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The Usage of Grayscale or Color Images for Facial Expression Recognition with

Datasets for facial expression recognition

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Usage of Grayscale or Color Images for Facial Expression

Recognition with Deep Neural Networks
Dmitry A. Yudin1, Alexandr V. Dolzhenko2

and Ekaterina O. Kapustina2

1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University),
2 Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod,

The Usage of Grayscale or Color Images for Facial Expression Recognition with Deep Neural NetworksDmitry A. Yudin1,

Слайд 2Datasets for facial expression recognition

Datasets for facial expression recognition

Слайд 3Task Formulation
Examples of labeled images with facial expressions from AffectNet

Dataset: 0 – Neutral, 1 – Happiness, 2– Sadness, 3

– Surprise, 4 – Fear, 5 – Disgust, 6 – Anger, 7 – Contempt

To solve the task it is necessary to develop various variants of deep neural network architectures and to test them on the available data set with 1-channel (grayscale) and 3-channel (color) image representation.
We must determine which image representation is best used for the task of facial expression recognition. Also, we need to select the best architecture that will provide best performance and the highest quality measures of image classification: accuracy, precision and recall

Task FormulationExamples of labeled images with facial expressions from AffectNet Dataset: 0 – Neutral, 1 – Happiness,

Слайд 4Dataset preparation
For image augmentation we have used 5 sequential steps:

Dropout – setting rectangular areas within images to zero. We

have generated a dropout mask at 2 to 25 percent of image's size. In that mask, 0 to 2 percent of all pixels were dropped (random per image).
Affine transformation – image rotation on random degrees from -15 to 15.
Flipping of image along vertical axis with 0.9 probability.
Addition Gaussian noise to image with standard deviation of the normal distribution from 0 to 15.
Cropping away (cut off) random value of pixels on each side of the image from 0 to 10% of the image height/width.
Dataset preparationFor image augmentation we have used 5 sequential steps:Coarse Dropout – setting rectangular areas within images

Слайд 5Training and testing samples of used dataset

Training and testing samples of used dataset

Слайд 6Classification of Emotion Categories using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
ResNetM architecture

inspired from ResNet

Classification of Emotion Categories using Deep Convolutional Neural NetworksResNetM architecture inspired from ResNet

Слайд 7Classification of Emotion Categories using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
DenseNet architecture

is based on DenseNet169 model

Classification of Emotion Categories using Deep Convolutional Neural NetworksDenseNet architecture is based on DenseNet169 model

Слайд 8Classification of Emotion Categories using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Xception architecture

with changed input tensor to 120x120x3 for color images and

120x120x1 for grayscale images
Classification of Emotion Categories using Deep Convolutional Neural NetworksXception architecture with changed input tensor to 120x120x3 for

Слайд 9Training of deep neural networks with ResNetM, DenseNet and Xception


Training of deep neural networks with ResNetM, DenseNet and Xception architectures

Слайд 10Quality of facial expression recognition on AffectNet Dataset

Quality of facial expression recognition on AffectNet Dataset

Слайд 11Quality of facial expression recognition on AffectNet Dataset

Quality of facial expression recognition on AffectNet Dataset

Слайд 12Contacts
Dmitry Yudin,
Senior researcher, MIPT

Lab website in russian:
Lab website in


ContactsDmitry Yudin, Senior researcher, MIPTYudin.da@mipt.ruLab website in russian:https://mipt.ru/science/labs/cognitive-dynamic-systems/Lab website in english:https://mipt.ru/english/research/labs/cds

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