Разделы презентаций

"City and Country" Demo lesson

The plan of our lesson

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 «The country and the city»

«The country  and  the city»

Слайд 2The plan of our lesson

The plan of our lesson

Слайд 3 So who can name the main question?

So who can name the main question?

Слайд 4 Read the text and choose the correct answer.

We are going to

why does Leroy like city life?
why doesn’t Jack like country life?
different lifestyles?
Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Слайд 5Let’s play !

Let’s play ! ANGRY CLOUDS

Слайд 6New words
Art gallery - Галерея искусств
Hospital - госпиталь
Hotel - Гостиница

- Библиотека
Market - рынок
Museum - музей
Petrol station - Заправка
Police station

- Полицейский участок
Shopping centre - Торговый центр
Theatre - Театр
Travel agents – Турестические агенты
Tourist information centre - Туристический информационный центр
Zoo - зоопарк
New wordsArt gallery - Галерея искусствHospital - госпитальHotel - ГостиницаLibrary - БиблиотекаMarket - рынокMuseum - музейPetrol station

Слайд 7Grammar
Too + adjective

The country is too quiet.

Too+ adjective + infinitive.

too dangerous to cycle.
Not+ adjective +enough
The country isn’t exciting enough.

+adjective + enough + infinitive
It’s big enough to get away from the noise.
GrammarToo + adjectiveThe country is too quiet.Too+ adjective + infinitive.It’s too dangerous to cycle.Not+ adjective +enoughThe country

Слайд 8 City life

City life

Слайд 9Country
peace and quiet
friendly people
high rate of

Country lifepeace and quietlandscapesfriendly peoplehigh rate ofunemployment

Слайд 10What can you see in the city?
A lot of people

and tall houses

What can you see  in the city?CarsA lot of peopleBig and tall houses

Слайд 11What can you see in the country?

What can you see  in the country?HillsFieldsCowsRivers

Слайд 12Let’s have a rest

Let’s have a rest

Слайд 13 Зарядка для глаз: Look at the ceiling, Look at the

door, Look at the window,

Look at the floor.
Зарядка для глаз:  Look at the ceiling,  Look at the door,

Слайд 14Расставь буквы в правильном порядке Put the letters in order
I,b, a,r,y,

r,l -
o,t,h,l,e -
t,a,m,r,k,e -
o,z,o -

Расставь буквы в правильном порядке Put the letters in orderI,b, a,r,y, r,l  - libraryo,t,h,l,e -hotelt,a,m,r,k,e -market

Слайд 15 Homework
Ex.6p 63
Write a short article about

you would like to live
and why?

HomeworkEx.6p 63  Write a short article about where you would like to live and why?

Слайд 16Thank you for your work

Thank you for your work

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