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St. Paul's Cathedral in London

St. Paul's Cathedral elevates its round dome over London, this Cathedral is the main temple of the capital of great Britain, and Westminster Abbey is a luxurious Royal tomb and monastery

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Слайд 1St. Paul's Cathedral in London

St. Paul's Cathedral in London

Слайд 2St. Paul's Cathedral elevates its round dome over London, this

Cathedral is the main temple of the capital of great

Britain, and Westminster Abbey is a luxurious Royal tomb and monastery Church.
St. Paul's Cathedral elevates its round dome over London, this Cathedral is the main temple of the

Слайд 3Histories
Cathedral Church of St Paul erected on the sacred spot

where in Roman times there was an ancient pagan Church

of the goddess Diana, according to legend, at the same place was built the first Christian Church of London. It is documented that at the beginning of the VII century the Church of St. Paul, the patron and protector of the city already existed.
HistoriesCathedral Church of St Paul erected on the sacred spot where in Roman times there was an

Слайд 4A terrible fire in 1666 destroyed the temple, it is

preserved only in the images of the middle age, which

have survived to the present day. The architecture of the temple combines several styles, such as Norman and Romanesque style, many elements of Gothic. This abundance of styles indicates the repeated restructuring of the temple in the period from XI to XVI century, such restructuring usually occurred after the fires that often occurred in those days.
A terrible fire in 1666 destroyed the temple, it is preserved only in the images of the

Слайд 6The former St. Paul's Cathedral was distinguished by the tallest

bell tower in Europe of the middle ages, its height

reached 156 meters (520 feet). The modern building of the Cathedral was erected in 1675-1710. The architect of the project Christopher Wren not only restored the burned Cathedral, he created a completely new Grand building, the largest temple building in Europe. The Anglican Church had to compete with the greatest Catholic Church – the Roman Cathedral of St. Peter.
Initially, the project was much easier and not so large-scale, but Charles II and James II, as well as the highest clergy of the country insisted on the construction of a Grand and large-scale. But the architect, making in the course of construction changes and adjustments, built the Cathedral, which has significant differences from the project.
The former St. Paul's Cathedral was distinguished by the tallest bell tower in Europe of the middle

Слайд 8The Architecture Of The Cathedral
The magnificent and colossal building of

the Cathedral, which was built by Christopher Wren, is located

on a hill, its height is more than 110 meters. The Cathedral does not hide even the high-rise buildings of modern London. The length of the Cathedral is more than 175.5 meters.

The Cathedral has well-maintained proportions, all architectural details are surprisingly harmoniously combined with each other. The round dome of the Cathedral is one of the most harmonious domes, along with the dome of the Constantinople Hagia Sophia and the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome.

The Architecture Of The CathedralThe magnificent and colossal building of the Cathedral, which was built by Christopher

Слайд 9One of the attractions and advantages of the Cathedral are

skillfully made all the elements. This is a wonderful stone

carving and made perfectly forged elements and openwork lattice. Wooden benches of the XVII century in themselves are a work of art, the thinnest carving of the master Gibbons decorating them is recognized as perfection.
The rise of the dome of the Cathedral (521 steps), will allow to consider the amazing design of the dome. "Whisper gallery" is interesting for its unique acoustics, the words uttered in a whisper, clearly audible on the opposite side at a distance of 32 meters. The Stone gallery offers an unforgettable view of London.
One of the attractions and advantages of the Cathedral are skillfully made all the elements. This is

Слайд 10the end

the end

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