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Выполнила: Мукашева Ж. 2-067 ОМ Проверила:Дашкина Т.Г Карагандинский

DefinitionModal verbs are used to show the speaker`s attitude towards the action. We use them with other verbs. There are 10 modals: can, may, must, shall, should, will, would, ought to,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Выполнила: Мукашева Ж. 2-067 ОМ Проверила:Дашкина Т.Г
Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет
Кафедра иностранного


СРСП на тему:
Past Indefinite Tense
Караганда 2016

Выполнила: Мукашева Ж. 2-067 ОМ Проверила:Дашкина Т.ГКарагандинский государственный медицинский университетКафедра иностранного языкаСРСП на тему:Past Indefinite TenseКараганда 2016

Слайд 2Definition
Modal verbs are used to show the speaker`s attitude towards

the action. We use them with other verbs. There are

10 modals: can, may, must, shall, should, will, would, ought to, need, dare. Modal verbs are not “complete” verbs. They are called defective because they lack( except dare and need) component tenses, the passive voice and have some other peculiarities:
1. We can`t use them as “to- infinitives: to go, to speak.”
He can  speak Chinese.
She should  be here by 9:00.

DefinitionModal verbs are used to show the speaker`s attitude towards the action. We use them with other

Слайд 32.We don`t use the “to”- infinitives after modals
He should not

be late.
They might not come to the party.
3. There is

no- (e)s in the 3 rd person singular
He will can go with us. Not Correct
She musted study very hard. Not Correct

2.We don`t use the “to”- infinitives after modalsExamples:He should not be late.They might not come to the

Слайд 4Examples:
She can drive ( Она может водить машину)
I must go

( я должен идти)
You should call him (вам следует позвонить

You may stay here ( вы можете остаться здесь)
I would like to see her (я хотел бы увидеть ее)
He must be at the tennis club now (он, наверное, в теннисном клубе сейчас)
Examples: She can drive ( Она может водить машину)I must go ( я должен идти)You should call

Слайд 6CAN
"Can" is one of the most commonly used modal verbs

in English. It can be used to express ability or

opportunity, to request or offer permission, and to show possibility or impossibility.


Слайд 7The X-ray examination of the lungs can reveal numerous foci

of inflammation or various size, irregular form and different intensity.-

Рентгеновское исследование легких может определить многочисленные очаги воспаления различных форм, нерегулярной формы и разной интенсивности

Patient's condition didn`t can improve-Состояние пациента не могло улучшиться

Pneumonia can develop gradually- Пневмония может развиваться постепенно

The patient's breathing can become more
frequent- Дыхание пациента может стать более частым

The X-ray examination of the lungs can reveal numerous foci of inflammation or various size, irregular form

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