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Valentin Strikalo

parodyindiepop rockpop punkGenrespunk rockalternative rock satire

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Valentin Strikalo
Presentation by
Maria Kozlova

Valentin StrikaloPresentation by Maria Kozlova

Слайд 2parody
pop rock
pop punk
punk rock
alternative rock

parodyindiepop rockpop punkGenrespunk rockalternative rock satire

Слайд 3Create a Group
Ukrainian group Valentin Strykalo was founded in 2010,

soloist Yuri Kaplan, known for the Internet as a naive

provincial Man "Valentine Strykalo from village Buriltsevo"
Create a GroupUkrainian group Valentin Strykalo was founded in 2010, soloist Yuri Kaplan, known for the Internet

Слайд 4His ironic video statement to the stars of show business,

laid out on the website YouTube, is rapidly gathering millions

of views, and a fictional character Kaplan instantly gained recognition authoritative media: «Forbes» included it into the top three artists who became famous on the Internet
His ironic video statement to the stars of show business, laid out on the website YouTube, is

Слайд 5Activities of the group are now
Today Valentine Strykalo draw full

houses throughout the CIS. Their live shows are known for

their incredible energy, sharp humor soloist and easy communication with the audience.
Activities of the group are nowToday Valentine Strykalo draw full houses throughout the CIS. Their live shows

Слайд 6Yesterday at the "Aurora" was a concert of the group.

Was performed several new songs. The audience were very pleased

with the concert and went home in high spirits.

Was a lot people!(2500 people)

Yesterday at the

Слайд 7Awards
. In 2011, Valentin Strykalo was awarded the "Golden Gargoyle"

from a club of 16 tons for Best VIA years

Awards. In 2011, Valentin Strykalo was awarded the

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