Разделы презентаций

Брейн-ринг по английскому языку


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Intellectual Game.

Intellectual Game.

Слайд 3Who wrote “Winne-the-Pooh”?

Who wrote “Winne-the-Pooh”?

Слайд 4What is the name of a cat from Prostokvashino?

What is the name of a cat from Prostokvashino?

Слайд 5What is Humpty Dumpty?
A toy
An egg
An animal
A bird

What is Humpty Dumpty?A toyAn eggAn animalA bird

Слайд 6Who is the author of “The book of Jungle”?

Who is the author of “The book of Jungle”?

Слайд 7 Alan Alexander Milne

Alan Alexander Milne

Слайд 8 An egg

An egg

Слайд 9What is the famous American cartoon about the cat and

the mouse?

What is the famous American cartoon about the cat and the mouse?

Слайд 11The cat- Matroskin

The cat- Matroskin

Слайд 12The British author-Rudyard Kipling

The British author-Rudyard Kipling

Слайд 13 Cockney is...
A bird
A dish
An accent


Cockney is...A birdA dishAn accentA town

Слайд 14The official language of Canada is…
English & French
English & Spanish

The official language of Canada is…EnglishFrenchEnglish & FrenchEnglish & Spanish

Слайд 15In Britain people’s weight is measured in…

In Britain people’s weight is measured in…TonsKilosPoundsPints

Слайд 16The author of
“Tom Soyer”.

The author of “Tom Soyer”.

Слайд 17Whose figure is
at the top of the monument

in Trafalgar Square?

Whose figure is at the top of the  	monument in Trafalgar Square?

Слайд 18Whose portrait can you see on British bank notes?

Whose portrait can you see on British bank notes?

Слайд 19 An accent

An accent

Слайд 20 English & French

English & French

Слайд 21 Pounds


Слайд 22 Mark Twain

Mark Twain

Слайд 23 Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II

Слайд 27 The Statue of Liberty (New York. Liberty


The Statue of Liberty  (New York. Liberty

Слайд 28The House of Parliament (London. Great Britain)

The House of Parliament  (London. Great Britain)

Слайд 29 Minin and Pojarsky (Red Square. Moscow.)

Minin and Pojarsky (Red Square. Moscow.)

Слайд 30Admiral Nelson

Admiral Nelson

Слайд 31Who is the author of the book “Eugene Onegin”?

Who is the author of the book “Eugene Onegin”?

Слайд 32Alexander Pushkin

Alexander Pushkin

Слайд 33Listen to the music and guess the famous Russian composer

Listen to the music and guess the famous Russian composer

Слайд 34Peter Tchaikovsky

Peter Tchaikovsky

Слайд 35The main square in the center of Moscow

The main square in the center of Moscow

Слайд 36Red Square

Red Square

Слайд 37What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 38The Hermitage (St.Petersburg)

The Hermitage  (St.Petersburg)

Слайд 39The emblem of Moscow Olympiad in 1980
A rabbit

A bear



A dog

The emblem of Moscow Olympiad in 1980A rabbit A bearA mouseA dog

Слайд 40The Olympic Bear

The Olympic Bear

Слайд 41A capital of winter Olympic Games in 2014

A capital of winter Olympic Games in 2014

Слайд 42Sochi, Russia

Sochi, Russia

Слайд 43What is a beautiful landscape of our town?

What is a beautiful landscape of our town?

Слайд 44A Steppe

A Steppe

Слайд 45Whose names are linked with the history of our town?

Whose names are linked with the history of our town?

Слайд 46Josef Rudnitskiy and Victor Polyanichko

Josef Rudnitskiy and Victor Polyanichko

Слайд 47What do miners extract in our town?

What do miners extract in our town?

Слайд 48They extract ore

They extract ore

Слайд 49When was our town built?

When was our town built?

Слайд 51How many people live in our town?

How many people live in our town?

Слайд 52About 39000 people

About 39000 people

Слайд 53What do British people usually sing on Christmas?

What do British people usually sing on Christmas?

Слайд 54They sing carols

They sing carols

Слайд 55What do Russian people cook on Shrovetide?

What do Russian people cook on Shrovetide?

Слайд 56Pancakes


Слайд 57When do American people say thanks?

When do American people say thanks?

Слайд 58On Thanksgiving Day

On Thanksgiving Day

Слайд 59When do people exchange love cards?

When do people exchange love cards?

Слайд 60On St.Valentine’s Day

On St.Valentine’s Day

Слайд 61When do Russian people sink into the cold water in


When do Russian people sink into the cold water in winter?

Слайд 62On Epiphany

On Epiphany

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