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Viral hepatitis - a large group of infectious diseases with a primary lesion of


Currently known 8 agents of viral hepatitis - Hepatitis A virus (HAV) – viral hepatitis A (VHA) - Hepatitis E virus (HEV) - viral hepatitis

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Viral hepatitis - a large group of infectious diseases with

a primary lesion of the liver, which have similar clinic,

but differ in etiology, pathogenesis, severity and consequences.

In the 5th century BC, Hippocrates described the relationship of jaundice and ascites with liver disease;

1938 - the beginning of the study of viral hepatitis, when the British virologists
D. Findlay and F. McCallum described the outbreak of hepatitis following yellow fever vaccination.

Viral hepatitis - a large group of infectious diseases with a primary lesion of the liver, which

Слайд 2Currently known 8 agents of viral hepatitis

- Hepatitis A virus (HAV) – viral hepatitis A


- Hepatitis E virus (HEV) - viral hepatitis E (VHE)

- Hepatitis B virus (HBV) - viral hepatitis B (VHB)

- Hepatitis C virus (HCV) - viral hepatitis C (VHC)

- Hepatitis D virus (HDV) - viral hepatitis D (VHD)

The most dangerous for the population are VH with
blood-contact and vertical transmission - B, C, D
(because of the high probability of development of chronic forms (in HCV – the highest), liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.
These effects lead to reduced life quality and significant economic loss.
Currently known 8 agents of viral hepatitis    - Hepatitis A virus (HAV) – viral

Слайд 3Pathomorphological changes of VH
Mechanism of them is different:

HDV - have a direct cytolytic effect;
HBV – indirectly via

the immune system.

Syndrome of cytolysis of hepatocytes,
Сholestasis syndrome,
Hepato-cellular insufficiency,

Pathomorphological changes of VH Mechanism of them is different:HAV, HCV, HDV - have a direct cytolytic effect;HBV

Слайд 4Characteristic of pathogenic syndromes of VH

Characteristic of pathogenic syndromes of VH

Слайд 5Characteristic of pathogenic syndromes of VH

Characteristic of pathogenic syndromes of VH

Слайд 6Characteristic of pathogenic syndromes of VH

Characteristic of pathogenic syndromes of VH

B 15 Acute VHA:

15.0 VHA with hepatic coma;

15.9 VHA without hepatic coma;
B 16 Acute VHB:
B 16.0 Acute VHB with HDV (coinfection) with hepatic coma;
B 16.1 Acute VHB with HDV (coinfection) without hepatic coma;
B 16.2 Acute VHB without HDV with hepatic coma;
B 16.9 Acute VHB without HDV without hepatic coma;
B 17 Other acute VH:
B 17.0 Acute HDV- superinfection in carrier of HBV;
B 17.1 Acute VHC;
B 17.2 Acute VHE;
B 17.8 Other verified acute VH;
B 17.9 Acute unverified VH;
B 18 Chronic VH:
B18.0 Chronic VHB with HDV;
B 18.1 Chronic VHB without HDV;
B 18.2 Chronic VHC;
B 18.8 Other chronic VH;
B 18.9 Chronic VH unverified
B 19 Unverified VH:
B 19.0 Unverified VH with hepatic coma;
B 19.9 Unverified VH without hepatic coma
CLINICAL CLASSIFICATIONB 15 Acute VHA:     B 15.0 VHA with hepatic coma;


On the duration and cyclicity of course:

a) Acute VH;

b) Subacute or lingering VH;
c) Recurrent VH;
d) Fulminant VH;
By severity:
a) Mild form;
b) Moderate form;
c) Severe form;
According to expression of clinic:
a) Icteric form:
- cytolytic (typical);
- cholestatic;
b) Unicteric form;
c) Subclinical form;
d) Obliterated form

CLINICAL CLASSIFICATIONOn the duration and cyclicity of course:      a) Acute VH;

intestinal anthroponotic viral infection with fecal-oral mechanism

transmission, characterized by hepatonecrosis, clinicaly – by intoxication, hepatomegaly, sometimes



Hepatovirus, Picornaviridae;

2. Has a rounded shape, a single chain of RNA;

3. Stable in the environment
(for items stored for about 1 month);

4. Not inactivated by stomach acid;

5. Sensitive for the ribavirin, amantadine;

VIRAL HEPATITIS Aintestinal anthroponotic viral infection with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission, characterized by hepatonecrosis, clinicaly – by

Слайд 10Epidemiology:
Fecal-oral mechanism of transmission:
- watery

- alimentary route;

- contact way (through dirty hands, towels, linen, dishes);
2. Source:
- patient in the incubation, prodromal period and climax of the disease;
- with inapparant, obliterated and unicteric (more dangerous) forms;
- after the appearance of jaundice the risk of infection is reduced;
3. Susceptibility:
- general;
- children (after the first year of life);
- teenagers, young people to 35 years;
- patients with immunosuppression;
4. Seasonality: summer-autumn;
5. Factors: contaminated water, infected food products, household items;
6. Epidemics occur every 4-7 years;
7. Repeated infection is not seen.

Epidemiology:Fecal-oral mechanism of transmission:     - watery route;     - alimentary

Слайд 11Pathogenesis
Damage of hepatocytes due to cell cytotoxic immune reactions and

direct cytopathic effect of the virus.
Main link of pathogenesis

– is biochemical reaction – peroxide oxygenation of lipids, leading to destraction of hepatocyte phospholipids and increased membrane permeability.


Penetration of the virus into hepatocytes,
leads to cytolysis and degeneration of cells.
3. Excrection: virus enters from the affected cells via bile in the intestine and excreted with feces.

Pathogenesis	Damage of hepatocytes due to cell cytotoxic immune reactions and direct cytopathic effect of the virus. 	Main

Cyclical disease;
Incubation – asymptomatical, duration 10-50 days,

but on an average 28 days;
at watery and alimentary ways - is shorter, in contact – longer;

3. Initial period – duration 5-7 days:
a) Intoxication: - hyperthermia till 38-39ºC; headache,
b) Dyspepsia: - loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, feeling
of heaviness in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium;
c) Change (darkening) in color of urine;

Initial period of HAV may occur in 3 clinical variants:
- flu-like: - hyperthermia, nasal congestion, discomfort in the oropharynx, coughing,
- dispeptic: - anorexia, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea;
- astheno-vegetative: - general weakness, irritability, indifference, insomnia or drowsiness
CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICCyclical disease;Incubation – asymptomatical, duration 10-50 days,

Слайд 134. Climax (icteric) period:
a) jaundice:

- with its appearance patient's state is

(additional diagnostic criteria),
- first painted the mucosa of the oropharynx and the sclera,
later - the skin of the trunk, and then extremities,
- continues 2-3 weeks;
- 3 phases: progression (3-4 days), peak (1-2 weeks) and
attenuation (2 weeks);
b) discolored stool, dark urine (dark brown, like root beer
or black tea, foamy);
c) enlarged liver and spleen (palpation is painful, dense liver
d) cardiovascular sd: tendency to hypotension, bradycardia
5. Reconvalescence:
a) continues 3-6 month;
b) jaundice disappears gradually;
c) asthenovegetative syndrome.


4. Climax (icteric) period:   a) jaundice:      - with its appearance


Specific methods:
Method of isolation of virus - virological

(detection of the virus in the feces during

initial period),
2. PCR - within 1 week of the disease,

3. Serological confirmation - ELISA
- revealing of anti-HAV IgM (determined in the acute period of the disease), the maximum titer in 2-3 months, persists for 2-6 months,
anti- HAV IgG identified in the lifetime.

Detection of anti-HAV IgM indicates the presence of
a current acute infection;
High titers of anti- HAV IgG confer immunity from
re-infection and indicate the carried VHA

LABORATORY CHARACTERISTICSpecific methods:Method of isolation of virus - virological   (detection of the virus in the

Слайд 15Nonspecific methods:
CBC - leukopenia, neutropenia,

lymphocytosis, normal ESR,

2.Biochemical test of blood:

- increased transaminases (initial period and climax), especially ALT (a marker of cytolysis) - above normal in 3-4 times, reduced in reconvalescence,

- hyperbilirubinemia due to direct fraction in icteric period (indicator of the severity of the disease),

- increased alkaline phosphatase, LDG,
- increased blood urea (sometimes in severe forms),
- coagulogramm - no change,
- urobilinogen - in urine
Nonspecific methods: CBC - leukopenia, neutropenia,    relative lymphocytosis, normal ESR, 2.Biochemical test of blood:

Слайд 16Complex of clinical-anamnestic data of VHA:
1. Cyclical development,

Presence of prodromal (initial) period,

3.Sequence of development of intoxication,

and hepatosplenomegaly,
4. Epidemiologic anamnesis:

- contact with patients with VHA,
- using of unboiled water,
- unhygienic behaviour,

5. Laboratory data:
- hyperbilirubinemia (direct fraction),
- increased transaminases,
- urobilinogen in urine,
- markers – anti-HAV IgM
Complex of clinical-anamnestic data of VHA: 1. Cyclical development, 2. Presence of prodromal (initial) period, 3.Sequence of

Слайд 17 Viral hepatitis B – mixed viral antroponotic infection from the

group of transfusion hepatitis, characterized by lesions of hepatocytes and

occurring in different clinical forms.
Hepatitis B occurs in chronic, lingering and acute forms.

In 1963 B. Blumberg isolated from the blood of Australian aborigines special "Australian antigen", which is considered a marker of serum hepatitis.
D. Dane (1970) identified a new virus of hepatitis, justifying the existence of new nosological forms - viral hepatitis B.

Viral hepatitis B – mixed viral antroponotic infection from the group of transfusion hepatitis, characterized by lesions

Слайд 18
F. Hepadnaviridae, G. Orthohepadnavirus.

form (42 nm),
lipoprotein envelope (7 nm) (HBs Ag),

nucleocapsid (соre) (diameter 28 nm),
DNA, genome contains of S, C, X, P genes,
- main viral proteins are encoded by genes S, pre-S1,pre-S2.
protein pre-S2 has specific receptors to albumin, which allocates
on hepatocytes.
protein S1 – has the dominating antigenic site "a“
contributing specificity of the virus.

АСUTE VIRAL HEPATITIS B (VHB) F. Hepadnaviridae, G. Orthohepadnavirus. spherical form (42 nm), lipoprotein envelope (7 nm)

Слайд 19
All these proteins can be found in plasma during replication

of viruses!!!
The gene C- encodes protein of

a nucleocapsid HBcAg (it is only inside hepatocytes), but his soluble antigenic variety HBe Ag circulates in a blood and has 3 serovars

Gene Х - activator of all genes HBV, probably induces appearance of a hepatocell carcinoma (patients have the high level of anti-HBX)

The gene Р - occupies 80 % (-) chain DNA - encodes
DNA-polymerase, transcriptase, ribonuclease

The surface antigene НBsAg (from 22 up to 700 nm)
has 4 main subtypes (ayw, ayr, adw, adr)

All these proteins can be found in plasma during replication of viruses!!!   The gene C-

Слайд 20There are 3 virus-specific
Antigen of replication
- Core-antigen

Surface-antigen (HBsAg)

Detection of circulating immune
complexes in 3-4

after the onset of the disease
means presence the risk of
chronization of the process.
Favorable sign for prognosis of the disease is disappearance of the surface antigen and formation of antibodies to HBsAg, indicating a stop the viral replication
There are 3 virus-specific antigens: Antigen of replication (HBeAg);- Core-antigen (HBcAg); Surface-antigen (HBsAg) (Australian);Detection of circulating immune

Слайд 21Stable in the environment,

Can be inactivated:

- At room temperature

- in 6 months
- At 100º C- in 20

- At 160º C (dry fever) - in 1 hour
- At 120º С) - in 30 minutes

- In plasma- in 25 years
- In a refrigerator - in 6 months

- At рН 2.4 - in 2 hours
- In usual concentrations of disinfectant
solutions – in 2 - 7 days!!!

Stable in the environment,Can be inactivated: - At room temperature - in 6 months - At 100º

Слайд 22
33 % of the population have VHB;
350 -

400 millions of them are the carriers of HBsAg!

(on Russia more then 1 million of carriers !)
Source - human with acute and chronic hepatitis;
- HBsAg-carrier.
Groups of high risk:
- Мedical workers, contacting with a blood
- Recipients of biological tissues
- Patients with often parenteral infusions
- Mentally retarded and looking after staff
- Patients with chronic diseases of a liver
- Children birthing from the mothers – carrier of HBsAg
- Drug addicts and prostitutes
- Homosexuals and persons with HIV-infection
- Inhabitants of hyperendemic by VHB regions

EPIDEMIOLODY: 33 % of the population have VHB; 350 - 400 millions of them are the carriers

Слайд 23
In Russia– 188, 000 patients with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis

are annually registered and 6000 of them died!!!

Frequency of revealing of markers of VHB:
- Among medical workers - 33.3 %
- Among the patients with venereal diseases – 49.3 %
- Among the donors of a blood - 14.5 %
- Among the population - 3.8 %

The mode of transmission – PARENTERAL
Modes of transmission:
- sexual (horizontal) - 51.9 %
- intranatal and postnatal (vertical) - 1% - 10% - 50 %
- transplacental - 6 - 10 %
- hemopercutaneus (home contact ) - 6 - 10 %
In Russia– 188, 000 patients with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis are annually registered and 6000 of them

Слайд 24
Artificial modes of transmission:
- all medical manipulations

with damage of skin and

- IV drug addicts , tattoo, cosmetic procedures

Infection dose of blood in volume - 0,00004 - 0,000001 ml.
Frequency of newborn infection - 0,02 - 40 %
The risk of chronic HBsAg-carriage:
- at newborn infection - 90 %,
- 1-st year of life - 50 %,
- more than 1-st year 20 %
- in adults - 5 - 10 %

One injection of blood with HBsAg - causes a disease in 90 % of cases.
Hazard after one prick of infectious needle - 34 %
In 50 % of cases the source of infection is not revealed!

Artificial modes of transmission:  - all medical manipulations with damage of skin and

Слайд 27
Fixation of the virus on surface of hepatocyte through

protein pre- S2 via endocytosis;
2. "«Undressing" of the virus

and beginning of
3. Replication:
- the nucleocapsid is invade in core of hepatocyte,
where due to viral DNA-polymerase the viral chain (+)
is completed !!
- synthesis of viral proteins;
- formation of the external envelope with viral antigenes;
Replication of virus is possible in cells of bone marrow, spleen, monocytes and lymphatic tissue.

4. Immune response - when immunity is depressed completely
the disease does not develop!!!

PATHOGENESISFixation of the virus on surface of hepatocyte through   protein pre- S2 via endocytosis;2.

Cyclical disease with expressed jundice;

Incubation – asymptomatical, duration 40-180


but on an average 60-90 days;
- can be revealed increased ALT;

3. Initial period – duration till 2-3 weeks, starts gradually:
a) Intoxication: - hyperthermia till 38-39ºC; headache,

b) Dyspepsia: - loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, feeling
of heaviness in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium,

c) Change (darkening) in color of urine;

d) Hepatomegaly (painful palpation);

e) Coated tongue with white or grey fur;

CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICCyclical disease with expressed jundice;Incubation – asymptomatical, duration 40-180 days,

Слайд 30Initial period of HBV may occur in 3 clinical variants:

- arthralgic (25-30%): - pain in joints, without external changes,

sometimes redness, edema;

- dispeptic: - anorexia, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea;

- astheno-vegetative: - general weakness, irritability, indifference, insomnia or drowsiness, sweating, headache, dizziness


Initial period of HBV may occur in 3 clinical variants: - arthralgic (25-30%): - pain in joints,

Слайд 31

- Lowering appetite

- 95,6 (in %)
- Weakness - 94,5
- Nausea - 65,3
- Heaviness in hypochondrium - 57,2
- Joint pain, muscle pain - 46,8
- Headache - 34
- Meteorism - 32,9
- Vomiting - 31,5
- Abdominal pain - 28,4
- Fever - 22,5
- Dermal itching - 21,2
- Diarrhea - 9,5
- Giddiness - 8,2
- Dermal eruption - 8
FREQUENCY of SIGNS of INITIAL PERIOD - Lowering appetite

Слайд 334. Climax (icteric) period:

a) jaundice:

- with its appearance patient's state is

(additional diagnostic criteria),
- first painted the mucosa of the oropharynx and the sclera,
later - the skin of the trunk, and then extremities,
- continues 4-8 weeks;
- 3 phases: progression (2-3 days), peak (2-3 weeks) and
attenuation (2 weeks);

b) discolored stool, dark urine (dark brown, like root beer
or black tea, foamy);

c) enlarged liver and spleen (palpation is painful, dense liver


4. Climax (icteric) period:   a) jaundice:      - with its appearance

Слайд 34 d) cardiovascular sd: tendency to hypotension,

e) arthralgia disappears, but intoxication, dyspepsia and

asthenia is increased;

f) hemorrhagic changes: petechial exanthema, enantema,
nasal bleeding , microhematuria or profuse bleeding in
severe form;

5. Reconvalescence:
a) recovery of liver functions and regeneration of tissue
long-term (from 1-3 months to 1-2 years);
b) jaundice disappears gradually;
c) asthenovegetative syndrome.


d) cardiovascular sd: tendency to hypotension,   bradycardia; e) arthralgia disappears, but intoxication, dyspepsia and


Specific methods:
Method of isolation of virus - virological

(detection of the virus in the liver tissue)

– biopsy;

2. PCR - within 1 week of the disease,

3. Serological confirmation - ELISA
- revealing of HBsAg (in incubation);
HBeAg (replication of virus);
anti-HBcAg IgM (acute VHB),
anti-HBcAg IgG (chronic VHB)
the maximum titer in 2-4 weeks, persists for 2-6 months;
Circulation of HBsAg within 7-8 weeks or HBeAg within
3-4 weeks from the onset of VHB indicates

LABORATORY CHARACTERISTICSpecific methods:Method of isolation of virus - virological   (detection of the virus in the

Слайд 38Diagnostic markers of viral hepatitis of various etiologies

Diagnostic markers of viral hepatitis of various etiologies

Слайд 40Nonspecific methods:
CBC – leukopenia or normocytosis, neutropenia,

lymphocytosis, decreased platelets,

increased ESR;
2.Biochemical test of blood:

- increased transaminases (initial period and climax), ALT, AST (markers of cytolysis) - above normal in 3-4 times, reduced in reconvalescence,

- hyperbilirubinemia due to direct fraction in icteric period (indicator of the severity of the disease),

- increased significantly alkaline phosphatase, LDG,
- increased blood urea (sometimes in severe forms),
- coagulogramm - no change,
- urobilinogen - in urine
Nonspecific methods: CBC – leukopenia or normocytosis, neutropenia,         lymphocytosis,

Слайд 41Diagnosis of VHB is based on a combination of factors:


2. Presence of prodromal (initial) period,

3. Sequence of

development of severe intoxication,
jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly,
4. Hemorrhagic sd;

5. Laboratory data:
- hyperbilirubinemia (direct fraction),
- increased transaminases, Aph,
- urobilinogen in urine,
- markers – HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBsAg IgM,
anti-HBeAg IgM, anti-HBcAg IgM
Diagnosis of VHB is based on a combination of factors:Cyclical development, 2. Presence of prodromal (initial) period,

Слайд 426. Epidemiologic anamnesis:

- blood transfusion,

- surgical and dental treatment,

manicure, pedicure for the
last 6-8 months,
- unknown sexual contact,
- intravenous drug use,
- homosexuality, prostitution,
- sexual contact with a carrier of HBsAg,
- the mother carrier of HBsAg

Diagnosis of VHB is based on a combination of factors:

6. Epidemiologic anamnesis:   - blood transfusion,   - surgical and dental treatment,

Слайд 43Principles of treatment of viral hepatitis

Purpose - reducing the physical,

emotional and dietary stress;

2. Etiotropic antiviral therapy – is not

only at tendency of chronization;

3. Obligatory hospitalization and isolation of the
Principles of treatment of viral hepatitisPurpose - reducing the physical, emotional and dietary stress;2. Etiotropic antiviral therapy

Слайд 444. Basic therapy:
1. Diet №5,
2. Bed rest,
Pathogenic therapy:

3. Desintoxication:
a) Plentiful drink

b) Enterosorbents, lactulose
c) Intravenous solutions (5% p-p glucose)
d) Antioxidants (tocopherol, ascorbic acid),
e) Metabolites,
f) Hepatoprotectors,
4. Symptomatic treatment:
- antipyretics, antiemetics, antispasmodics,
purgative drugs,
5. Dispensary observation within 6-12 month (VHA),
1-2 years (VHB)
4. Basic therapy: 1. Diet №5, 2. Bed rest,Pathogenic therapy: 3. Desintoxication:    a) Plentiful

Слайд 45Hepatic coma
- complication of severe and fulminant forms of

Reason (Pathogenesis)
1. Liver destruction

redistribution of ions in the
2. Disturbance of inactivation of metabolites;

3. Accumulation of of ammonium in the blood
with tropisity to the CNS;

4. Edema-swelling of the brain
Hepatic coma - complication of severe and fulminant forms of VHB, VHB+D.Reason (Pathogenesis)  1. Liver destruction

Слайд 46Clinical signs of a developing coma
Increase of jaundice with the

increasing of the level of bilirubinemia;

Appearance of

nausea and vomiting;

Development of anorexia;

Inversion of sleep (insomnia);

5. Appearance of hemorrhage;
Clinical signs of a developing comaIncrease of jaundice with the rapid   increasing of the level

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