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The country of Belarus

Geography of BelarusThe total land area of Belarus is more than 207,000 square kilometers. Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe, and has international borders with five

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The country of Belarus

The country of Belarus

Слайд 2 Geography of Belarus
The total land area of

Belarus is more than 207,000 square kilometers. Belarus is situated

in the centre of Europe, and has international borders with five countries: Russia Ukraine Poland Lithuania Latvia
Geography of BelarusThe total land area of Belarus is more than 207,000 square kilometers.

Слайд 3

Capital of Belarus
Minsk, the capital of Belarus,

is located in the centre of the country. More than 1.9 million people live in Minsk today. It has excellent transport links including Minsk airport, several major train stations, the Minsk metro underground network, and a well-developed road system.
Capital of BelarusMinsk, the

Слайд 4The parts consist on Belarus
The country of Belarus is divided

into six administrative districts, each centred around a major city:

Brest region
Gomel region
Grodno region
Minsk region
Mogilev region
Vitebsk region
The parts consist on BelarusThe country of Belarus is divided into six administrative districts, each centred around

Слайд 5 The national holidays in Belarus
National holidays when all offices

are closed:
1 January: New Year
7 January: Orthodox Christmas

March: Women’s Day
9th day after Orthodox Easter: Radonitsa
1 May: Labour Day
9 May: Victory Day
3 July: Independence Day
7 November: October Revolution Day
25 December: Catholic Christmas
The national holidays in BelarusNational holidays when all offices are closed:1 January: New Year 7 January:

Слайд 6 The nationality of Belarus
The people of Belarus are a

kind, friendly and good humoured nation. Belarus is a home

to many different people with a different nationality:
Russians (8.2%) have always lived in the region, with a large influx into the country after the Second World War Poles (3.1%) have lived in the western side of the country for centuries Ukrainians (1.7%) – the largest influx came in the 18th and 19th centuries Jews (0,13%): the first Jews settled in Belarus in the 15th century, but emigration to Israel and other states since the 1980s means that the Jewish population of Belarus is now less than 30,000
The nationality of BelarusThe people of Belarus are a kind, friendly and good humoured nation. Belarus

Слайд 7 1.Russians (8.2%) 2.Poles (3.1%) 3.Jews (0,13%)

1.Russians (8.2%) 2.Poles (3.1%) 3.Jews (0,13%)

Слайд 8The neated in the goverment
President of Belarus
Alexander Lukashenko (1994

- present )
Prime Minister of Belarus
Mikhail Myasnikovich (2010)

The neated in the govermentPresident of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko (1994 - present ) Prime Minister of BelarusMikhail

Слайд 9Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich (2010)

Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich (2010)

Слайд 10
President of Belarus
Alexander Lukashenko (1994 - present )

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko (1994 - present )

Слайд 11The End…Thank you for your attention!!!

The End…Thank you for your attention!!!

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