Разделы презентаций

There is or There are?

……………many apples in the basket.There are

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1There is or There are?

There is or There are?

Слайд 2……………many apples in the basket.
There are

……………many apples in the basket.There are

Слайд 3……………nobody on the island.
There is

……………nobody on the island.There is

Слайд 4…………… a library in my school.
There is

…………… a library in my school.There is

Слайд 5 ……………many leaves on the ground.
There are

……………many leaves on the ground.There are

Слайд 6……………a detective spying my garden.
There is

……………a detective spying my garden.There is

Слайд 7………………two astronauts on the Moon.
There are

………………two astronauts on the Moon.There are

Слайд 8……………a girl under the palm tree.
There is

……………a girl under the palm tree.There is

Слайд 9……………… three kids playing with leaves.
There are

……………… three kids playing with leaves.There are

Слайд 10……………a boy sitting on books.
There is

……………a boy sitting on books.There is

Слайд 11………………two boys near the snowman.
There are

………………two boys near the snowman.There are

Слайд 12…………………many pupils in my classroom.
There are

…………………many pupils in my classroom.There are

Слайд 13……………a treasure on the island.
There is

……………a treasure on the island.There is

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