It is also known as All Fools’ Day.
When someone reveals their prank, they shout “April Fool!” and the victims of the jokes are called the ‘April fools’.
In some parts of England, people use different names for ‘fool’, including ‘noodle’, ‘gob’, ‘gobby’ or ‘noddy’!
It is not a public holiday in any country.
Some people even say the following verse from 1855 if they find someone who is trying to play a prank after midday:
April fool's gone past,
You're the biggest fool at last;
When April fool comes again,
You'll be the biggest fool then!
Most people, especially in English-speaking countries, follow the custom that pranks can only happen before twelve o'clock noon. After then, anyone who tries to play a prank actually turns out to be the ‘April fool’!.
In the middle ages, a ‘fool’ was a jester whose job was to entertain the royal family by telling jokes and riddles.
It is the only celebration that doesn’t have easily traced roots or origin stories or a deep history.
April Fools’ Day has a few theories, with a common theme of making a fool of others.
A popular folklore states the day originated due to a change of the French calendar in 1582, when previously the new year began on 1st April (now January 1st). Those who celebrated at the wrong time were the focus of many jokes and were called ‘poisson d’Avril’, meaning April fish (a young, gullible, easily caught person).
In both countries, the day is celebrated by sending others on ‘fools' errands’.
With so many different possibilities, it seems that the day itself is the ultimate prank. Never truly knowing where, why, or how this tradition started, means that the joke is on us!
Photo courtesy of ** RCB ** ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
Has anyone you know managed to pull off a clever, funny hoax?
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