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Traditions in Ukraine Prepared by Kate Nadtochiy, 7 th form, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukrainians are very happy, kind and generous people. We love entertaining so we have got many holidays and we celebrate them very interesting. Our holidays are: Ivana Kupala, Easter, Christmas ,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Traditions in Ukraine
Prepared by Kate Nadtochiy, 7th form, Kyiv, Ukraine

Traditions in UkrainePrepared by Kate Nadtochiy, 7th form, Kyiv, Ukraine

Слайд 2Ukrainians are very happy, kind and generous people. We love

entertaining so we have got many holidays and we celebrate

them very interesting. Our holidays are: Ivana Kupala, Easter, Christmas , Masliana, New Year and many others.
Ukrainians are very happy, kind and generous people. We love entertaining so we have got many holidays

Слайд 3Easter
We celebrate Easter according to the Orthodox church’s calendar. We

paint eggs and cook special for this day cakes. And

in the morning all people make battles with eggs. Whose egg is whole that man wins.
EasterWe celebrate Easter according to the Orthodox church’s calendar. We paint eggs and cook special for this

Слайд 4New Year
We have New Year at night since 31st December

to 1st January. We decorate fir-tree and put presents under

a tree. It's very funny and of course we don't sleep all night!!!!!
New YearWe have New Year at night since 31st December to 1st January. We decorate fir-tree and

Слайд 5Masliana
Last week of February we celebrate Masliana. The tradition food

at Masliana is varenyky and pancakes. Masliana is a women’s

holiday, because they like foretelling. However, men celebrate this holiday too.
Masliana	Last week of February we celebrate Masliana. The tradition food at Masliana is varenyky and pancakes. Masliana

Слайд 6Ivana Kupala
We celebrate Ivana Kupala at night on 7th July.

This day all girls make wreathes decorated with candles and

put them in the river or in the lake. Boys catch these wreathes and, according to the legend, if the boy finds the wreath he should marry the girl who has made it. On this holiday a couple, a boy and a girl, should jump over the fire to prove their love.
Ivana KupalaWe celebrate Ivana Kupala at night on 7th July. This day all girls make wreathes decorated

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