Разделы презентаций

окружающая среда 8 класс

Ход урока: Dear friends! You are welcome at our conferenceWe will decide what can save the Earth.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Environmental problems подготовила: Дигурова Тамара Петровна

Environmental problems подготовила: Дигурова Тамара Петровна

Слайд 2Ход урока:
Dear friends! You are welcome at our conference
We will

decide what can save the Earth.

Ход урока: Dear friends! You are welcome at our conferenceWe will decide what can save the Earth.

Слайд 3Методическая разработка

Урок 46.Конференция по проблемам окружающей среды .
Биболетова М.З.”

Enjoy English” 8 класс

Методическая разработка Урок 46.Конференция по проблемам окружающей среды .Биболетова М.З.” Enjoy English” 8 класс

Слайд 4Цель: активизация ,пройденной лексики и грамматики в речи.

Цель: активизация ,пройденной лексики и грамматики в речи.

Слайд 7 Work in pairs. Find English equivalents:

Загрязнять воздух
Кислотный дождь

Использовать энергию
Прекратить убивать

Уровень загрязнения
Ядерная энергия
Земля в опасности
Убивать самих себя

Work in pairs.   Find English equivalents:Загрязнять воздухРешениеКислотный дождьМедленно разрушаетИспользовать энергиюПрекратить убиватьНасекомыеЗащищатьУровень загрязненияЯдерная энергияЗемля в

Слайд 8Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 9Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 10Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 11Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 12Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 13Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 14Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 15Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 16Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 17Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 18Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 19Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 20Complete these word-building tables

Complete these word-building tables

Слайд 22Listen. What Michael Jackson try to tell us?
Michael Jackson -

Earth Song

Listen. What Michael Jackson try to tell us?Michael Jackson - Earth Song

Слайд 24 Name the most serious problems, which make our Earth

Dangerous diseases
Endangered animals
New local wars
Dangerous technologies
Lack of recycling
People and their

Breaking human rights
Star wars

Name the most serious problems, which make our Earth dangerous.DrugsDangerous diseasesPollutionCrimesEndangered animalsNew local warsDangerous technologiesLack of

Слайд 29-It is clear that not only the environment suffers of

the man.
Human beings also make harm to themselves.
The next report

is connected with the ways of the world improvement.

-It is clear that not only the environment suffers of the man.Human beings also make harm to

Слайд 30Our lesson is over!
Thank you for your good work
I think

You will do your best to improve the world.

Our lesson is over!Thank you for your good workI think You will do your best to improve

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