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Types of sport

BasketballBasketball - ball game. Basketball is played by two teams, each consisting of five players. The goal of each team – to throw the ball into the hands of the basket.Well

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Слайд 1Types of sport

Types of sport

Слайд 2Basketball
Basketball - ball game. Basketball is played by two teams,

each consisting of five players. The goal of each team

– to throw the ball into the hands of the basket.
Well opponent and prevent the other team possess the ball and throw it in your cart. Basket is at a height of 3.05 meters from the floor. From each team on the court is 5 persons, only 12 people in the team, are not limited to replacement. A goal from the near and middle distance, count 2 points, from long (due to the three-point line) – 3 points.
Penalty shot worth one point. The standard size of a basketball court is 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. Basketball – one of the most popular sports in world. Basketball included in the Olympic program since 1936. Game inventor James Naismith was there as a guest.
Regular World Championships men`s basketball held since 1950, among women – since 1953, and European Championships – 1935 year. Most game development reached in the United States: Season National Basketball Association over 50 years is the strongest club competition in national world. Basketball is the national sport in Lithuania.

BasketballBasketball - ball game. Basketball is played by two teams, each consisting of five players. The goal

Слайд 3 Summer sports     
People all over the world

are very fond of sports and games. That is one

of the things in which people of every nationality and class are united.
Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling, gliding and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interests; this game is played in all the countries of the world.
The other games that have firmly established themselves in favors in different countries are cricket, volley-ball, basketball and so on. Badminton is also very popular both with young and old. Among indoor games which one can go in for all the year round are table tennis, draughts, chess, of course.

Summer sports         People all over the world are very fond

Слайд 4Winter sports
There are lot of winter sports. We want to

tell you about Hockey and Figure Skating. In hockey simple

rules need to go skating with a stick, puck and score the wrong gate. In figure skating need to show tricks on the ice. If the judges liked most Trove performance , then you win.​
Тhere is still a sport about which we want to tell you - this is racing on skis. The goal of this sport, you need to go as much as possible bystreet not to get ahead of opponents and need to come first to the finish line in the race involved more than 50 people.​

Winter sportsThere are lot of winter sports. We want to tell you about Hockey and Figure Skating.

Слайд 5Football
Football – a team sport in which the goal

is to get the ball into the opponent`s legs or

other parts of the body (except the hands) more times than the opposing team. Currently, the most popular sport in the world. 

Football Football – a team sport in which the goal is to get the ball into the

Слайд 6Basketball in our time
Basketball – team sports game, whose

purpose – to throw the ball into the hands of

the ring (the basket) opponent mounting plate. Hit can bring a team from one to three points. In the match, the winning team with the greater number of points. Currently, basketball – one of the most popular sports.

Basketball in our time Basketball – team sports game, whose purpose – to throw the ball into

Слайд 7 Boxing in our time 
These days, boxing has become a multi

– million dollar views of the variety which has successfully

captured the interest of many people around the world. However, boxing today is mired in controversy and contradictions stories and, of course, hostility. Maybe the fact that it`s a tough sport, combat plays a major role in creating the noise that exists in the world of boxing today.

Boxing in our time  These days, boxing has become a multi – million dollar views of

Слайд 8The development of fencing
Fencing has an unusually long roots. More

than three thousand years ago, the Egyption Pharaon Ramesses 3

gave in honor of the victory over the Libyans fencing tournament. The frescoes of the temple at Medinet Hab in upper Egypt clearly different weapons, arms fighters protected the special Cup-Gard, as modern swords, some persons are closed. Judges can be recognized by Peru, which they hold in their hands. Clearly, the fresco depicts the competition. The history of fencing is unusually rich. Fencing at various types of weapons as wellas as it was known in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. In the Middle Ages, fencing was considered one of the "seven noble knight of passion. This led to the birth in Spain at the beginning of the 15th century fencing-art.

The development of fencingFencing has an unusually long roots. More than three thousand years ago, the Egyption

Слайд 9FENCING in our days
Fencing is one of the most

ancient sports. Even in ancient Greece was the fencing in

the Olympic program. In the Middle Ages it became a separate discipline that you studied at school, at the Court of the king.
Directions in fencing today about fencing is not forgotten, on the contrary, it was divided into several areas: historical, scenic, sports and combat.

FENCING in our days Fencing is one of the most ancient sports. Even in ancient Greece was

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

Слайд 11THE END


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