Разделы презентаций


1st page: Information about your teamOn this page you have to put:NameOriginal/unusual team photoMottoLogoShow how creative you are!European BEST Engineering Competition

Слайды и текст этой презентации

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Слайд 2

1st page: Information about your team

On this page you have

to put:

Original/unusual team photo
Show how creative you are!

European BEST Engineering

1st page: Information about your teamOn this page you have to put:NameOriginal/unusual team photoMottoLogoShow how creative you

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2 – 5th page: Slides - Presentations
European BEST Engineering Competition

these pages you have to show your solution to our

tasks & present it!

If you want to participate in EBEC’17 you should be as magnificent as possible!
2 – 5th page: Slides - PresentationsEuropean BEST Engineering CompetitionOn these pages you have to show your

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Do you wanna win in “The BEST video” nomination?
Show us

your team spirit!
Make short video (less than 1 min)

about your team!

European BEST Engineering Competition

Do you wanna win in “The BEST video” nomination?Show us your team spirit! Make short video (less

Слайд 5

Our requirements
Presentation shouldn't include more than 5 slides (

except introduction slide and “thank you “ slide)
Describe the

main idea & task solving steps
Point out the advantages and disadvantages of your solution
Text of your presentation must be in English

European BEST Engineering Competition

Our requirements Presentation shouldn't include more than 5 slides ( except introduction slide and “thank you “

Слайд 6We are waiting from you visual execution of your house.

It can be drawing, sketch or 3D model.

Our main task

(70 Points)

«House of Future»
For a long time people understood that in order to survive, it is necessary to unite in communities and live together. This tradition has come down to our times and now people continue to stick together and live in apartment buildings (houses with a lot of flats).

Let's try to move forward for many years and imagine an apartment house of the future. What will it be in 2117? Try to add to it a system of protection from natural disasters, an autonomous life support system or some other device from the future (use your imagination and skills).
Explain how does it work? How does it look?

Extra task (30 Points):

We are waiting from you visual execution of your house. It can be drawing, sketch or 3D

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Evaluation criteria & requirements Page 1
Main requirements:
1) The presentation must be

made in Microsoft Power Point (*.ppt;*.ppx). Do not use a

pop up windows to a slide!
2) Text of your presentation must be in English!
Main criteria:
1. Creativity
How interesting and unusual the idea developed by team.
2. Originality
How new is the idea presented by teams. Are there any analogs in the world (the more there are analogs the less points you will receive).

European BEST Engineering Competition

Evaluation criteria & requirements Page 1Main requirements:1) The presentation must be made in Microsoft Power Point (*.ppt;*.ppx).

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Evaluation criteria
Page 2
3. Engineering skills & knowledge
Idea viability

The idea demand to be evaluated now.

Economic expenses

How expensive is the process of production and
introduction of house developed by teams.

Completeness of presentation
How the team could explain the main idea.

European BEST Engineering Competition

Evaluation criteria Page 23. Engineering skills & knowledgeIdea viability   The idea demand to be evaluated

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Evaluation criteria
Page 3
4. Approachability
How the presentation is clear

for other people.

5. Design of presentation
How the formalization of

the presentation is complete, how structurally the team has used Power Point (it’s requested not to overload presentation, because it will be also estimated if the presentation looks attractive).

European BEST Engineering Competition

Evaluation criteria Page 34. Approachability How the presentation is clear for other people.5. Design of presentation How

Слайд 10If you have questions - don't hesitate to contact us!

on igor.drogaytsev@best-bmstu.ru with Subject: [EBEC question] Team Name
Or visit our

site: ebec.best-bmstu.ru/contacts/
Task – Responsible: Igor Drogaytsev

BEST Moscow wishes you good luck, hard work and tons of creativity. We will be glad to see you at EBEC Moscow 2017!

European BEST Engineering Competition

Our contacts

If you have questions - don't hesitate to contact us!Write on igor.drogaytsev@best-bmstu.ru with Subject: [EBEC question] Team

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