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THE PRESENT SIMPLE 2Interrogative & short answersDO you swim? DOES he swim? Yes, I DO Yes, he DOES

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Interrogative & short answers
DO you swim?

DOES he swim?

Yes, I DO Yes, he DOES
No, I DON’T No, he DOESN’T
DO we sleep? DOES she sleep?
Yes, we DO Yes, she DOES
No, we DON’T No, she DOESN’T
DO they eat? DOES it eat?
Yes, they DO Yes, it DOES
No, they DON’T No, it DOESN’T
THE PRESENT SIMPLE 2Interrogative & short answersDO you swim?	        DOES

. Make questions according to the pictures

using the given verb.

2. Write affirmative or negative short answers.


Check your answers.
YOUR TURN NOW 1. Make questions according to the pictures using the given verb.2. Write affirmative or

Слайд 4Make questions & short answers 1: STUDY

Does he study?

No, he doesn’t
Make questions & short answers 1: STUDY       Does he study?

Слайд 5Make questions & short answers 2: LIKE

Does she like shopping?

Yes, she does
Make questions & short answers 2: LIKE        Does she like

Слайд 6Make questions & short answers 3: DRINK

Does he drink?

No, he doesn’t
Make questions & short answers 3: DRINK       Does he drink?

Слайд 7Make questions & short answers 4: WATCH

Does he watch TV?

No, he doesn’t

Make questions & short answers 4: WATCH    Does he watch TV?

Слайд 8Make questions & short answers 5: FLY

Does it fly?

Yes, it does
Make questions & short answers 5: FLY       Does it fly?

Слайд 9Make questions & short answers 6: SWIM

Do they swim?

Yes, they do

Make questions & short answers 6: SWIM       Do they swim?

Слайд 10Your turn now 2
Answer the questions
Check your answers

Your turn now 2Answer the questions  Check your answers

Слайд 11Does Paul have a bath every day?

No, he doesn’t

He has a bath
Does Paul have a bath every day?          No,

Слайд 12Does Alice love Paul?

No, she doesn’t …

but Paul loves Alice
Does Alice love Paul?         No, she doesn’t …

Слайд 13Do the children smile?

No, they don’t

They cry
Do the children smile?          No, they don’t

Слайд 14Does he go shopping?
No, he


He goes camping
Does he go shopping?     No, he doesn’t

Слайд 15What do they eat?
They eat hot dogs

What do they eat?They eat hot dogs

Слайд 16Do they take drugs?
No, they

don’t take any drugs

Do they take drugs?     No, they don’t take any drugs

Слайд 17What do they have for lunch?

They have watermelon for lunch

What do they have for lunch?      They have watermelon for lunch

Слайд 18Does Dick drive well?

No, he doesn’t

He drives very badly
Does Dick drive well?       No, he doesn’t

Слайд 19Your turn now 3
Fill in the gaps with the correct

present simple form of the verbs in brackets:
1. James …………

football at all (not like)
2. ……… you ………… a bath or a shower? (have)
3. My brother ………… medicine (study)
4. We …………… French and German at school (learn)
5. Mary …………... English well (speak)
6. I …………… understand the exercise (not understand)
7. ………… your father ………… to the office? (walk)
8. Sarah never ……… her homework (do)
9. Our teachers …………… us lots of homework (give)
10. My gradma ………… glasses (wear)
Your turn now 3Fill in the gaps with the correct present simple form of the verbs in

Слайд 20Your turn now 4
Correct these sentences if necessary:
1.Tom doesn’t never

read newspapers.
2. We not like horror films.
3. Do Dave sends

e-mails? Yes, he do.
4. Mary drinks sometimes coffee after lunch.
5. My best friend plaies the piano.
6. Do you have a big breakfast?
7. Dad doesn’t the housework, mum does.
8. It doesn’t rains much in summer.

Your turn now 4Correct these sentences if necessary:1.Tom doesn’t never read newspapers.2. We not like horror films.3.

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