Слайд 1 Урок с мультимедийной
6 класс
Тема урока “ English meals “
Цели урока : 1. Тренировка учащихся в употреблении лексики по данной теме.
2. Тренировка речевых образцов.
3. Развитие монологической и диалогической речи Учащихся.
4. Развитие памяти и логического мышления.
Начало урока. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good day, boys and
girls and our guests !
Pupils: Good day.
Teacher: How are
Pupils: We are fine.
Teacher: Today we’ll talk about English meals. The usual English breakfast is rather substantial. English people eat toasts, marmalade, scrambled eggs, bacon and cornflakes in the morning.
For lunch they usually eat fish and chips, meat with potatoes.
Englishmen have dinner in the evening. But the most important time for Englishmen is teatime at 5 p.m. They drink tea with scones and jam.
Слайд 3Речевая зарядка
Teacher: I’ll recite the poem and you will finish
the lines in English.
Для шарика, для
Припас я сахар…….sugar
Масло нужно всем ребятам,
Масло по- английски……… butter.
Всегда ты сладкий ждёшь сюрприз.
Конфеты по-английски…….. sweets.
Я всё варенье это съем.
Варенье по-английски…….. jam.
Без соли борщ не лезет в рот.
Соль по-английски просто ……. Salt
Это вовсе не каприз
Сыр мы называем- …….. cheese
Молоко я пить привык
Молоко иначе…… milk
Пирожки, налетай!
Пирожок иначе …… pie.
Винни-Пуха нет ли с вами?
А то спрячу мёд свой…….honey.
Ну не лезет мне в карман
С изюмом булка, то есть….. bun.
Слайд 4Работа с лексикой
Game “ Eatable – Uneatable “
Teacher: Let’s play
the game “ Eatable – Uneatable”. I’ll name the words
and you say “eatable”, if we can eat it and you say “uneatable”, if we can’t eat it.
Teacher: meat Pupil: eatable
table uneatable
fruit eatable
Possible words: meat, menu, fruit, table, waiter, fish, fork, chicken, spoon, chips, ice-cream, bun, pencil, orange, sweets, cheese kitchen.
Teacher: Now I’d like to see your knowledge of the words on the topic “Meals”. Look at the puzzles on the screen. You should find 8 words. Первый слайд:
Слайд 6Тренировка учащихся в употреблении лексики по данной теме. Развитие навыков
монологической и диалогической речи.
Make the sentences.
Teacher: Would you like to
try any English food? OK. Look at the screen . You will see the pictures of the English dishes and the recipes of them.
Второй – пятый слайды.
Слайд 7Toasts:
1.Cut a slice of bread
2.Put it in the toaster
3.Wait a
minute. It’s ready!
4.Put the toast on your plate. Put some
butter , jam or cheese on it. Enjoy it.
Слайд 8Scrambled eggs:
1.Breake three eggs and drop them in a bowl.
some salt and some milk.
3.Mix the eggs with a spoon.
the pan.
5.Put it on the stove to heat it up.
6.Pour the eggs-mixture into the pan and cook it.
7.Put it on your plate and enjoy it.
Слайд 9Sandwich:
1.Cut a slice of bread.
2.Cut a slice of sausage, cheese
and cucumber.
3.Put sausage, cheese and cucumber on the bread.
4.Enjoy it
Слайд 10Bun:
1.Mix the flour and bakony powder.
2.Add the butter, sugar, raisins,
an egg and milk.
3.Roll out the pastry.
4.Bake 20 minute in
a hot oven.
Слайд 11Teacher: Now say , please, what you would like to
try and why.
For example: I’d like to try sandwiches. I
like cheese and sausage.
I’d like to try fish and chips. I think , It’s tasty.
Teacher: You may use the following phrases from the screen.
Шестой слайд.
Слайд 12I’d like to try…..
I think ….. It’s great. It’s wonderful!
It’s lovely! It’s very tasty!
It’s delicious! It’s very nice!
It’s fantastic! It’s very good!
Слайд 13Dialogues.
Teacher: Would you like to visit English café? I think
you would. Imagine that we are in the English café
and act out the dialogues.
Раздаются листы с диалогами. Дети выбирают и инсценируют диалоги.
Assistant: Hello, can I help you?
Mike: Yes, a piece of pie and a large coke.
Assistant: And you, sir?
Peter: One chicken in bun and a cup of tea, please.
Assistant: Would you like anything else?
Mike: Yes, chips please. How much is it?
Assistant: It’s 12 pounds.
Mike: Here it is. Thank you.
Assistant: Thank you .Good-bye.
Assistant: Hello, can I help you?
Jack: Yes. I’d like a sandwich and a glass of apple juice.
Assistant: OK. And you, sir?
Nick: I’ll take apple pie and a cup of tea.
Assistant: Anything else?
Jack: No, thank you. How much is it?
Assistant: It’s 10 pounds.
Jack: Here it is. Thank you.
Assistant: Good-bye.
Слайд 14
Assistant: Hello, can I help you?
John: Yes, please. I’ll have
fish and chips and lemonade.
Assistant: And you, madam?
Kate: I’d like
green salad and orange juice.
Assistant: Anything else?
John: bananas, please. How much is it?
Assistant: It’s 15 pounds.
John: Here it is. Thank you.
Assistant: good-bye.
Assistant: Hello, can I help you?
Nick: Yes, please. I’ll have baked potatoes and salad.
Assistant: And you, madam?
Alice: I’d like fruit salad and mineral water.
Assistant: Anything else?
Nick: A large coke, please. How much is it?
Assistant: It’s 14 pounds.
Nick: Here it is. Thank you.
Assistant: Thank you . Good-bye.
Слайд 15
Pupils’ projects.
Teacher: At home you were to make projects. Now
come here, please, show your projects and tell your recipes.
защищают приготовленные дома проекты о блюдах, которые им нравятся.
Слайд 16Memory game.
Teacher: Now let’s play a memory game. I’ll show
you the list of dishes from the menu for a
minute. Then I’ll close it. You should remember as many words as possible, then you should name the dishes. Let’s see, who will name the most of the dishes.
Седьмой слайд.
Cheese sandwich
Baked potato Apple pie
Coffee Fruit salad
Tea Ice cream
Mineral water
Hot chocolate
Roast chicken
Fish and chips
Ham sandwich
Слайд 18MENU
Cheese and potatoes pizza………………………………………1.15
Cheese and ham pizza……………………………………………..1.40
Roast Chicken………………………………………………………….1.65
Meat Pie………………………………………………………………….1.55
and Chips …………………………………………………………1.30
Ham Sandwich……………………………………………………….. 75p
Cheese Sandwich…………………………………………………….65p
Apple Pie………………………………………………………………….75p
Fruit Salad…………………………………………………………………75p
Vanilla Ice Cream………………………………………………………75p
Mineral Water…………………………………………………………..40p
Hot Chocolate…………………………………………………………..50p
Слайд 19Итоги
Teacher: Today we have learnt much about English meals. Thank
you for your good work. Your marks are excellent. You
are hard-working children. The lesson is over.