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To understand key information about April Fools’ Day.To understand some theories behind the celebration and some of its traditions.

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2To understand key information about April Fools’ Day.
To understand some

theories behind the celebration and some of its traditions.

To understand key information about April Fools’ Day.To understand some theories behind the celebration and some of

Слайд 3What Is April Fools’ Day?
April Fool’s Day is celebrated in

most countries on 1st April every year.
It is a fun-themed

day of mischief where people play practical jokes, pranks, hoaxes and tricks on each other, mainly on friends, family, colleagues, classmates and neighbours.

It is also known as All Fools’ Day.

When someone reveals their prank, they shout “April Fool!” and the victims of the jokes are called the ‘April fools’.

In some parts of England, people use different names for ‘fool’, including ‘noodle’, ‘gob’, ‘gobby’ or ‘noddy’!

It is not a public holiday in any country.

What Is April Fools’ Day?April Fool’s Day is celebrated in most countries on 1st April every year.It

Слайд 4What Are the Rules?
April Fools’ Day has some unwritten rules:

pranks should not hurt anyone, cause harm or be illegal.

should be light-hearted and funny to all involved, including the victim.

Some people even say the following verse from 1855 if they find someone who is trying to play a prank after midday:

April fool's gone past, You're the biggest fool at last; When April fool comes again, You'll be the biggest fool then!

Most people, especially in English-speaking countries, follow the custom that pranks can only happen before twelve o'clock noon. After then, anyone who tries to play a prank actually turns out to be the ‘April fool’!.

What Are the Rules?April Fools’ Day has some unwritten rules:The pranks should not hurt anyone, cause harm

Слайд 5Why Do We Celebrate?
The first recorded mention of the 1st

of April and foolishness was in ‘The Canterbury Tales’ by

Geoffrey Chaucer, 1392.

In the middle ages, a ‘fool’ was a jester whose job was to entertain the royal family by telling jokes and riddles.

It is the only celebration that doesn’t have easily traced roots or origin stories or a deep history.

April Fools’ Day has a few theories, with a common theme of making a fool of others.

A popular folklore states the day originated due to a change of the French calendar in 1582, when previously the new year began on 1st April (now January 1st). Those who celebrated at the wrong time were the focus of many jokes and were called ‘poisson d’Avril’, meaning April fish (a young, gullible, easily caught person).

Why Do We Celebrate?The first recorded mention of the 1st of April and foolishness was in ‘The

Слайд 6Why Do We Celebrate?
The true origins are unknown and effectively

It is thought that April Fools’ Day resembles festivals including

the ancient Roman festival of Hilaria on 25th March and the Indian tradition of Holi on 31st March.

In both countries, the day is celebrated by sending others on ‘fools' errands’.

With so many different possibilities, it seems that the day itself is the ultimate prank. Never truly knowing where, why, or how this tradition started, means that the joke is on us!

Why Do We Celebrate?The true origins are unknown and effectively unknowable.It is thought that April Fools’ Day

Слайд 7Traditions in Other Countries
In Scotland, people celebrate ‘Gowkie Day’, which

is named after the gowk, a symbol of a fool.

Traditions in Other CountriesIn Scotland, people celebrate ‘Gowkie Day’, which is named after the gowk, a symbol

Слайд 8Traditions in Other Countries
In France, Italy, Belgium, and French-speaking areas

of Switzerland and Canada, the tradition is often called ‘April

fish’ and people try to attach a paper fish to the victim’s back without them noticing.
Traditions in Other CountriesIn France, Italy, Belgium, and French-speaking areas of Switzerland and Canada, the tradition is

Слайд 9April Fools’ Day Pranks
Printed media and tabloids, including some newspapers

and magazines, report fake stories. They are usually explained below

the news section in small letters or on the next day.
April Fools’ Day PranksPrinted media and tabloids, including some newspapers and magazines, report fake stories. They are

Слайд 10Famous Pranks!
In 1860, many people in London had invitations to

see white lions being washed at the Tower of London.

They soon discovered that lions weren’t in the tower!

Photo courtesy of ** RCB ** (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence - attribution

Famous Pranks!In 1860, many people in London had invitations to see white lions being washed at the

Слайд 11Famous Pranks!
In 1962, the only television channel in Sweden told

people they were going to explain how to view colour

images on their black and white TV sets. Thousands of viewers followed the advice to cut open a pair of stockings and tape them over the screen!
Famous Pranks!In 1962, the only television channel in Sweden told people they were going to explain how

Слайд 12Famous Pranks!
In 1976, astronomer Patrick Moore announced on BBC Radio

2 that a special astronomical event was going to take

place that morning – Pluto would pass behind Jupiter, which would reduce Earth’s gravity. He made people believe that if they jumped in the air at that exact moment, they would experience a strange floating sensation.
Famous Pranks!In 1976, astronomer Patrick Moore announced on BBC Radio 2 that a special astronomical event was

Слайд 13Famous Pranks!
In 1978, adventurer and businessman Dick Smith advertised Antarctic

ice cubes for sale for 10 cents a cube and

said he would be towing an iceberg from Antarctica!
Famous Pranks!In 1978, adventurer and businessman Dick Smith advertised Antarctic ice cubes for sale for 10 cents

Слайд 14Famous Pranks!
In 1998, Burger King advertised the ‘Left-Handed Whopper’ and

many customers actually ordered it in America!

Famous Pranks!In 1998, Burger King advertised the ‘Left-Handed Whopper’ and many customers actually ordered it in America!

Слайд 15Family Pranks
Find out if anyone in your family has ever

fallen for a prank. Maybe they have heard of some

of the famous ones!

Has anyone you know managed to pull off a clever, funny hoax?

Family PranksFind out if anyone in your family has ever fallen for a prank. Maybe they have

Слайд 16What Will You Do?
Will you play a harmless prank or

tell a joke to celebrate?
Remember to play nice and do

it before 12 o’clock midday!
What Will You Do?Will you play a harmless prank or tell a joke to celebrate?Remember to play

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