Разделы презентаций

Great Victory. World War II

World War II Quiz1. When did the Second World War start?in 1939in 1940in 19382. What was the only WWII battle that

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Great Victory
«If we want to live together in peace,
we must

come to know each other
better.» Lindon Johnson.
Автор презентации Корнева

Great Victory«If we want to live together in peace,we must come to know each otherbetter.» Lindon Johnson.

Слайд 2World War II

1. When did the Second World War start?


in 1940
in 1938

2. What was the only WWII battle that was fought solely in the air?

the Battle of Britain
the Battle of Stalingrad
the Battle of Berlin
World War II           Quiz1. When did the

Слайд 33. Who was Britain’s Prime Minister during the war?


Winston Churchill
Margaret Thatcher

4. How many people lost their

lives during the Second World War?

30 million
40 million
more than 60 million

3. Who was Britain’s Prime Minister during the war? Harold Winston Winston Churchill Margaret Thatcher4. How many

Слайд 45. What was the German code for the summer attack

on the Soviet
Union in 1941?

Operation Barbarossa

Operation Dragon
Operation Bismark

6. In 1943 Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met at a conference.
Where did it take place?

in Cairo
in Teheran
in Yalta
5. What was the German code for the summer attack on the Soviet   Union in

Слайд 5
7. Where were the war trials held after the war?

in Berlin
in Nuremberg
in London

8. How many years did

the Second World War last?

5 years
6 years
7 years
7. Where were the war trials held after the war? in Berlin in Nuremberg in London8. How

Слайд 6Douglas Bader

Douglas Bader

Слайд 9Aleksei Maresyev

Aleksei Maresyev

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