Разделы презентаций

What’s missing?


Guess the word

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What’s missing?

What’s missing?

Слайд 19Guess the word

Guess the word

Слайд 28Hometask
Write a letter
Crib p.46 –
dictation+ preporation
+answer the questions

HometaskWrite a letterCrib p.46 –dictation+ preporation +answer the questionsa.b.p.43

Слайд 41listening


Слайд 45Try the game you like.

Try the game you like.

Слайд 52Shoe cover control!

Shoe cover control!

Слайд 571. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или

Past Continuous.
1. She (to cook) yesterday.
2. She (to cook) at

three o'clock yesterday.
3. She (to cook) from two till four yesterday.
4. I (not to read) at five o'clock.
5. I (not to read) when you came in.
6. What he (to do) when I came?
7. What he (to do) the whole day yesterday?
8. Pete (to water) flowers in the garden yesterday.
9. Pete (to water) flowers in the garden at five o'clock yesterday.
10. What Pete (to do) when I came to see him?
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous. 1. She (to cook) yesterday.2.

Слайд 58Упражнение 8. Из имеющихся слов составьте вопросы к готовым ответам.

Все вопросы должны быть в Past Continuous.
1.  Where | the

white bears | swimming | were ?
 - In the swimming pool.
2.  It | was | raining ?
 - Oh, no. It wasn’t. The sun was shining brightly.
3.  The elephant | what | eating | was ?
 - Some grass and fruit.
4.  What | was | playing with | the monkey ?
— With a small ball.
5.  Were | how many lions | sleeping in the cage?
— Both of them.
Упражнение 8. Из имеющихся слов составьте вопросы к готовым ответам. Все вопросы должны быть в Past Continuous.1.

Слайд 632. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или

Past Continuous.
1. When my father (to come) home, I (to

have) dinner.
2. When Alice (to return), I (to listen) to the radio.
3. When mother (to enter) his room, he (to draw) a picture.
4. When my sister (to come in), I (to do) my lessons.
5. When her aunt (to air) the room, she (to catch) cold.
6. When I (to meet) her, she (to go) to the office.
7. He (to wash) his face when somebody (to knock) at the door.
8. The young people (to dance) when I (to come) to the party.
9. When he (to wash) the dishes, he (to break) a plate.
10. What they (to do) when you (to see) them?
2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Continuous. 1. When my father (to

Слайд 64Prison 10

Prison 10

Слайд 66Turn around to the walls and recite the poems!

Turn around to the walls and recite the poems!

Слайд 68 Homework:
Prison10 dict, learn irr verbs/poem

continuous –exer-s
Listening p4

Homework:Prison10 dict, learn irr verbs/poemPast continuous –exer-sListening p4

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