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Westminster Abbey (на английском языке)

Westminster AbbeyWestminster Abbey is a political and religious centre in Great Britain. And at the same time it's one of most beautiful and historic place in the country1

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1W e s t m i n s t e

r A b b e y

Form 4/1

Tutor Cherepanova V. M.

W e s t m i n s t e r     A b

Слайд 2Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey is a political and religious centre in

Great Britain. And at the same time it's one of

most beautiful and historic place in the country


Westminster AbbeyWestminster Abbey is a political and religious centre in Great Britain. And at the same time

Слайд 3Westminster Abbey was founded in the 10th century. More than

a thousand years ago the first the Abbey was a



Westminster Abbey was founded in the 10th century. More than a thousand years ago the first the

Слайд 4Westminster Abbey
Cathedral church of st. Peter at Westminster which is

almost called Westminster Abbey is
a gothic church in Westminster

to the west of the Westminster palace.


Westminster AbbeyCathedral church of st. Peter at Westminster which is almost called Westminster Abbey is a gothic

Слайд 5 It was built in gothic style with great

decorations inside.
Westminster Abbey

It was built in gothic style with great decorations inside.Westminster Abbey4

Слайд 6Westminster Abbey is a traditional place of coronation of English

monarchs. William the Conqueror was crowned there and since many

kings and queens followed this tradition.


Westminster Abbey is a traditional place of coronation of English monarchs. William the Conqueror was crowned there

Слайд 7There is the ancient Coronation Chair under which there is

the Stone of Scone

There is the ancient Coronation Chair under which there is the Stone of Scone6

Слайд 8The ancient
Scottish Coronation
Throne was brought to
England by

King Edward
I as a sigh of defeat
of Scotland

The ancient Scottish Coronation Throne was brought to England by King EdwardI as a sigh of defeat

Слайд 9 Grave Henry VII Elizabeth of York
Many English Kings

and queens were buried here.

Grave Henry VII  Elizabeth of YorkMany English Kings and queens were buried here.8

Слайд 10Grave Elizabeth I
Mary Queen of Scots
Among them Elizabeth the I

Tudor and Mary Stuart

Grave Elizabeth IMary Queen of ScotsAmong them Elizabeth the I Tudor and Mary Stuart9

Слайд 11George Frederick Handel
Musicians` gallery

George Frederick HandelComposers Musicians` gallery10

Слайд 12Composers
Among the graves of composers there are Clementy's grave,

Handel's grave and others.

Clementy's grave
Francisca Henry Purcell's grave

Composers Among the graves of composers there are Clementy's grave, Handel's grave and others.Clementy's graveFrancisca Henry Purcell's

Слайд 13Writers and Poets.
Many outstanding writers, composers, poets, are buried in

Poet's Corner. They are Kipling, Chaucer, Purse, Dickens, Carroll.

Writers and Poets.Many outstanding writers, composers, poets, are buried in Poet's Corner. They are Kipling, Chaucer, Purse,

Слайд 14Graves of Oscar Wild, Chaucer, Kipling and others

Graves of Oscar Wild, Chaucer, Kipling and others13

Слайд 15It is the place where monarchs have the wedding ceremony


It is the place where monarchs have the wedding ceremony too.14

Слайд 16THE END
The project in made by:
1)Leader Cherepanova V.M.
2) Kirik Christina


THE ENDThe project in made by:1)Leader Cherepanova V.M.2) Kirik Christina (4/1)

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