Разделы презентаций

Cultural heritage

Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible culture (such as folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally significant

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes,

books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible culture (such as

folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity)
Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible

Слайд 4 Amazing
Cultural World
Heritage Sites

Amazing Cultural World Heritage Sites

Слайд 7Stonehenge,

Stonehenge, Britain) 

Слайд 8Yellowstone National
Park, the USA

Yellowstone National Park, the USA

Слайд 9Machu Picchu,

Machu Picchu, Peru

Слайд 10Pyramids of Giza,

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt 

Слайд 11The Great Wall Of China

The Great Wall Of China

Слайд 12Bagan City,

Bagan City, Burma

Слайд 13Rapa Nui National Park,
Easter Island

Rapa Nui National Park, Easter Island

Слайд 14Mont Saint Michel,

Mont Saint Michel, France

Слайд 15Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Слайд 16Tamgaly, Kazakhstan

Tamgaly, Kazakhstan

Слайд 17Acropolis Of Athens,

Acropolis Of Athens, Greece

Слайд 18Savior on Spilled Blood,

Savior on Spilled Blood,Russia

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