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St. Petersburg State University of Culture

The importance of grammar in learning a foreign language;Methods of teaching grammar (deductive method, inductive method and the eclectic way);Learning Grammar – Strategies; Grammar skills;Potential difficulties in teaching grammar.In this summary

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1St. Petersburg State University of Culture
Methods of teaching grammar.

of grammatical skills

St. Petersburg
Lebedeva Victoria
5 year student
part-time form of

specialty "Linguistics"

St. Petersburg State University of CultureMethods of teaching grammar. Types of grammatical skills						St. Petersburg2016Lebedeva Victoria5 year student

Слайд 2The importance of grammar in learning a foreign language;
Methods of

teaching grammar (deductive method, inductive method and the eclectic way);

Grammar – Strategies;
Grammar skills;
Potential difficulties in teaching grammar.

In this summary you will learn:

The importance of grammar in learning a foreign language;Methods of teaching grammar (deductive method, inductive method and

Слайд 3«Grammar is partly the study of what forms or structures

are possible in a language. Traditionally, grammar has been concerned

almost exclusively with the analysis at the level of the sentence. As a result grammar is a description of rules that govern how a language’s sentences are formed»
…Scott Thornbury

The importance of grammar in learning a foreign language

«You cannot use words unless you know how they should he put together»
…Penny Ur

«Grammar is partly the study of what forms or structures are possible in a language. Traditionally, grammar

Слайд 4The deductive method (from rules to examples):
Methods of teaching

1. Teacher writes an example on the board or draws

attention to example in the textbook

2. The underlying rule is explained, nearly always in the mother tongue and using the meta language of grammar

3. Students practice applying the rule, orally and in writing

The deductive method (from rules to examples): Methods of teaching grammar1. Teacher writes an example on the

Слайд 5Methods of teaching grammar
The inductive method (rule-discovery learning):
The rules

will become evident if learners are given or exposed to

enough appropriate examples.

To demonstrate the meaning to the class:

Hold up several apples, saying «These are apples»

Hold up an apple, saying «This is an apple»

Methods of teaching grammarThe inductive method (rule-discovery learning): The rules will become evident if learners are given

Слайд 6Methods of teaching grammar
The eclectic way (rule-combination):
Phonetic System
Language Components

should not be separated into chunks

Methods of teaching grammarThe eclectic way (rule-combination): Phonetic SystemVocabularyGrammarLanguage ComponentsLanguage should not be separated into chunks

Слайд 7Methods of teaching grammar

Methods of teaching grammarComparison

Слайд 8Learning Grammar - Strategies
«Aspects of the teaching/learning of structures»

Learning Grammar - Strategies«Aspects of the teaching/learning of structures»

Слайд 9Grammar skills
(refers to the basic structure of words and the

units of meaning (or morphemes) from which they are formed)

(how words can be used in sentences , and how word order is used to convey meaning)

Main minimum of grammatical skills:
verb forms (aspectual-temporal, infinite, indefinite-personal);
forms of conditional mood;
usage of indirect speech (indirect question, command/motivation);
sequence of tenses.

Grammar skillsGrammarMorphology(refers to the basic structure of words and the units of meaning (or morphemes) from which

Слайд 10Classification of possible difficulties
Possible difficulties in teaching grammar
Interlinguistic interference

(the rules of one language mechanically transferred to another, which

leads to errors)

Intralinguistic interference (transfer)
(In the target language there are a lot of grammatical phenomena which can confuse students, especially if these phenomena are fully or partially missing in native language)

Classification of possible difficulties Possible difficulties in teaching grammarInterlinguistic interference (transfer)(the rules of one language mechanically transferred

Слайд 11Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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