Разделы презентаций

Family and friends! 4 класс

Read the words and find out their meaning. tall а) дружелюбныйshort

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Module 1 Family and Friends Unit 1 Lesson a
УМК Spotlight 4

Module 1  Family and Friends  Unit 1 Lesson a УМК Spotlight 4

Слайд 3Read the words and find out their meaning.

а) дружелюбный
short b) стройный
slim c) забавный, смешной
fair hair d) невысокий
dark hair e) добрый
funny f) светлые волосы
kind g) высокий
friendly e) тёмные волосы
Read the words and find out their meaning. tall

Слайд 4Напиши недостающие буквы
t_ _l

s _ i _
_ a _ r h _ _ r d _ _ k _ _ _ r
_ u _ n y _ i n _
f _ i _ n _ l _ _ _ o r t

a l

f i a i

f n

r e d y

l m

a r h a i

k d

s h

Напиши недостающие буквыt_ _l

Слайд 5

What does Uncle Tom look like?
He is

tall and slim and he’s got fair hair.

What’s he like?

He’s very funny.

What does Uncle Tom

Слайд 7Подбери и внеси в таблицу правильные ответы на вопросы.
A. What

does she look like? 1) He is clever.

What is she like? 2) She is kind.
C. What does he look like? 3) She’s short and
slim and she’s got dark hair.
D. What is he like? 4) He’s tall and slim
and he’s got dark hair.





Подбери и внеси в таблицу правильные ответы на вопросы. A. What does she look like?

Слайд 8А теперь ответь на вопросы о своих родных и друге.

does your mother look like?
2. What is your grandpa like?

What does your best friend look like?
4. What is your best friend like?
А теперь ответь на вопросы о своих родных и друге. What does your mother look like?__________________________________________2. What

Слайд 9 Ex. 4

p. 11

Ex. 4 p. 11

Слайд 10Ex. 5 p. 11

Ex. 5 p. 11

Слайд 11Have you got any questions?

Have you got any questions?

S. b.:
- Ex. 1, 2 p. 10 (learn

the words and the phrases by heart);
- Ex. 4

p.11(listen and read).
- Ex 1, 2 p. 6.
HOME TASKS. b.: - Ex. 1, 2 p. 10 (learn the words and the phrases by heart);

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