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Slang, yo


Slang, yo! It’s da bomb!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Slang, yo! It’s da bomb!

Slang, yo! It’s da bomb!

Слайд 3Hello and Goodbye
Top o’ the morning!
What’s cookin’, good lookin’?
G-day, mate!

See ya later, alligator
After while, crocodile
Adios amigos

Hasta la vista, baby!
Hello 		and 		GoodbyeYoHowdyHeySup?Top o’ the morning!SalutationsGreetings!What’s cookin’, good lookin’?A-yo!G-day, mate!See ya See ya later, alligatorAfter while, crocodileCiaoAdios

Слайд 4verb - to leave/to go out with/to have lots of

money/to agree (or act like it)/ to go along with

whatever happens
- “Let’s roll!”
- “He’s rolling in the dough.”
- “Just roll with it, or they’ll know something’s up.”


verb - to leave/to go out with/to have lots of money/to agree (or act like it)/ to

Слайд 5verb - to do well

“I know you all have exams.

You’re gonna kill it!”

Kill it

verb - to do well“I know you all have exams. You’re gonna kill it!”Kill it

Слайд 6Peeps
noun – friends; my people/group

- “How’re all my peeps?”

Peepsnoun – friends; my people/group- “How’re all my peeps?”

Слайд 7means:
Control yourself or Calm down

- “It’s just

one small scratch on your car, why are you bawling?

Get a grip!”

Get a grip!

means: Control yourself  or  Calm down- “It’s just one small scratch on your car, why

Слайд 8not worth beans
means: worthless/bad at doing something

- “That bike is

not worth a hill of beans.”
- “I can’t sing worth

not worth beansmeans: worthless/bad at doing something- “That bike is not worth a hill of beans.”- “I

Слайд 9 means:
“What is going on?”
“What’s happening in your life?”

are you?”

What’s up (dawg)?

means: “What is going on?”“What’s happening in your life?”“How are you?”What’s up (dawg)?Wuzzup?

Слайд 10means: “Goodbye”/ to leave

- “You have to go? Okay. Peace!”

“We’re having broccoli?... I’m going to peace out before dinner.”


means: “Goodbye”/ to leave- “You have to go? Okay. Peace!”- “We’re having broccoli?... I’m going to peace

Слайд 11 1. to get out of trouble/to avoid something
2. adj. to

be amazing/ out of control/ exciting

- “Your boss didn’t call?

You got off the hook.”
- “Man, this place is off the hook!”

off the hook

1. to get out of trouble/to avoid something	2. adj. to be amazing/ out of control/ exciting- “Your

Слайд 12sketch
adjective - a dangerous/scary/shady/suspicious/out of the ordinary person, place, or


“This apartment is pretty sketch.”
“He’s sketch. Don’t go out with

sketchadjective - a dangerous/scary/shady/suspicious/out of the ordinary person, place, or thing“This apartment is pretty sketch.”“He’s sketch. Don’t

Слайд 13adj. - of poor quality/junky/weird/unstylish/unpleasant

- “The pants I bought are

janky. They already have holes in them.”
- “There are some

janky cars at that lemon lot.”


adj. - of poor quality/junky/weird/unstylish/unpleasant- “The pants I bought are janky. They already have holes in them.”-

Слайд 14A response, exclamation, or vote of agreement.

- “This is the

best movie ever!”


A response, exclamation, or vote of agreement.- “This is the best movie ever!”“Word.”Word

Слайд 15“Get Fuzzy” by Darby Conley

“Get Fuzzy” by Darby Conley

Слайд 16noun - respect/praise/recognition/good job

- “No, you didn’t win, but I

give you props for trying.”
- “Props to you!”


noun - respect/praise/recognition/good job- “No, you didn’t win, but I give you props for trying.”- “Props to

Слайд 17adjective - astonishing/really good/many/amazing/extreme

- “Tchaikovsky had some mad composition skills.”

“There’s a mad number of flies in the dumpster.”


adjective - astonishing/really good/many/amazing/extreme- “Tchaikovsky had some mad composition skills.”- “There’s a mad number of flies in

Слайд 181. an informal greeting, often used with “What’s up?”
2. used

to call attention to/express surprise/emphasize a point

- “Yo, come over

- “That’s my bike, yo.”
-“Yo yo yo! What do you think you’re doing?!?


1. an informal greeting, often used with “What’s up?”2. used to call attention to/express surprise/emphasize a point-

Слайд 19 1. Contraction of ALL and RIGHT
2. adjective - acceptable/okay/healthy/good/satisfactory
3. Can

be a question.

“Not the best, but it’s aiight.”
- “I already

told you - I’m not going. Aiight?!”
- “Take these with you, aiight?”


1. Contraction of ALL and RIGHT		2. adjective - acceptable/okay/healthy/good/satisfactory		3. Can be a question.“Not the best, but it’s

Слайд 201. to give someone recognition
2. to call (on the phone)/to

get in touch with

- “Holla at ya boy!”
- “Holler at

me if you need something.”

Holla at/holler at

1. to give someone recognition2. to call (on the phone)/to get in touch with- “Holla at ya

Слайд 211. verb - to pass time in an unstructured, relaxed

to calm down, release stress
2. adjective

– cool/all right/ good/acceptable

- “I’m just chillin’ with the family at home tonight.”
- “I like him. He’s chill.”


1. verb - to pass time in an unstructured, relaxed manner,to calm down, release stress

Слайд 22adj. - excellent/impressive/cool/trendy
- close/intimate/solid

- “Do you like my new car?”

“Yeah, it’s tight.”
- “Sasha and Andrey are tight.”


adj. - excellent/impressive/cool/trendy- close/intimate/solid- “Do you like my new car?” “Yeah, it’s tight.”- “Sasha and Andrey are

Слайд 23
Be quiet.
Stop talking.

Can it!
Put a lid on it!

means: Be quiet.Stop talking.Can it!-or-Put a lid on it!

Слайд 24adj. - great/high quality/awesome/talented/so cool/unbelievable

- “Dude, that bus driver has

a sick tattoo!”
- “That football game was sick! I can’t

believe we won!”


adj. - great/high quality/awesome/talented/so cool/unbelievable- “Dude, that bus driver has a sick tattoo!”- “That football game was

Слайд 25 1. noun - very fancy jewelry (gold set with diamonds)

adj. - flashy, fancy, profuse
- “Girl, you need more

in that outfit. Here.”


1. noun - very fancy jewelry (gold set with diamonds)	2. adj. - flashy, fancy, profuse								- “Girl, you

Слайд 261. a way to say goodbye
2. stay true (to yourself

or what you believe)
3. a way to legitimize what you

say – “I’m just being honest.”

- “See you tomorrow, then. Keep it real.”
- “You look terrible… Just keepin’ it real.”

Keep it real.

1. a way to say goodbye2. stay true (to yourself or what you believe)3. a way to

Слайд 27adj. - the greatest/better than others/arrogant

- “He thinks he’s all

that, but my six-year-old daughter could beat him in a


all that

adj. - the greatest/better than others/arrogant- “He thinks he’s all that, but my six-year-old daughter could beat

Слайд 28adj. - the best/extraordinary/popular
(often used with “da” for “the”)

- “You

did it! You da bomb!”
- “That cake is bomb!”


adj. - the best/extraordinary/popular(often used with “da” for “the”)- “You did it! You da bomb!”- “That cake

Слайд 29I feel ya (man/dude).
Means: - I know exactly what you mean.

I understand how you feel (because I’ve had the same

I feel ya (man/dude).Means: - I know exactly what you mean.- I understand how you feel (because

Слайд 30Don’t worry. Go along with it. It will be okay.

worry. Just ____ with it. Everything will be ______.

2. The

test wasn’t extremely hard, but I did well.
Today’s test was ______ hard, man, but I totally _____ __!

3. That’s a really awesome necklace.
That’s some _____ _____, dude.

4. English Club looked suspicious, but really it was exciting and fun!
English Club seemed ______ , but it turned out to be __ ___ ____.”




killed it




off the hook

Don’t worry. Go along with it. It will be okay.Don’t worry. Just ____ with it. Everything will

Слайд 31“Yo, wuzzup dawg?”
“I’m just chilling with my peeps at

a concert. It’s da bomb.”

“Props to you, girl. Congrats on

your diploma. That’s tight.”

“Can it. That janky phone ain’t worth beans.”

“Sherlock Holmes stories are off the hook!”
“Yo, wuzzup dawg?” “I’m just chilling with my peeps at a concert. It’s da bomb.”“Props to you,

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