the structure of cancer mortality among men in most developed countries. From laboratory methods, the most important is the determination of serum prostate specific antigen (PSA). The concentration of PSA in the blood is an important marker of pathological conditions in the prostate gland.

 The marker is used both for screening, for the purpose of early detection of prostate cancer (PCa), and for monitoring patients with prostatitis, prostate adenoma and PCa, as an additional method in the differential diagnosis of prostate diseases.
Prostate cancer tumor markerProstate cancer (prostate cancer) is currently ranked 1 - 2 in the structure of

Слайд 13Bladder cancer tumor marker
In bladder cancer (RMP), the tumor marker

UBC (Urinary Bladder Cancer) is clinically significant.

Gastrointestinal tumor marker
Pancreatic cancer

is usually diagnosed in the latter stages. By the time of diagnosis, more than 85% of patients with pancreatic cancer are spreading beyond the limits of the organ, and therefore such patients cannot undergo radical surgery.
Today, the serological marker CA242 is the best for the diagnosis, monitoring and prognosis of pancreatic cancer, colon and rectal cancer, and stomach cancer. For these purposes, a number of other tumor markers are used, such as CA19-9 or CEA.
In about 40% of cases, early esophageal cancer is asymptomatic. The marker that can be recommended for use in squamous cell esophageal cancer is SCCA.
Bladder cancer tumor markerIn bladder cancer (RMP), the tumor marker UBC (Urinary Bladder Cancer) is clinically significant.Gastrointestinal

Слайд 14Tumor marker of lung tumors
Lung cancer is the most common

cause of death among all malignant diseases in the world.

According to the WHO classification, there are at least 23 types of lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer (MKRL) accounts for 20% of all lung cancer cases. Small cell lung cancer is thought to be a tumor of neuroendocrine cells.

For small-cell lung cancer, tumor markers ProGRP (the precursor of gastrin releasing peptide) and NSE (neuron-specific enolase) are most characteristic. NSE is an enzyme that is a good marker for all neuroendocrine tumors. The combined determination of serum levels of ProGRP and NSE is significant and can be used in the diagnosis, treatment and early detection of relapse in MKRL patients. As an additional marker, you can use REA.

In patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN), SCCA serial studies in the postoperative period are prognostically significant.
Tumor marker of lung tumorsLung cancer is the most common cause of death among all malignant diseases

Слайд 18Conclusion
Comprehensive immunochemical study of cancer embryonic antigen and carbohydrate

antigens 19-9, 72-4 and 242 in the serum is a

highly informative indirect method for the preoperative diagnosis of gastric and colon cancer metastasis
A combined increase in any two tumor markers (CEA, CA 19-9, CA 72-4) indicates metastasis of gastric cancer with a probability of 83.3% and in most cases coincides with the presence of distant metastasis in patients

Conclusion Comprehensive immunochemical study of cancer embryonic antigen and carbohydrate antigens 19-9, 72-4 and 242 in the

Слайд 19List ofreferences
Хрыков Г Н Применение опухолевых маркеров в ранней диагностике

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Хрыков Г Н Диагностика метастазирования злокачественных новообразований желудка и толстой кишки методом комплексного исследования иммунохимических опухолевых маркеров / Г Н Хрыков // Конкурсная работа - СПб, 2001 - 36 с
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List ofreferencesХрыков Г Н Применение опухолевых маркеров в ранней диагностике метастазиро-вания опухолей пищеварительной системы / Г Н

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