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Mickey Mouse

His name is Mickey, Mickey MouseMickey Mouse is a comic animal cartoon character. His “father’s” name is Walt Disney. Mickey Mouse was created in 1928 and voiced by Walt Disney.

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Слайд 1Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

Слайд 2His name is Mickey, Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse is a comic

animal cartoon character. His “father’s” name is Walt Disney. Mickey

Mouse was created in 1928 and voiced by Walt Disney.
His name is Mickey, Mickey MouseMickey Mouse is a comic animal cartoon character. His “father’s” name is

Слайд 3Mickey’s Birthday
The Walt Disney Company celebrates his birthday on the

18th of November.

Mickey’s BirthdayThe Walt Disney Company celebrates his birthday on the 18th of November.

Слайд 4Mickey and Minnie
They are friends. Minnie likes all that Mickey


Mickey and MinnieThey are friends. Minnie likes all that Mickey likes.

Слайд 5“Plane Crazy”
Mickey and Minnie debuted in the cartoon short “Plane

Crazy”, on May 15,1928. Mickey was trying to become an

aviator. In those days films were silent and Mickey didn’t speak.
“Plane Crazy”Mickey and Minnie debuted in the cartoon short “Plane Crazy”, on May 15,1928. Mickey was trying

Слайд 6“The Gallopin’ Gaucho”.
It was the second cartoon with Mickey.

“The Gallopin’ Gaucho”. It was the second cartoon with Mickey.

Слайд 7“Steamboat Willie”
It was the first sound cartoon with Mickey

Mouse. In 1932, Disney received a special Academy Award for

the creation of Mickey Mouse.
“Steamboat Willie” It was the first sound cartoon with Mickey Mouse. In 1932, Disney received a special

Слайд 8Mickey Mouse and his Friends.
So Mickey Mouse is 83 years

old but is still young at heart and is fond

of good jokes. He has a lot of friends.
Mickey Mouse and his Friends.So Mickey Mouse is 83 years old but is still young at heart

Слайд 9Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse

Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse

Слайд 10Mickey Mouse and Pluto
Pluto has been Mickey Mouse’s dog for

so long time. It’s hard to believe when they first

met, they were enemies.
Mickey Mouse and PlutoPluto has been Mickey Mouse’s dog for so long time. It’s hard to believe

Слайд 11Mickey Park

Mickey Park

Слайд 12“The Karnival Kid”,1929
Mickey’s words were “ Hot dogs, Hot dogs”

“The Karnival Kid”,1929Mickey’s words were “ Hot dogs, Hot dogs”

Слайд 13Later Mickey History
On November18,1978, in honor of his 50th anniversary,

Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star

on the Hollywood Walk of Flame.
Later Mickey HistoryOn November18,1978, in honor of his 50th anniversary, Mickey became the first cartoon character to

Слайд 14 Mickey Mouse has become one of the most recognizable symbols

in the World.

Mickey Mouse has become one of the most recognizable symbols in the World.

Слайд 18Thank You For Attention

Thank You For Attention

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