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WonderSomething that causes amazement or awe [ɔː]; a marvel.  Wonders of the World seem to come in sevens.Something astonishing and seemingly inexplicable. The idea was so crazy

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Слайд 1


Слайд 2Wonder

Something that causes amazement or awe [ɔː]; a marvel.

Wonders of the World seem to come in sevens.

Something astonishing

and seemingly inexplicable.
The idea was so crazy that it is a wonder that anyone went along with it.

Someone very talented at something, a genius, a wonderful person.
He's a wonder at cooking.

The sense or emotion which can be inspired by something curious or unknown; surprise; astonishment.

WonderSomething that causes amazement or awe [ɔː]; a marvel.   Wonders of the World seem to come

Слайд 3Enlarge your vocabulary with AJECTIVES
Marvellous ['mɑːv(ə)ləs]
Amazing [ə'meɪziŋ]
Impressive [ɪm'presɪv]
Magnificent [mæg'nɪfɪs(ə)nt]

Remarkable [rɪ'mɑːkəbl]
Unique [juː'niːk]
Breathtaking ['breθˌteɪkɪŋ]
Fascinating ['fæsɪneɪtiŋ]

Enlarge your vocabulary with AJECTIVESMarvellous ['mɑːv(ə)ləs]Amazing [ə'meɪziŋ] Impressive [ɪm'presɪv]Magnificent [mæg'nɪfɪs(ə)nt] Remarkable [rɪ'mɑːkəbl]Unique [juː'niːk]Breathtaking ['breθˌteɪkɪŋ] Fascinating ['fæsɪneɪtiŋ]

Слайд 4The Magnificent Seven Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Magnificent Seven Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Слайд 5Let’s revise the pronunciation
The Pyramids ['pɪrəmɪd] The Hanging

Gardens of Babylon ['hæŋɪŋ gɑːd(ə)nz əv bæbɪlɔn] The Statue of Zeus

at Olympia ['stæʧuː əv zjuːs ət ə'lɪmpɪə] The Colossus of Rhodes [kə'lɔsəs əv rəudz ] The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus [ˌmɔːsə'liːəm ət ] The Lighthouse at Alexandria ['laɪthaus ət ˌælɪg'zɑːndrɪə] The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus ['templ əv ˈɑːtɪmɪs ət 'efəsəs]
Let’s revise the pronunciation    The Pyramids ['pɪrəmɪd] The Hanging Gardens of Babylon ['hæŋɪŋ gɑːd(ə)nz

Слайд 7The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt
This pyramid was built

in 2540 BC in honor of Cheops Pharaoh and is

the only ancient wonder to survive today. It is situated outside of modern Cairo and is visited by millions of tourists.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

Height: 146.5 metres

The Great Pyramid of Giza in EgyptThis pyramid was built in 2540 BC in honor of Cheops

Слайд 8Map of Giza pyramid complex

Map of Giza pyramid complex

Слайд 9Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The gardens were built by the Babylonian

king Nebuchadnezzar II in 600 BC.
The Hanging Gardens of

Babylon used to be located in modern Iraq.
It was a present to Nebuchadnezzar's wife who enjoyed exotic plants and animals.
After 1st century BC it was the earthquake and the Gardens of Babylon were destroyed.

Hanging Gardens of BabylonThe gardens were built by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II in 600 BC. The

Слайд 10Rewrite the text changing the underlined verbs into the passive

Rewrite the text changing the underlined verbs into the passive

Слайд 11Statue of Zeus at Olympia

A giant seated figure made by

the Greek sculptor Phidias around 435 BC.
The statue was 13

meters high.
Zeus was made of gold panels and ivory plates.
Statue was damaged in the II century, then it was restored. In 5th -6th centuries AD the Statue was destroyed by the fire.

Statue of Zeus in the Hermitage

Statue of Zeus at OlympiaA giant seated figure made by the Greek sculptor Phidias around 435 BC.The

Слайд 12The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The temple was build in

550 BC.
It took 120 years to build it.

The Temple of Artemis at EphesusThe temple was build in 550 BC. It took 120 years to

Слайд 13Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis was located in

Ephesus (near the modern Izmir, Turkey)

In 356 BC, not

long after its completion, the temple was destroyed in a vainglorious act of arson (поджог) by Herostratus, who set fire to the wooden roof-beams, seeking fame at any cost (слава любой ценой).
Alexander the Great paid for the temple’s rebuilding.

In 268 AD, the Temple was destroyed or damaged in a raid by the Goths.

Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Artemis was located in Ephesus (near the modern Izmir, Turkey) In

Слайд 14The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
The Mausoleum was a tomb built between

353 and 350 BC at Halicarnassus (present Bodrum, Turkey) for

Mausolus, a satrap in the Persian Empire, and his wife.
The Mausoleum at HalicarnassusThe Mausoleum was a tomb built between 353 and 350 BC at Halicarnassus (present

Слайд 15
It was 45 meters high.
The original building was

destroyed by flood (наводнение).
A new structure was built and damaged

by the earthquake (1494 AD)

Reconstruction in Istanbul Ruines

It was 45 meters high.The original building was destroyed by flood (наводнение).A new structure was built

Слайд 16Lighthouse of Alexandria

Also known as the Pharos of Alexandria (in

Egypt), a tower built between 280 and 247 BC on

the island of Pharos at Alexandria
Height: 120(140) meters.
For many centuries it was among the tallest man-made buildings.
The Lighthouse was destroyed because of the silt (ил).
Its stones were used to build the Citadel of Qaitbay in Alexandria.

Lighthouse of AlexandriaAlso known as the Pharos of Alexandria (in Egypt), a tower built between 280 and

Слайд 17Colossus of Rhodes

The statue of the Greek god Helios was

built on the Greek island of Rhodes between 292 and

280 BC.
Before its destruction the Colossus of Rhodes was 36 meters high.
It was one of the tallest statues of the ancient world.
In 226 BC an earthquake destroyed the statue .

Colossus of RhodesThe statue of the Greek god Helios was built on the Greek island of Rhodes

Слайд 18 Agree or disagree/give the right answer.
1. The Pyramid of

Giza is the tomb of the Anatolian king built by his

False. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was the tomb of the Anatolian king built by his widow.
Agree or disagree/give the right answer. 1. The Pyramid of Giza is the tomb of the

Слайд 192.The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus is the only ancient world wonder that

still exists.

False. The Pyramid of Giza is the only ancient

world wonder that still exists.
2.The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus is the only ancient world wonder that still exists.False. The Pyramid of Giza

Слайд 203. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon used to be located

in modern Iraq.


3. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon used to be located in modern Iraq. True.

Слайд 214. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was about 5 meters tall

and was made of wood.

False. The Statue of Zeus at

Olympia was about 12 meters tall and was made of gold and ivory.
4. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was about 5 meters tall and was made of wood.False.

Слайд 225. The Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of the

Egyptian God Helios.

False. Helios is the Greek God.

5. The Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of the Egyptian God Helios. False. Helios is

Слайд 236. The Temple of Artemis was finally destroyed by the



6. The Temple of Artemis was finally destroyed by the Goths.True.

Слайд 24The Lighthouse at Alexandria was destroyed by one man who wanted

his name to go down in history.

False. The Temple of

Artemis was destroyed by one man who wanted his name to go down in history.
The Lighthouse at Alexandria was destroyed by one man who wanted his name to go down in

Слайд 25The New Seven Wonders
New 7 Wonders of the World (2001-2007)

was an initiative started in 2001 by the Swiss corporation

New7Wonders Foundation to choose Wonders of the World from a selection of 200 existing monuments.
The New Seven WondersNew 7 Wonders of the World (2001-2007) was an initiative started in 2001 by

Слайд 26Match the photos with places and names

Colosseum (Coliseum)

Taj Mahal



Christ the Redeemer

Great Wall

Machu Picchu


Yucatán, Mexico
Rio de Janeiro
Cuzco, Peru

Match the photos with places and names Colosseum (Coliseum)Taj MahalChichén ItzáChrist the RedeemerGreat WallMachu PicchuPetra Yucatán, MexicoJordanRio

Слайд 27Colosseum – Rome, Italy 70AD

Colosseum – Rome, Italy  70AD

Слайд 28Great Wall of China
Great Wall of China 70 BC

Great Wall of China Great Wall of China 70 BC

Слайд 29Taj Mahal - Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India 1632

Taj Mahal - Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India 1632

Слайд 30T

The Statue of Christ the Redeemer



30 m

T The Statue of Christ the RedeemerRio193130 m

Слайд 31
Chichen Itza -Yucatán, Mexico 600

Chichen Itza -Yucatán, Mexico   600

Слайд 32Machu Picchu – Cuzco Region, Peru 1438

Machu Picchu – Cuzco Region, Peru 1438

Слайд 33Petra (Al-Batrā)
Ma'an Governorate,
312 BC

Petra (Al-Batrā)Ma'an Governorate, Jordan312 BC

Слайд 34Grammar Reference Conditional Sentenses
Тип I-(а) - реальные события
(Придаточное –

Present Indefinite; Главное – Future Indefinite).

If I have a lot of money, I will visit the Stonehenge.
Тип I-(б) - маловероятные события
(Придаточное – Subjunctive II-2 (should + инфинитив); Главное – Future Indefinite).
If I should have a lot of money, I will go to _ Easter Island.
Тип II - почти нереальные события
(Придаточное – Subjunctive I (Past Subjunctive); Главное – Subjunctive II-1 (would + инфинитив).
If I had a lot of money, I would restore the Coliseum.
Тип III - абсолютно нереальные события (Придаточное – Subjunctive I (Past Perfect Subjunctive); Главное – Subjunctive II-3 (would + Perfect инфинитив).
If I had (I’d) had a lot of money, I would have rebuilt the Colossus of Rhodes.

Grammar Reference Conditional SentensesТип I-(а) - реальные события  (Придаточное – Present Indefinite; Главное – Future Indefinite).

Слайд 35 Discussion. Work in groups 1. Do you think people should

try to rebuild those of the Seven wonders of the

world that have disappeared? 2. If you could design a wonder of the world, what would you design? 3. What makes wonder a wonder? 4. Is it important to have an official list of the wonders of the world? 5. What wonders would you like to visit?













Discussion. Work in groups  1. Do you think people should try to rebuild those of

Слайд 36Lots of wonders. Kremlin

Lots of wonders. Kremlin

Слайд 37Citadel of Derbent (Republic of Dagestan)

Citadel of Derbent (Republic of Dagestan)

Слайд 38Prometheus Cave (Georgia)

Prometheus Cave (Georgia)

Слайд 39Neuschwanstein Castle (south Germany)

Neuschwanstein Castle (south Germany)

Слайд 40Sagrada Família (Barcelona, Spain)

Sagrada Família (Barcelona, Spain)

Слайд 41Sydney Opera House

Sydney Opera House

Слайд 42Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

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