European BEST Engineering Competition
European BEST Engineering Competition
«House of Future»
For a long time people understood that in order to survive, it is necessary to unite in communities and live together. This tradition has come down to our times and now people continue to stick together and live in apartment buildings (houses with a lot of flats).
Let's try to move forward for many years and imagine an apartment house of the future. What will it be in 2117? Try to add to it a system of protection from natural disasters, an autonomous life support system or some other device from the future (use your imagination and skills).
Explain how does it work? How does it look?
Extra task (30 Points):
European BEST Engineering Competition
European BEST Engineering Competition
European BEST Engineering Competition
BEST Moscow wishes you good luck, hard work and tons of creativity. We will be glad to see you at EBEC Moscow 2017!
European BEST Engineering Competition
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