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Неопределенная форма глагола в качестве определения

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Слайд 1Неопределенная форма глагола в качестве определения
По материалам темы


Неопределенная форма глагола в качестве определения  По материалам темы “Famous people”

Слайд 2The first The last The only

to V

The first   The last   The onlyto V +

Слайд 3 to fly into space
Yuri Gagarin was the first to

fly into space.

to fly into spaceYuri Gagarin was the first to fly into space.

Слайд 4Neil Armstrong was the first to land on the Moon.

to land on the Moon

Neil Armstrong was the first to land on the Moon.    to land on the

Слайд 5Christopher Columbus was the first to discover America.

to discover

Christopher Columbus was the first to discover America.   to discover

Слайд 6He is the last to come to the finish.

come to the finish

He is the last to come to the finish.  come to the finish

Слайд 7 Make up sentences
They were the first…
Richard Burbage –

an English actor (the role of Hamlet)
John Logie Baird –

an inventor (television in 1926)

Leif Eriksson – an European (North America in the 11th century)

Valentina Tereshkova – a woman (space)

Captain James Cook – an European (Australia)

Ivan Pavlov – a Russian scientist (a Nobel Prize in medicine)


Make up sentences   They were the first…Richard Burbage – an English actor (the role

Слайд 8Make up sentences
Boris Pasternak – a Russian writer (a

Nobel prize)
They were the second…
Sir Robert Falcon Scott

– an European (the South Pole in 1912)

Svetlana Savitskaya – a woman (space)

Herman Titov – a cosmonaut (space)

Evgeni Khrunov – a cosmonaut (walk in space)


Make up sentences Boris Pasternak – a Russian writer (a Nobel prize)  They were the second…Sir

Слайд 9Make up sentences
Harrison Schmitt – a scientist (the Moon)

They were the only…
Alfred the Great – an English king

(the epithet “the Great” in his name)

Vasili Livanov – a Russian actor (a British Order for the role of Sherlock Holmes)


Make up sentencesHarrison Schmitt – a scientist (the Moon)  They were the only…Alfred the Great –

Слайд 10Make up sentences
They were the last…
Elizabeth I –

a Tudor monarch (England)
Owain Glyndwr – a Welshman (the title

of Prince of Wales)

The prehistoric man
( dinosaurs)


Make up sentences  They were the last…Elizabeth I – a Tudor monarch (England)Owain Glyndwr – a

Слайд 11
Ricard Burbage was the first English actor to play the

role of Hamlet.
John Logie Baird was the first inventor to

show television in 1926.
Ivan Pavlov was the first Russian scientist to get a Nobel Prize in medicine.
Leif Eriksson was the first European to land in North America in the 11th century.
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman cosmonaut to fly into space.

Let’s check


Ricard Burbage was the first English actor to play the role of Hamlet.John Logie Baird was the

Слайд 12 
Svetlana Savitskaya was the second woman cosmonaut to go to

Evgeni Khrunov was the second cosmonaut to walk in space.

Robert Falcon Scott was the second European to come to the South Pole in 1912.
Boris Pasternak was the second Russian writer to get a Nobel Prize.
Herman Titov was the second cosmonaut to fly into space.

Let’s check


 Svetlana Savitskaya was the second woman cosmonaut to go to space.Evgeni Khrunov was the second cosmonaut to

Слайд 13

Vasili Livanov was the only Russian actor to get a

British Order for the role of Sherlock Holmes.
Harrison Schmitt was

the only scientist to visit the Moon.
Alfred the Great was the only English king to have the epithet “the Great” in his name.

Let’s check


Vasili Livanov was the only Russian actor to get a British Order for the role of Sherlock

Слайд 14

Elizabeth I was the last Tudor monarch to rule England.

Glyndwr was the last Welshman to have the title of

Prince of Wales.
The prehistoric man was the last to see dinosaurs.

Let’s check


Elizabeth I was the last Tudor monarch to rule England.Owain Glyndwr was the last Welshman to have

Слайд 15Do you know who were the first people to come

to the east of Russia?
Ivan Moskvitin first came

to the shore of the Pacific

Erophei Khabarov
drew the first map of Amur region

Vitus Bering discovered the South Alaska

Demid Pyanda
discovered the river Lena and Yakutiya

Vasili Poyarkov explored Amur region and went down the river Amur

Do you know who were the first people to come to the east of Russia?  Ivan

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