Разделы презентаций

Teeth and healthy eating

There are four different types of teeth.molarpre molarIncisors and caninesTeeth are made from a hard substance called enamel

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Teeth and healthy eating

Teeth and healthy eating

Слайд 2There are four different types of teeth.
pre molar
Incisors and canines

are made from a hard substance called enamel

There are four different types of teeth.molarpre molarIncisors and caninesTeeth are made from a hard substance called

Слайд 3incisors
pre molars
What do the different teeth do?

incisorscaninesmolarspre molarscuttearripchewWhat do the different teeth do?

Слайд 4How can I look after my teeth?
Brush your teeth twice

a day
Try not to eat too many sweets
Visit the dentist

twice a year
How can I look after my teeth?Brush your teeth twice a dayTry not to eat too many

Слайд 5What foods are good for our teeth?

What foods are good for our teeth?

Слайд 6Foods that cause tooth decay

Foods that cause tooth decay

Слайд 7How are cavities caused?
Bacteria causes a build up of plaque.

acid attacks the tooth
The tooth eventually rots away

How are cavities caused?Bacteria causes a build up of plaque.Plaque acid attacks the toothThe tooth eventually rots

Слайд 8What are the parts of a tooth?

What are the parts of a tooth?

Слайд 9So what do I do to keep my teeth healthy?

Visit the dentist
Eat sensibly
Look after your gums

So what do I do to keep my teeth healthy?Brush regularlyVisit the dentistFloss Eat sensiblyLook after your

Слайд 10Terminology


Слайд 11Thank you for watching our presentation

Thank you for watching our presentation

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