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WEATHER, SEASONS and CLOTHES к учебнику Spotlight 2 Презентация на

Whenever the weather is cold.Whenever the weather is hot.We'll whether the weather,Whatever the weather,Whether we like it or not.

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к учебнику Spotlight 2
Презентация на тему:
Учитель английского

МОУ г. Горловки «ШКОЛА № 38»
А.Г. Гриб

WEATHER, SEASONS and CLOTHESк учебнику Spotlight 2Презентация на тему:Составитель:Учитель английского языка МОУ г. Горловки «ШКОЛА № 38»А.Г.

Слайд 2Whenever the weather is cold.
Whenever the weather is hot.
We'll whether

the weather,
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.

Whenever the weather is cold.Whenever the weather is hot.We'll whether the weather,Whatever the weather,Whether we like it

Слайд 3What is the weather like?

What is the weather like?

Слайд 4What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 5 Look and say:

I’ve got and


2.I’ve got a and


3. I’ve got a and coat.

4. I’ve got a and jacket.
Look and say:I’ve got    and    shorts.2.I’ve got a

Слайд 6Look and say. Name the colour:

It’s sunny. I’m wearing

and .

It’s hot.

I’m wearing , and .

It’s windy. ……… and .

It’s cold. …………… , and .
Look and say. Name the colour:It’s sunny. I’m wearing    and

Слайд 7He is wearing blue jeans, black shoes and a white

Read and choose.

He is wearing blue jeans, black shoes and a white T-shirt. Read and choose.

Слайд 8Look and say:
It’s …………………. today.
I’m wearing ……………………… .

Look and say:It’s …………………. today.I’m wearing ……………………… .

Слайд 9Seasons


Слайд 14What season is it?
It’s winter.

What season is it?It’s winter.

Слайд 15What season is it?
It’s autumn.

What season is it?It’s autumn.

Слайд 16What season is it?
It’s spring.

What season is it?It’s spring.

Слайд 17What season is it?
It’s summer.

What season is it?It’s summer.

Слайд 18What is the weather like in summer?
It’s ………… in summer.

What is the weather like in summer?It’s ………… in summer.

Слайд 19What is the weather like in winter?
It’s ………… in winter.

What is the weather like in winter?It’s ………… in winter.

Слайд 20What is the weather like in spring?
It’s ………… in spring.

What is the weather like in spring?It’s ………… in spring.

Слайд 21What is the weather like in autumn?
It’s ………… in autumn.

What is the weather like in autumn?It’s ………… in autumn.

Слайд 22What season is it?
What is the weather like?

What season is it?What is the weather like?

Слайд 23What season is it?
What is the weather like?

What season is it?What is the weather like?

Слайд 24What season is it?
What is the weather like?

What season is it?What is the weather like?

Слайд 25What season is it?
What is the weather like?

What season is it?What is the weather like?

Слайд 26В какое время года твой день рождения?

My birthday is in

…………. .

В какое время года твой день рождения?My birthday is in …………. .

Слайд 27Ресурсы:
Учебник Spotlight для 2 класса, В. Эванс, Н.И. Быкова, Дж.

Дули, М.Д. Поспелова : Просвещение, 2014 г.
Сборник упражнений для 2

класса. Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций, 2-е изд., Н.И. Быкова, М.Д. Поспелова : Просвещение, Москва, 2013 г.
Picture Flashcards Spotlight 2. Colour illustrations: Express Publishing, Prosveshcheniye, 2006
Ресурсы:Учебник Spotlight для 2 класса, В. Эванс, Н.И. Быкова, Дж. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова : Просвещение, 2014 г.Сборник

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