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Housing BuildingsIndustrial Buildings

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Слайд 2Housing Buildings
Industrial Buildings

Housing BuildingsIndustrial Buildings

Слайд 3Wood Building
Glass Building
Brick Building
Steel building
Stone building

Wood BuildingGlass BuildingBrick BuildingSteel buildingStone building

Слайд 4Wood Building
Glass Building
Brick Building

Wood BuildingGlass BuildingBrick Building

Слайд 5Building professions:

Building professions:CarpenterBricklayerPlastererJoinerWelderMasonBuilder

Слайд 6Carpenter


Слайд 7Welder


Слайд 9The aims of the project are:
1. Steel production
2. Ancient steel

The importance of steel
to know about

The aims of the project are:1. Steel production2. Ancient steel3. The importance of steelto know about

We say that we live in the

age of steel, and indeed is no industry which does

not use it. As a structural material steel has come into general use with the development of industry. Steel has largely displaced wood and bricks as basic materials in construction.
THE IMPORTANCE STEEL We say that we live in the age of steel, and indeed is no

Слайд 11Steel production
When iron is smelted from its ore by commercial

processes, it contains more carbon than is desirable. To become

steel it must be melted and reprocessed to reduce the carbon to the correct amount, at which point other elements can be added.
Steel productionWhen iron is smelted from its ore by commercial processes, it contains more carbon than is

Слайд 12Ancient steel
Steel was known in antiquity. The earliest known production

of steel is a piece of iron ware excavated from

an archaeological site in Anatolia and is about 4,000 years old. Other ancient steel comes from East Africa, dating back to 1400 BC. In the 4th century BC steel weapons like the Falcata were produced in the Iberian Peninsula, while horic steel was used by the Roman military.
Ancient steelSteel was known in antiquity. The earliest known production of steel is a piece of iron

Слайд 13In this project we have found out the answers to

these questions:
1.Do we live in the age of steel?
2.Has steel

displaced wood and bricks as basic material in construction?
3. What has its technique combined?
In this project we have found out the answers to these questions:1.Do we live in the age

Слайд 16The aims of this project are
1.The meaning of the word

2.Portland cement
3.Manufacture of Portland cement
4.Two processes of cement production

know about:
The aims of this project are1.The meaning of the word cement2.Portland cement 3.Manufacture of Portland cement4.Two processes

Слайд 17What does the word cement mean?
The word cement comes from

the Latin word cementum , meaning pieces of rough uncut

stone. The ancient Romans used cement to build their famous buildings, bridges, and roads.The Romans built concrete foundations which are nearly as sturdy today as they were in the days of Julius Ceasar.
What does the word cement mean?The word cement comes from the Latin word cementum , meaning pieces

Слайд 18The definition of the word “cement”
Now the word “cement” in

its widest sense includes an infinite variety of materials and

ranges from the clay used to bind stones and other material together.
The definition of the word “cement”Now the word “cement” in its widest sense includes an infinite variety

Слайд 19The most important cement
But in its more restricted sense the

word practically always means Portland cement, as this is by

far the most important cement used at the present time.
The most important cementBut in its more restricted sense the word practically always means Portland cement, as

Слайд 20The production of quality cement
Portland Cement received its name from

a fancied resemblance in appearance to Portland stone-a natural stone

found on the isle of Portland . It now ranks second only to steel as a structural material.
The production of quality cementPortland Cement received its name from a fancied resemblance in appearance to Portland

Слайд 21The process of production of quality cement
In the dry process

the raw material are placed in rotary driers before being

ground and mixed, in the wet process the materials are ground and mixed wet. With modern equipment the same chemical control can be attained by either process.
The process of production of quality cementIn the dry process the raw material are placed in rotary

Слайд 22Cement plants in Ukraine
In Ukraine there are many cement plants.

most biggest are “Doncement” OAO Ukraine, town Donetsk, Krivorozhskiy cement

factory, Kramatorsk cement-slate combine, Bakhchisarai combine.
Cement plants in UkraineIn Ukraine there are many cement plants.The most biggest are “Doncement” OAO Ukraine, town

Слайд 23In this project we have found out the answers to

such questions:
1.What does the word cement mean?
2.What does cement include?

is the most important cement used at the present time?
4.What is important in the production of quality cement?
In this project we have found out the answers to such questions:1.What does the word cement mean?2.What



Слайд 25The aim of this project is
to know more about concrete

and its application

The aim of this project isto know more about concrete and its application

Слайд 26The importance of concrete
Concrete is the most necessary material in

modern architecture. This very old material used by the ancient

Romans. They knew the art of building huge concrete roofs supported only by walls, but this art was lost in the Middle Ages. And now concrete again plays an important part in the history of architecture.
The importance of concreteConcrete is the most necessary material in modern architecture. This very old material used

Слайд 27How to make concrete
Concrete is a mixture of powder called

cement, made from clay and chalk, water, sand and broken

brick or gravel. When mixed and left for a time, this mass becomes as hard as stone.
How to make concreteConcrete is a mixture of powder called cement, made from clay and chalk, water,

Слайд 28The use of concrete
Before pouring the mixture, one can place

long steel rods or a steel mesh into the trough.

We call this ferro-concrete, and we can mould it into any shape. Concrete is as plastic as clay, and it is much easier to get unusual shapes from concrete than from stone or brick. One can use concrete to model a building into different forms as readily as a child uses plasticine to do the same thing.
The use of concreteBefore pouring the mixture, one can place long steel rods or a steel mesh

Слайд 29In this project we have found out answers to these

1. What is the most necessary material in modern architecture?

Who used this very old material?
3. What is concrete made from?
4. Where is concrete used?
In this project we have found out answers to these questions:1. What is the most necessary material

Слайд 32The aims of the project are : to know about

derivation of wood.
2.The usage of wood.
3.The classification of wood.
4.Wood as

an ancient structural material.
5.The advantages of wood.
6.The disadvantages of wood.
The aims of the project are :  to know about1.The derivation of wood.2.The usage of wood.3.The

Слайд 33The derivation of wood
Wood derives from woody plants, notably trees

but also shrubs wood from the latter is only produced

in small sizes.
The derivation of woodWood derives from woody plants, notably trees but also shrubs wood from the latter

Слайд 34The usage of wood
Wood has been used for millennia for

many purposes being many things to many people. One of

its primary use is a fuel. It is also used as a material for making artworks, boats, buildings, furniture, ships, tools weapons ets.

The usage of woodWood has been used for millennia for many purposes being many things to many

Слайд 35The classification of wood
Wood is commonly classified as either softwood

or hardwood. The wood from conifers (pine) is called softwood

and the wood from broad-leaver trees (oak) is called hardwood.

The classification of woodWood is commonly classified as either softwood or hardwood. The wood from conifers (pine)

Слайд 36Wood as an ancient structural material
Wood is the most ancient

structural material, which was used by the primitive man for

building a hut, protecting him from stormy weather and wild animals.
Wood as an ancient structural materialWood is the most ancient structural material, which was used by the

Слайд 37The advantages of wood
In comparison with steel wood is lighter,

cheaper, easier to work and its mechanical properties are good.

For some purposes it has certain advantages over steel. The ease with which wood can be shaped and fastened together, especially with nails and screws, is the chief reason why it has been the leading structural material since man used tools.
The advantages of woodIn comparison with steel wood is lighter, cheaper, easier to work and its mechanical

Слайд 38The disadvantages of wood
On the other hand, wood has

certain disadvantages as compared with other structural materials. First, it

burns and is therefore unsuitable for fireproof buildings. Second it decoys and is not considered so durable as steel and concrete.

The disadvantages of wood On the other hand, wood has certain disadvantages as compared with other structural

Слайд 39Our questions:
What was wood used for as an ancient structural

What is the difference between wood and steel?
What are disadvantages

of wood?
How is it commonly classified?

Our questions:What was wood used for as an ancient structural material?What is the difference between wood and

Слайд 40Protect wood!!!
Done by Yaroslav Banko

Protect wood!!!Done by Yaroslav Banko

Слайд 42The aims of this project are
1. The definition of brick

The shape and size of brick
3. How to work with


to know about

The aims of this project are1. The definition of brick2. The shape and size of brick3. How

Слайд 43The definition of brick
Brick as a structural material was known

many thousands years ago and are used as a substitute

for other materials found in natural state. A brick building is strong durable and weather resistant. It has, however, certain disadvantages:
it is more expensive
the process of constructing a brick building is very slow and requires much skilled labour on the site

The definition of brickBrick as a structural material was known many thousands years ago and are used

Слайд 44The shape and size of brick
A brick is best described

as “a building unit”. It may be made of burnt

clay, of concrete, of mortar or of a composition of sawdust and other materials; in shape it is a rectangular solid and its weight is from 6,5 to 9 lb.
The shape and convenient size of a brick enables a man to grip it with an easy confidence and, because of this, brick-building has been popular for many hundreds of years.
The shape and size of brickA brick is best described as “a building unit”. It may be

Слайд 45How to work with brick
By placing the hand over the

surface of the upper part of a brick and by

placing the thumb centrally down the face of the brick with the first joints of the fingers on the opposite face, the brick may be securely handled.
How to work with brickBy placing the hand over the surface of the upper part of a

Слайд 46In this project we have found out the answers to

these questions
1. What materials is brick made of?
2. What is

the shape of brick?
3. Has brick building has been popular for many hundreds of years?
In this project we have found out the answers to these questions1. What materials is brick made

Слайд 48Plastics


Слайд 49The aims of this project are
The application of plastics
The advantages

of plastics
The manufacturing of laminate
to know about

The aims of this project areThe application of plasticsThe advantages of plasticsThe manufacturing of laminateto know about

Слайд 50The application of plastics
Nowadays plastics can be applied to almost

every branch of building, from the laying of foundation to

the final coat of paint.
A lot of decorative plastics now available has brought about a revolution in interior and exterior design.
The application of plastics Nowadays plastics can be applied to almost every branch of building, from the

Слайд 51The advantages of plastics
Plastics are used now not only for

decoration. These materials are sufficiently rigid to stand on their

own without any support. They can be worked with ordinary builders tools.
The advantages of plastics Plastics are used now not only for decoration. These materials are sufficiently rigid

Слайд 52The manufacturing of laminate
Laminate is a strong material manufactured from

many layers of paper or textile impregnated with thermosetting resins.

Laminate has been developed for both inside and outside use. Being used for surfacing, laminate gives the tough surface.
The manufacturing of laminate Laminate is a strong material manufactured from many layers of paper or textile

Слайд 53In this project we have found out the answers to

these questions
Where can plastics be applied?
What advantages do plastics offer?

is laminate?
What does laminate give?

In this project we have found out the answers to these questionsWhere can plastics be applied?What advantages

Слайд 55The aims of the project are:
1. The usage of glass

The history of glass
3. The first glass plant
4. The beginning

of the glass production
5. Sheet glass
6. Positive qualities of glass
7. Negative qualities of glass

to know more about

The aims of the project are:1. The usage of glass2. The history of glass3. The first glass

Слайд 56The usage of glass
Glass is one of the most widespread

materials which is widely used in economy and everyday life

for buildings, glass cooking utensils, mirrors, electro lamps and necessary things of our everyday life.
Tubes devices and reactors made of glass are used in food and chemical industries
The usage of glassGlass is one of the most widespread materials which is widely used in economy

Слайд 57The history of glass
Glass is known to the people for

nearly fifty- five centuries. The most ancient examples of the

glass were discovered in Egypt.
Glass products dating back to 2000 BC were found in India, Japan, Korea.
The history of glassGlass is known to the people for nearly fifty- five centuries. The most ancient

Слайд 58The beginning of the glass production
Excavations testify that the secrets

of the glass production in Russia were known more than

ten thousand years ago. The first glass plant was built in the village Duhanino near Moscow in 1634.
The beginning of the glass productionExcavations testify that the secrets of the glass production in Russia were

Слайд 59Thanks to the invention of Siemence-Martin Stove and plant production

of soda the glass production gained mass character only at

the end of the last century
Thanks to the invention of Siemence-Martin Stove and plant production of soda the glass production gained mass

Слайд 60Sheet glass
But the sheet glass is a modern one. The

technology of its production was worked out nowadays.
The glass is

manufactured at the glass plants from the special quartz sand.
Sheet glassBut the sheet glass is a modern one. The technology of its production was worked out

Слайд 61Positive qualities of glass:
Chemical steadiness
Low heat conductivity

Positive qualities of glass:TransparencyChemical steadinessLow heat conductivity

Слайд 62Negative qualities of glass:
Low firmness during incurvation

Negative qualities of glass:Low firmness during incurvation

Слайд 63We came to the conclusion that:
1. Glass is one of

the most wide spread materials
2. Glass has an ancient history

Sheet glass is a modern one
4. Glass has positive and negative qualities

We came to the conclusion that:1. Glass is one of the most wide spread materials2. Glass has

Слайд 64In this project we have found out the answers to

these questions:
Is glass one of the most widespread materials?
What is

used in food and chemical industries?
Where were the most ancient examples of the glass discovered?
When was the first glass plant build?
How is glass manufactured?
In this project we have found out the answers to these questions:Is glass one of the most

Слайд 65I wish you
Air to breath;
Fire to warm you;
Water to

And the Earth to live one;

I wish you Air to breath;Fire to warm you;Water to drink;And the Earth to live one;

Слайд 67If we have such builders as you are we shall

live in beautiful , magnificent , original , exclusive buildings

of steel , glass , wood , brick.
If we have such builders as you are we shall live in beautiful , magnificent , original

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