How much is a family room?
How much does a family room cost?
Are there rooms with
a sea view in the hotel?
Do you have any rooms with a sea view in the hotel?
Are there any discounts for advance reservation?
Do you offer any discounts for reservation in advance?
What is the check-in and check-out time?
of the hotel
to the hotel
from the airport
Family rooms availability
for a family room
If there are rooms with a sea view
for advance reservation
Check-in and check-out time
Стандартные вопросы
(Часть 1)
You are considering staying at a hotel and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:
Location of the hotel
Directions to the hotel
Distance from the airport
Family rooms availability
Price for a family room
If there are rooms with a sea view
Discounts for advance reservation
Check-in and check-out time
Task 1 Hotel
for advance reservation
Check-in and
check-out time
Task 1 Hotel
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