Разделы презентаций

Store of my dream

CONTENTSTypes of stores and their functionsPeople's preferences for storesStore of my dream, as I see it

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Store of my dream

Chteyan Alexandra

Store of my dream Chteyan AlexandraPra-10,1

Types of stores and their functions
People's preferences for stores
Store of

my dream, as I see it

CONTENTSTypes of stores and their functionsPeople's preferences for storesStore of my dream, as I see it

Слайд 3Types of stores and their functions

Types of stores and their functions

Слайд 4Boutique
specialty store for fashion goods

Boutiquespecialty store for fashion goods

Слайд 5Hypermarket
department store sales with area of 5,000 square meters.

It offers a wide range of food and nonfood products

primarily by self-service
Hypermarket department store sales with area of 5,000 square meters. It offers a wide range of food

Слайд 6Discount home
a shop without decoration, with no individual customer

service at all

Discount home a shop without decoration, with no individual customer service at all

Слайд 7Supermarket
general store with retail area of 400 square meters. It

offers a wide range of food and nonfood goods as

well primarily self-service

Supermarketgeneral store with retail area of 400 square meters. It offers a wide range of food and

Слайд 8Shopping centre
a union in the same area of independent

retailers and consumer services of different forms (food, textiles, coffee

shop, hair salon) and sizes
Shopping centre a union in the same area of independent retailers and consumer services of different forms

Слайд 9People's preferences for stores

People's preferences for stores

Слайд 10People's preferences for stores

People's preferences for stores

Слайд 11Store of my dream, as I see it

Store of my dream, as I see it

Слайд 12Store of my dream, as I see it

Store of my dream, as I see it

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