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United States of America

America's nameAmerica is named, apparently, by the name of Amerigo Vespucci, a Florentine traveler. He, in turn, was baptized in honor of Saint Emeric.Another version: America got its name from Richard

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Слайд 1United States of America
Finished: Rakov Danil 9 “b" class.
Lecturer: Savina

Maria Alexandrovna

United States of AmericaFinished: Rakov Danil 9 “b

Слайд 2America's name
America is named, apparently, by the name of Amerigo

Vespucci, a Florentine traveler. He, in turn, was baptized in

honor of Saint Emeric.

Another version: America got its name from Richard America, a wealthy merchant from Bristol, who financed the second transatlantic expedition of John Cabot. Cabot reached the shores of Labrador in 1497 (two years earlier than Vespucci) and named the newly discovered lands in honor of the main sponsor of the expedition.
America's nameAmerica is named, apparently, by the name of Amerigo Vespucci, a Florentine traveler. He, in turn,

Слайд 3Location
The main territory of the United States (called continental states)

is located on the North American continent and extends from

the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. In the south, the United States borders with Mexico, in the north - with Canada. In addition, the United States includes 2 more states. In the extreme northwest of the Americas is the state of Alaska, also bordering Canada. The state of Hawaii is in the Pacific. The border with Russia passes through the Bering Strait. The United States also owns a number of islands in the Caribbean (for example, Puerto Rico) and in the Pacific (American Samoa, Midway, Guam, and others).
LocationThe main territory of the United States (called continental states) is located on the North American continent

Слайд 4The f lag of the United States of America -

the national flag of the United States, also known as

the Stars and Stripes (Eng. Stars and Stripes), is the official state symbol of the United States (along with the GIt is a rectangular panel with horizontal isometric alternating seven red and six white stripes. In the dark blue kryazh - 50 five-pointed white stars. 13 lanes symbolize the 13 British colonies, which formed an independent statereat Seal and anthem). Blue Kryzh symbolizes the Union. The number of stars in the blue fringe corresponds to the number of states. Red represents endurance and prowess; dark blue - zeal, justice, vigilance; white - innocence and purity. The United States Great Seal is a state emblem used to confirm the authenticity of documents issued by the government of the United States of America.
The US Secretary of State is considered the official custodian of the Great Seal. See Big Print
can be in the State Department exhibition hall in Washington. The front side of the seal is often called the US coat of arms.
A feature of the Great Seal of the United States is the presence of two different sides, while usually the seals have only one side.

Flag and coat of arms

The f lag of the United States of America - the national flag of the United States,

Слайд 5Facts about America
United States of America, often briefly referred to

as the USA;
Population - 327 million people
The United States has

a federal form of the device, administratively divided into 50 states and the Federal District of Columbia; they are also subordinate to a number of island territories
The capital is the city of Washington, DC, and the largest by population is the city of New York.
Facts about AmericaUnited States of America, often briefly referred to as the USA;Population - 327 million peopleThe

Слайд 6History of America
The United States of America was formed in

1776 when the thirteen British colonies were united, declaring their

The war of independence continued until 1783 and ended in a victory for the colonists.

History of AmericaThe United States of America was formed in 1776 when the thirteen British colonies were

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