Разделы презентаций

Любимые фильмы

What Films Do You Like Best?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1МОУ СОШ №7 г.Ртищево Саратовской области
Бердникова Татьяна Анатольевна
учитель английского


«Какие фильмы тебе больше нравятся?»
Тема: «Что

помогает нам развлекаться?»
УМК В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др.

МОУ СОШ №7 г.Ртищево Саратовской области Бердникова Татьяна Анатольевнаучитель английского языкаПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ К УРОКУ «Какие фильмы тебе больше

Слайд 2What Films Do You Like Best?

What Films Do You Like Best?

Слайд 3What is special about such films?
They are
It is
Stuffed with events

of special effects
Realistic |unrealistic
True to life
Full of tears
(a) romantic story(ies)

story(ies) about love
(a) romance(s) for girls
What is special about such films?They areIt isStuffed with eventsFull of special effectsRealistic |unrealisticTrue to lifeFull of

Слайд 4What is special about such films?
They have
It has
Fights of different

A mysterious plot
A dynamic story
Funny | dramatic situations
A lot of

music | dancing| singing
What is special about such films?They haveIt hasFights of different typesA mysterious plotA dynamic storyFunny | dramatic

Слайд 5What is positive about such films?
It teaches you
They teach you

defend justice
To defend the weak and offended
Love for…
To be kind

and patient
To find your way in life
To believe in love | reality
To be proud of something
What is positive about such films?It teaches youThey teach youTo defend justiceTo defend the weak and offendedLove

Слайд 6How do you like such films?
They are
It is

nothing special

not bad
Wonderful nothing to write
Good bad
Great boring
Superb reasonable
Outstanding rotten
Fantastic frightful
Sensational horrible
Impressive lousy

How do you like such films?They areIt isExcellent         nothing

Слайд 7What is negative about such films
They teach you
It teaches you

be passive
To be indifferent
To believe in unreal things

What is negative about such filmsThey teach youIt teaches youAggressionViolenceTo be passiveTo be indifferent To believe in

Слайд 8How do you feel about such films?
They are
It is
Keep(s) you

in in suspense
Grab(s) (catches) your attention
Exciting | Boring | Melancholic

| Moving | Frightening
Funny | Serious | Entertaining
Educational | Informative

How do you feel about such films?TheyItThey areIt isKeep(s) you in in suspenseGrab(s) (catches) your attentionExciting |

Слайд 9How do you feel about such films?
It makes you

I couldn’t

Laugh | Cry | Happy | Smile
Feel calm | Sick

| Yawn
Wang to hide | Miserable
Unhappy | Nervous | bored | Want to scream
Crying | Laughing | Yawning
How do you feel about such films?It makes youI couldn’t helpLaugh | Cry | Happy | SmileFeel

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