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St.Petersburg State U niversity

Profile of St. Petersburg State University It is one of the oldest, largest and leading classical universities and one of the most important centers of science, education and culture in Russia;Its

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1St.Petersburg State University
Universitas Petropolitana
Hic tuta perennat

St.Petersburg State UniversityUniversitas PetropolitanaHic tuta perennat

Слайд 2Profile of St. Petersburg State University
It is one of

the oldest, largest and leading classical universities and one of

the most important centers of science, education and culture in Russia;
Its fund is ₽1 billion (2016);
It was founded on the 8th February of 1819;

Profile of St. Petersburg State University It is one of the oldest, largest and leading classical universities

Слайд 3Fields of Study
SPbSU includes 7 research institutes, 18 faculties +

24 special faculties;
More than 10 alumni are Nobel laureates;

Fields of StudySPbSU includes 7 research institutes, 18 faculties + 24 special faculties;More than 10 alumni are

Слайд 4International cooperation
SPbSU has more than 450 Universities-Partners from

USA, Finland, Germany, UK, etc.
Exchange Program and Program of Two

International cooperation SPbSU has more than 450 Universities-Partners from USA, Finland, Germany, UK, etc.Exchange Program and Program

Слайд 5Infrastructure
The buildings of the university are located in Vasileostrovsky,

Petrodvorets, Central and Admiralty districts of St. Petersburg, Leningrad and

Belgorod regions, Krasnodar Krai and the Republic of Karelia. The historical main building of the University is the building of the Twelve Colleges, and Petrodvorets educational and scientific complex is located in the Old Peterhof;
SPbSU has 21 dormitories housing 12 000 students from different countries;
Also it has a large library, gyms and sports complexes, pharmacy, theater and academic buildings

Infrastructure The buildings of the university are located in Vasileostrovsky, Petrodvorets, Central and Admiralty districts of St.

Слайд 6Ratings
St. Petersburg State University is included in 1% of the

best universities in the world according to QS World University

St. Petersburg State University is included in the top 100 ranking of QS on business education;
In 2017, Master's programs "Corporate Finance" and "Management" of St. Petersburg State University took 69 and 83 lines, and the program of the joint CEMS MiM diploma was the 8th place;
In 2017, St. Petersburg University entered the subject ratings of Times Higher Education - in social and human sciences, as well as business and economics;
Master's program "Management" of St. Petersburg State University was included in the rating of the best management programs according to The Economist. The Institute "Graduate School of Management" of St. Petersburg State University is the only representative of Russia in the rating of 2017. Making his debut in the list of the best master's programs in management Which MBA? The Economist magazine, the Master in Management (MiM) program of St. Petersburg State University took the 37th position;
According to data at the end of 2016 - early 2017, St. Petersburg State University ranked 1,242 in the world in the ranking of openness of universities according to Webometrics. By the summer of 2018, the university had risen by more than a thousand positions - up to 198 places in the international rating Transparent Ranking: Top Universities by Google Scholar Citations;
RatingsSt. Petersburg State University is included in 1% of the best universities in the world according to

Слайд 7SPbSU is included in the rating of the leading business

schools in Europe. Institute "Graduate School of Management" of St.

Petersburg University is engaged in the 57th line of the Financial Times European Business Schools Rankings 2017 and remains the only representative of Russia in the ranking;
SPbSU is in the top 50 of the rating THE. In 2018, St. Petersburg State University ranked 34th in the ranking of higher education institutions with the lowest ratio of the number of students to the number of teachers according to the Times Higher Education
The Management Program of St. Petersburg University in 2017 is included in the top 25 best management programs in the world according to the FT Global Masters in Management 2017. For the first time, Master in Management entered the FT Global Masters in Management rating in 2013, finishing 65 a place. Over the past five years, the program reached 23 places;
SPbSU is included in the top 100 subject QS ratings in mathematics and linguistics, in the top 150 - in physics and astronomy and top-200 - in computer science;
St. Petersburg State University is on the list of the best universities in the world, graduates of which are the most ready for professional activity (Global Employability University Ranking of the journal Times Higher Education);
SPbSU is one of two Russian universities that are included in the top 500 best educational institutions of the world of the Shanghai Rating (ARWU, Academic Ranking of World Universities). Since 2012, St. Petersburg State University is included in the Shanghai ranking of the best universities in the world in mathematics;

SPbSU is included in the rating of the leading business schools in Europe. Institute

Слайд 8In 2016, in the ranking of universities in the world

with the highest reputation of the Times Higher Education World

Reputation Rankings 2016, St. Petersburg State University took the position of 81-90;
The only representative of Russia in the rating of "Nature Index Rising Stars". St. Petersburg State University is one of the 100 most actively developing research organizations in the world, according to Natura;
St. Petersburg State University takes the fourth place in the ranking of universities of developing countries in Europe and Central Asia Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) 2018;
In 2018, the authors of the online course "Legal regulation of relations on the Internet. Russian Perspective "- associate professors of St. Petersburg State University Vladislav Arkhipov and Viktor Naumov became laureates of the St. Petersburg Government Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of higher and secondary vocational education;
In the National University Rankings in 2018 takes the 4th place;
In 2018, in the international ranking of QS World University Rankings 2018/2019, compiled annually by QS, SPbSU ranked 235, rising 5 points relative to 2017 (240);
In the CWUR rating, compiled by the Center for World University Rankings, headquartered in Saudi Arabia, on the quality of education, SPbSU ranks 81 out of 27,000 universities in the world;
In 2018, SPbSU entered the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018 for the first time in the specialty "Medicine";
In 2018, St. Petersburg State University made a breakthrough in the ranking of QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018, ranking 117 in the field of knowledge "Arts and Humanities", 168 in the social sciences and 139 in the field of "Natural Sciences", having risen, respectively, 18, 54 and 62 positions.

In 2016, in the ranking of universities in the world with the highest reputation of the Times



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