Слайд 1Study and description of economic enterprises in Atyrau region
Prepared by:Tamabaeva.Zh.
by:Kalimbetov E.
Слайд 2the city is located on both sides of the Ural
river. The history of the area and the town spans
many centuries. The first references are found in the III - IV centuries BC, and the city starts its record from the 1640's.
The Caspian sea and the Ural river is rich in fish, and the subsoil oil. And so the main assets of the region, the red fish and black caviar, oil and gas. No wonder the emblem of the city of sturgeon and oil derrick.
Today Atyrau - the main hydrocarbon region of Kazakhstan, the largest center for oil and gas, a promising market of the investment. Well, black caviar from Atyrau is well-known in the CIS and Europe.
In 1991, Atyrau oblast was renamed in Atyrau, the regional center of Guryev, in the city of Atyrau.
The population of the city is 263.8 thousand.
Слайд 3Atyrau region is one of the biggest industrial regions of
Kazakhstan. It accounts for about 13% of the total gross
domestic product of the country. Priority directions of development of the region's economy are oil and gas producing industry, production of building materials, manufacturing, agricultural and fishing industry.
In 1991, the gross regional product was $ 4, 6 billion tenge, in 2010 it exceeded 2, 8 trillion. tenge. GRP per capita reached the level of 4,2 million tenge.
Слайд 4The region's GRP (2011) is the second largest in Kazakhstan
– 3447,3 billion tenge (12.5%) and first in terms of
per capita region – 6413,6 thousand tenge. The share of industry in the GRP is 60%. The basis of the economy – oil production.
The region is very favorable for commodities, infrastructure and maintenance businesses. In 2011, the region took the 1st place in the Republic in terms of investment in fixed capital per capita (2003,58 thousand tenge) by a considerable margin from the other regions, although the dynamics was negative (index 2011 – 94% 2010; the 12th place). In the field, the lowest percentage of firms having loss by results of activity in 2011, 23.8 per cent. The unit of financial and economic indicators favorable for business, the region takes the 1st place in the ranking.
Weaknesses: too high dependence of the regional business from world energy prices, which deprives it of stability. Thus, the number of employed in SMEs in the crisis years 2009-2010 has declined here considerably stronger than the average figure. In addition, in the region of a relatively low percentage of the economically active population is 52% (11th place)
Слайд 5information from website:http://stat.gov.kz
Слайд 6At the end of September 2017. large and medium-sized enterprises,
there were 750 vacancies (0,5% of the payroll). A significant
number of vacancies recorded in the following sectors:
"Public administration and defence; compulsory social security" – 259 people,
Build – 135,
"Activities in the area of administrative and support services" - 118.
Слайд 8Standardized fertility rates
Standardized mortality rates