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The modern world of professions

Some people often say to mе: "Have you decided what you want to bе?" I usually answer, "I don't know," But it isn't really so. I

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The modern world of professions

The modern world of professions

Слайд 2 Some people often say to mе: "Have you decided what you

want to bе?" I usually answer, "I don't know," But it isn't

really so. I want to win аn Olympic race, I want to see the Earth from space, I want to travel to Katmandu I want to bе rich and famous, too. I want to bе оn Hollywood's screen, I want to invent а new machine, I want to bе very clever and wise, I want to win the Nobel prize, But most of all, I want to bе Healthy and strong, and nice.
Some people often say to mе:

Слайд 3Professions



Слайд 4In English you can make the name of a person

who does a job by adding one of the following


Farm …
Photograph …
Garden …
Art …

- r







In English you can make the name of a person who does a job by adding one

Слайд 6 The difference between the following words: a

job, a work, an occupation, a profession, a


Your job is the work that you do regularly in order to earn money, especially when you work for a company or public organization.

Work is used in a more general way to talk about activities that you do to earn money, either working for a company or for yourself.

We use occupation to talk about the kind of work that someone usually does. Occupation is used mainly on official forms.

A profession is a kind of work for which you need special training and a good education.
Your career is the type of work that you do or hope to do for most of your life

The difference between the following words:   a job, a work, an occupation, a

Слайд 7The difference between the following words: a job, a work, an

occupation, a profession, a career
My last job was with a

computer firm.
He finally got a job in a supermarket.
Will you go back to work when you have had the baby?
I started work when I was 18.
State your name, age, occupation in the box below.
The legal profession.
I am interested in a career in television.
His career is more important to him than his family.

The difference between the following words: a job, a work, an occupation, a profession, a careerMy last

Слайд 8Match the parts to complete a sentence.
A baker
A barber

A researcher
A managing director
A chef
A carpenter
A guide
A lawyer
An electrician

This person

cuts man΄s hair
A person who makes experiments.
This person is the head of the company.
Someone who helps people with the law.
A person who makes bread.
A person who makes wooden things.
Someone who repairs electrical things.
A cook in a restaurant or hotel especially the head cook.
A person who shows places of interest
A man that works in a mine.
Match the parts to complete a sentence.A baker A barberA mineA researcherA managing directorA chefA carpenterA guideA

Слайд 9Vocabulary/ словарная работа Find the jobs in the wordsquare

Vocabulary/ словарная работа  Find the jobs in the wordsquare

Слайд 10 After this lesson I am…
1. great!
2. puzzled

4. discontented…
3. inspired!
5. enthusiastic
7. in love with English

6. tired

9. interested

8. frustrated

10. thankful

After this lesson I am…1. great!2. puzzled 4. discontented…3. inspired! 5. enthusiastic 7. in

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