Слайд 1Судебные источники публичного права зарубежных стран
Магистерская программа «Публичное право»
Сорокин Максим
Слайд 2Контактные данные
Эл. почта max_prime_92@mail.ru
Моб. тел.: + 7(985) 238-16-03
Слайд 3Структура курса
Часть 1. «Введение»
Судебное правотворчество в публичном праве зарубежных стран
решение как юридический акт
Часть 2. «Кейсы»: США, Великобритания, Франция, Германия
3. Институциональный подход: организация публичной власти/основные права человека.
Слайд 4Письменные работы
Домашнее задание => эссе (индивидуальный проект)
Структура: введение (актуальность темы,
затрагиваемой в судебном акте), факты (фабула), правовая проблема, аргументы сторон,
правовая позиция суда + позиция автора – не менее 3 аргументов со ссылкой на различные библиографические источники;
Слайд 5Формула оценки
Накопленная оценка за текущий контроль :
0,5* Отекущий + 0,3* Оауд + 0,2* Осам.работа
Результирующая оценка :
= 0,6* Онакопл + 0,4*·Оэкз/зач
Слайд 6Title 1. Judicial rulings as a source of public law
1. Judiciary on the conquest of power
Does it
a truly constitutional power or just one of the governmental functions (like army)?
Whether the judicial power is compatible or not with democracy? How the political questions should be treated by judges?
Chapter 2. Models and scope of judicial review
Chapter 3. National judiciary vs international courts
Слайд 7Тема 1. Judiciary on the conquest of power
Judiciary: is it
constitutional power or just one of the state functions?
the judicial power is compatible with democracy when the people is a source of all power of government?
How the political questions should be treated by judges?
Слайд 8John Locke, Two Treatises of Government (1689)
3 powers: "legislative,"
"executive," and "federative”.
The legislative branch must to be supreme, while
the executive and federative functions-internal and external affairs, respectively- are within the control of the monarch
Слайд 9Montesquieu, The Spirit of law (1748)
there is no liberty, if
the judiciary power be not separate from the legislative and
Were it joined with the legislative, the life and liberty of the subject would be exposed to arbitrary control; for the judge would be then the legislator.
Were it joined to the executive power, the judge might behave with violence and oppression.
There would be an end of everything, were the same man or the same body…. to exercise those three powers, that of enacting the laws, that of executing the public resolutions, and of trying the cases of individuals
Слайд 10Montesquieu, The Spirit of law (suite)
Les juges de la nation
ne sont que la bouche qui prononce les paroles de
la loi, des êtres inanimés, qui n’en peuvent modérer ni la force ni la rigueur.
Maximilien de Robespierre: Ce mot de "jurisprudence" doit être effacé de notre langue. Dans un Etat qui a une constitution, une législation, la jurisprudence des tribunaux n'est autre chose que la loi
Слайд 11Hans Kelzen, The pure theory of law and state
There not
three, but 2 basic functions of the State: creation and
application (execution) of the law. In particular, courts exercise the legislative power when they declare the laws to be unconstitutional ones