Разделы презентаций


1. Read and translate the international wordsProfession, engineer, engineering, technology, technological, mathematical, natural, nature, economical, economic, economics, economy, practice, material, biomaterial, activity, electric, medical, laser, optics, industry, industrial, satellite, communication, gas,

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Слайд 21. Read and translate the international words
Profession, engineer, engineering, technology,

technological, mathematical, natural, nature, economical, economic, economics, economy, practice, material,

biomaterial, activity, electric, medical, laser, optics, industry, industrial, satellite, communication, gas, organ, ocean, cosmos, mechanization, dramatic, productivity, computer, aeronautics, automobile, electrification, literally, internet, antibiotic.
1. Read and translate the international wordsProfession, engineer, engineering, technology, technological, mathematical, natural, nature, economical, economic, economics,

Слайд 32. Read and translate the verbs
to gain,
to study,

to use,
to utilize,
to develop,
to witness,

to probe,

to expand,
to increase,
to create,
to light,
to impact,
to grant,
to touch,
to deliver,
to transport

2. Read and translate the verbsto gain, to study, to apply, to use, to utilize, to develop,

Слайд 43. Match the English word combinations in column A to

their Russian equivalents in column B
1. natural sciences
2. forces of

3. nuclear technologies
4. fiber optics
5. industrial tools
6. replacement joint
7. imaging technologies
8. to track weather patterns
9. consumer goods
10. networks of highways
11. artificial heart valve
12. microwave oven
13. to map ocean floor

a) волоконная оптика
b) отслеживать погодные условия
c) технологии построения и обработки изображения
d) сеть автомобильных дорог
e) ядерные технологии
f) микроволновая печь
g) естественные науки
h) Картографировать океаническое дно
i) промышленные приборы
j) силы природы
k) искусственный сердечный клапан
l) заменяемый сустав
m) потребительские товары

3. Match the English word combinations in column A to their Russian equivalents in column B1. natural

Слайд 54. Read and translate
Engineering is the profession in which a

knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study,

experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize economically the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind.

4. Read and translateEngineering is the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences

Слайд 6The 20th century has witnessed the greatest achievements in engineering

in different fields:
Nuclear technologies provide a new source of

electric power and new capabilities in medical research and military use.
Lasers and fiber optics are used in industrial tools, surgical devices, satellites, and in communications.
Petroleum and gas technologies have been used to provide fuel for cars, home, and industries.
Health technologies are used for developing artificial organs, replacement joints, imaging technologies, and biomaterials.
Imaging technologies have expanded the reach of our vision and are used in probing the human body, mapping ocean floors, tracking weather patterns.

The 20th century has witnessed the greatest achievements in engineering in different fields: Nuclear technologies provide a

Слайд 7Space explorations have increased our knowledge of the cosmos.

Agricultural mechanization dramatically increased farm efficiency and productivity.

provides the basis for creating CD players, TVs, and computers.
Aeronautics and automobile industry are the basis for transporting goods and people quickly around the world.
Electrification has literally lighted the world and impacted countless areas of daily life.
Space explorations have increased our knowledge of the cosmos. Agricultural mechanization dramatically increased farm efficiency and productivity.

Слайд 8Engineering is all around us, so people often take it

for granted, like air and water. Ask yourself, what do

I touch that is not engineered? Engineering develops and delivers consumer goods, builds the networks of highways, air and rail travel, and the internet, mass produced antibiotics, creates artificial heart valves, builds lasers, and offers such wonders as imaging technology and conveniences like microwave ovens and compact discs. In short, engineers make over quality of life possible.
Engineering is all around us, so people often take it for granted, like air and water. Ask

Слайд 95. Answer the questions
1. What is engineering?
2. What is an

3. What achievements of engineering do you know?
4. What are

the branches of engineering?
5. What are your professional interests?
6. In your opinion, is engineering a science or a discipline?
5. Answer the questions1. What is engineering?2. What is an engineer?3. What achievements of engineering do you

Слайд 106. Read and translate
Engineering is the discipline, art, and profession

that applies scientific theory to design, develop, and analyze technological

solutions. It is generally considered to consist of the major basic branches:
chemical engineering;
civil engineering;
electrical engineering;
mechanical engineering;
industrial engineering.
There are numerous other engineering subdisciplines and interdisciplinary subjects that are derived from concentrations, combinations, or extensions of the major engineering branches.
6. Read and translateEngineering is the discipline, art, and profession that applies scientific theory to design, develop,

Слайд 117. Choose the following expressions to fill the gaps in

the sentences:
chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering,

environmental engineering, computer engineering, nanoengineering

1. _________________ is a discipline that integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop computer hardware and software.
2. _________________ focuses on technologies improving the natural environment.
3. _________________ specializes in the design and construction of structures such as bridges, roads, and dams.
4. _________________ concerns with the practical applications of electricity.
5. _________________ is the practice of engineering on the nanoscale.
6. The physics of mechanics is widely used in _________________.
7. _________________ is the branch of engineering that deals with the manufacture of products through chemical processes

7. Choose the following expressions to fill the gaps in the sentences: chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical

Слайд 128. Translate the following Russian sentences into the English language

Основными задачами инженера, работающего в химической отрасли, являются производство товаров

на основе химических процессов и технологий.
2. Волоконная оптика нашла широкое применение практически во всех областях науки и производства.
3. Состав и свойства компонентов нефти и газа изучает нефтехимия.
4. В основе нанотехнологий лежат передовые научные достижения исследователей всего мира.
5. Основной целью пищевой промышленности является обеспечение населения продуктами питания.
6. Химия, физика и математика являются основными инженерными дисциплинами.
8. Translate the following Russian sentences into the English language1. Основными задачами инженера, работающего в химической отрасли,

Слайд 139. Watch the video "Chemical Engineers" and answer the questions

1. What are the branches of chemical engineering?
2. What are

the chemical engineering products?
3. What does a chemical engineer do?
4. What are you planning to do as a chemical engineer in the future?
5. Make a brief report about chemical engineering.


9. Watch the video

Слайд 1510. Find the Russian equivalents for the following phrases
to convert

marketable products
to be involved in
to conduct research
manufacturing processes

petrochemical industry
synthetic textile
to be employed as

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
to implement

10. Find the Russian equivalents for the following phrasesto convert intomarketable productsto be involved in to conduct

Слайд 1611. Find the English equivalents for the following phrases

и опыт
быть вовлеченным в
чистящее вещество
проводить исследование

давать рекомендации
превращать в
синтетические ткани
технический консультант
товарные продукты
разрабатывать новые продукты
11. Find the English equivalents for the following phrasesвнедрять знание и опыт быть вовлеченным в чистящее вещество

Слайд 1712. Translate the following English text into the Russian language

chemical engineer works in various branches of the chemical industry

to convert basic raw materials into a variety of products, and deals with the design and operation of industrial plants and equipment. In general, a chemical engineer is one who applies and uses principles of chemical engineering in any of its various practical applications. They often include design, manufacture, and operation of plants and machinery in industrial chemical and related processes; development of new or adapted substances for products ranging from foods and beverages to cosmetics, cleaners, pharmaceutical ingredients, among many other products; and development of new technologies such as fuel cells, hydrogen power and nanotechnology, as well as working in fields wholly or partially derived from chemical engineering such as materials science, polymer engineering, and biomedical engineering.
12. Translate the following English text into the Russian languageA chemical engineer works in various branches of

Слайд 1813. Translate the following Russian sentences into the English language

технология – это наука о процессах, методах и средствах химической

переработки сырья и продуктов.
Все, что окружает нас, является продуктом химической технологии: еда, мебель, одежда, автомобили, компьютеры и т.д.
Методы химической технологии используются не только в химической, но и во многих других отраслях промышленности: нефтехимической, металлургической, текстильной, бумажной, фармацевтической, пищевой и др.
Химики-технологи вовлечены во многие процессы химического производства, включая проектирование промышленных предприятий и оборудования.
Для решения задач химической технологии используются достижения химии, физики, механики, биологии, математики, технической кибернетики, промышленной экономики и т.д.
13. Translate the following Russian sentences into the English languageХимическая технология – это наука о процессах, методах

Слайд 196. Химик-технолог дает рекомендации по сокращению времени, необходимого для протекания

технологического процесса и его стоимости.
7. Нефтехимическая промышленность является одной из

основных отраслей химической технологии Республики Татарстан.
8. Многие инженеры, работающие в области химической технологии, являются техническими консультантами, администраторами, руководителями проектов и специалистами по сбыту.
9. Биотехнология – это дисциплина, изучающая возможности использования живых организмов, их систем или продуктов их жизнедеятельности для решения технологических задач.
10. Для внедрения новых технологий необходимость в специалистах, имеющих степень бакалавра или магистра по химической технологии, растет с каждым годом.
6. Химик-технолог дает рекомендации по сокращению времени, необходимого для протекания технологического процесса и его стоимости.7. Нефтехимическая промышленность

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