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Sultan Sartaevich Sartaev

Sultan Sartaevich sartayev (KAZ. Sultan Cartaly sartaev; b. October 15, 1927, yanykurgan village, Kzyl-Orda region, Kazak ASSR, USSR) - Soviet and Kazakh scientist, doctor of law (1970) [4], Professor (1972), academician

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Workers in the legal field
Sultan Sartaevich Sartaev

Workers in the legal fieldSultan Sartaevich Sartaev

Слайд 2Sultan Sartaevich sartayev (KAZ. Sultan Cartaly sartaev; b. October 15,

1927, yanykurgan village, Kzyl-Orda region, Kazak ASSR, USSR) - Soviet

and Kazakh scientist, doctor of law (1970) [4], Professor (1972), academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan (NAS RK) (1996). Member of the Presidium of NAS of Kazakhstan[5]. One of the founders of the first Constitution of Kazakhstan (1993)
Sultan Sartaevich sartayev (KAZ. Sultan Cartaly sartaev; b. October 15, 1927, yanykurgan village, Kzyl-Orda region, Kazak ASSR,

Слайд 3Academic titles and degrees
Candidate of law (1952);Doctor of law (1970);Professor

(1972);Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan (1975);Academician

of the Academy of Humanities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995), Academy of social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1996), National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2002), Academy of Sciences of higher school of Kazakhstan (2003);Chairman of the dissertation Council for the defense of PhD theses in legal Sciences at the al-Farabi Kazakh national University;One of the developers of the law "on the establishment of the post of President of the Kazakh SSR", "Declaration of state sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR" (1990), the law "on state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (1991)
Academic titles and degreesCandidate of law (1952);Doctor of law (1970);Professor (1972);Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences

Слайд 4Positions
Member of the Presidential Council of the Kazakh SSR;Chairman of

the Commission on pardon under the President of the Kazakh

SSR (1990)[3];President of the Union of lawyers of Kazakhstan (1989-1994);President of the Kazakh international Fund of indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities;Vice-President of the Association of lawyers of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 1994)
PositionsMember of the Presidential Council of the Kazakh SSR;Chairman of the Commission on pardon under the President

Слайд 5Office as an MP:
People's Deputy of the Kazakh SSR (1990-1993);Candidate

for the post of Chairman of the Supreme Council of

the 12th convocation ;Candidate for the post of Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the 13th convocation ;Member of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the 12th (1990, from the Union of lawyers of Kazakhstan and 13th (1994, Salikoko electoral district No. 77 Kyzylorda oblast) convocations, a member of the Committee of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan on international and Interparliamentary relations
Office as an MP:People's Deputy of the Kazakh SSR (1990-1993);Candidate for the post of Chairman of the

Слайд 6Scientific activity
Author of more than 500 scientific papers.Some books"Formation of

the Kazakh Soviet statehood" (1960),"History of state and law of

Soviet Kazakhstan" (1961, co-authored),"National statehood of the Union republics" (1968, co-authored),"The Supreme representative body of the state power of the Kazakh SSR" (1972),"The history of the States of law of the Kazakh SSR" (1982),"Materials on the history of state and law of Kazakhstan" (1994, compiler),"State-legal views Of CH. Valikhanov" (1996, co-authored),"A word before conscience and scaffold" (2001),"Lawyers of Kazakhstan in persons" (2002, compiler),"Formation of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2002, co-authored)"Meaning of life" - Almaty: Dauir, 2007. - 319 p."Fifty years: one moment of living together." - Almaty: Dauir, cop. 2005. - 879 p."The Constitution of the Kazakh SSR". - Alma-ATA: about "Knowledge" of the Kazakh SSR, 1978. 23 PP — ;"The Constitution of developed socialism." - Alma-ATA: about "Knowledge" of the Kazakh SSR, 1980. - 21 p.;"Legal status of labor collectives "-Alma-ATA:" Knowledge " Of the Kazakh SSR, 1986. - 34,.
Scientific activityAuthor of more than 500 scientific papers.Some books

Слайд 7Biography
He was born 15 Oct 1927 in Zhanakorgan village, Zhanakorgan

district of Kzyl-Orda oblast in the family of a simple

rural workers of Sartai Doseeva.In 1945, after graduating from high school, Sultan sartayev entered the Alma-ATA state law Institute, after which he was sent to full-time graduate school of the Moscow law Institute. Student years, the time of rapid maturation were filled with hard study, the desire to master the fundamental knowledge in the field of law, and also taught to communicate with people, the ability to be friends, to believe in human decency, developed such traits as firmness, determination, perseverance, useful to him in later life and work.Since 1952, the creative fate of the scientist and teacher is inextricably linked with the Kazakh state University, where sartayev went from assistant to Professor, head of the Department and Dean of the faculty of law.It was within the walls of the University that he was formed as a major researcher of the problems of state construction and development of the legal system of Kazakhstan.
BiographyHe was born 15 Oct 1927 in Zhanakorgan village, Zhanakorgan district of Kzyl-Orda oblast in the family

Слайд 8At the age of 25, Sultan Sartaevich defended his thesis

on "Formation and development of The Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist

Republic" and became the youngest head of the Department of state law of AGUI. In 1970 he defended his doctoral thesis on the construction of statehood and the Supreme body of the people's representation in Kazakhstan at the special Council of the faculty of law of Moscow state University and a year later received the title of Professor. After 5 years, Professor Sultan sartayev was elected a corresponding member of the Kazakh SSR, and in 1996-academician of NAS RK.
At the age of 25, Sultan Sartaevich defended his thesis on

Слайд 9On the eve of his 90th anniversary academician Sultan sartayev,

as always, in the ranks, continues to work in his

native Treasury. al-Farabi. He heads the Council of veterans of the University. For him there is no bad weather, holidays and weekends. You can always see him in an office half-full of books. He often meets with students, gives them his invaluable experience, directs and develops youth scientific thought.
On the eve of his 90th anniversary academician Sultan sartayev, as always, in the ranks, continues to

Слайд 10

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