Разделы презентаций

Family relationships 9 класс

Read and find the odd words

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Family Relationships.
Бигунова Алина Витальевна
учитель английского языка
МОУ Школа

с. Аксарка

Family  Relationships.Выполнила Бигунова Алина Витальевна учитель английского языка МОУ Школа с. Аксарка

Слайд 2Read and find the odd words

Read and find the odd words

Слайд 4Read, translate and remember.
to like doing something to look like

somebody to feel like doing something somebody’s likings to be

alike homelike

– нравится что-то делать
– выглядеть как кто-то
– хотеть сделать что-либо.
– чьи-то вкусы
– быть похожим
– уютный, по-домашнему

Read, translate and remember.to like doing something  to look like somebody  to feel like doing

Слайд 5Fill in the gaps. Use the new words and phrases.

I’m sure that you’ll recognise James at once. He … his father

when he was thirty years younger. 2. I … eating something. Do you have sandwiches, fruit or anything else? 3. Cathy and her elder sister … very much … but Cathy is nicer. 4. Martha spends а lot of time shopping for clothes but seldom buys anything. It’s not easy to find clothes to her … .  5. The restaurant they had dinner at was very ... . It was quiet and the food was delicious.
Fill in the gaps. Use the new words and phrases.1. I’m sure that you’ll recognise James at

Слайд 6Let’s play the game “Chain of words”

Let’s play the game “Chain of words”

Слайд 7Now can you answer the questions:
Do your parents understand you?

you understand them?

Now can you answer the questions:Do your parents understand you?Can you understand them?Why?

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